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Should the UK have immigration controls?

Should the UK have immigration controls?

  • Yes and they should stop taking skilled workers from poorer countries.

    Votes: 37 44.0%
  • No people should be free to live whereever they like.

    Votes: 33 39.3%
  • We should have some very limited form of control.

    Votes: 14 16.7%

  • Total voters
durruti02 said:
ta for apology ..

the substantive issue is this though .. i support workers stopping their managment importing cheap labour .. a la irish ferries

do you agree with this??

Have you a link to this, as I'm unaware of the detail?
I wonder if 55% of the poll would have still voted for immigration controls if this had been a public poll and people could see how others voted?
durruti02 said:
put .. Irish ferries ...in urban search .. there are 2 threads on here with numerous links and debate ..

Well thanks for the link. :rolleyes: I've been busy. :p

So a flags of convenience then, used when employers want to evade minimum wage or safety legislation and used against seafarers all over the world.

Dermot Meagher, a officer on the ship, said that:

We are prepared to stay as long as it takes,” he said. “Some of our shop stewards are locked in the engine room. But they are in constant contact and are in good spirits. They have enough supplies to last them a long time. “We have no objection to any nationality working here — but they must be paid properly and given proper conditions. All the solidarity we can get is crucial.”

I also liked the post I read by 'niclas' who paraphrases an ex-merchant seaman friend of his:

...if the robbing capitalist bastards want to save money why not hire a load of company directors from Bangladesh for 5k a time and "reduce unit costs" by sacking the board?

Good idea. :D
anybodygotapen? said:
As for no borders...why should we have borders in the first place?

Capital sees no borders

Should International Labour?

Ah, but without borders capital couldn't realise the same volume of profit that it does by "shopping" for cheap labour.
If labour could "follow the money" who'd be left to make trainers for 10 bob a day?
anybodygotapen? said:
As for no borders...why should we have borders in the first place?

Capital sees no borders

Should International Labour?

Even under a utopian society there would be a need to manage things at a more local level...Which suggest some kind of borders will always be with us....
International capital and labour needs to be regulated and there should be some form of International Labour rules to stop the worst companies like Shell and Nike etc really taking the piss..
Calls for noborders are not rooted in any kind of reality...
ViolentPanda said:
Ah, but without borders capital couldn't realise the same volume of profit that it does by "shopping" for cheap labour.
If labour could "follow the money" who'd be left to make trainers for 10 bob a day?
Althought I have voted for controls, I believe in no borders, when parity is reached in pay structure people will be at liberty to work any where.

At the moment foriegn labour is being used, extremely cynically, by companies to drive down wages and costs for everyone, resulting in rascism rearing it's ugly head once again.
Before people get carried away with the apparent "benefits" of emigrating here it should be noted that:

Britain has the worst social indicators of any nation in western Europe. The highest rate of child and pensioner poverty; the lowest paid workers working the longest hours; the most underfunded healthcare and education provision; the highest paid corporate and management executives and the highest prison population. Life expectancy for males in the poorest parts of the country are comparable to developing countries, and according to UN figures the UK holds the most onerous title of being the most violent society in the western world.

Welcome to the UK!
anybodygotapen? said:
Why so tbaldwin?

Capital seems to do pretty well out of it.

THe idea that its a good thing for people to follow capital is flawed to say the least. Have you really not given the consequences of it any thought?
tbaldwin said:
THe idea that its a good thing for people to follow capital is flawed to say the least. Have you really not given the consequences of it any thought?

Hence I say to thee...why should capital have no borders yet labour should?

Is there a difference?
anybodygotapen? said:

Hence I say to thee...why should capital have no borders yet labour should?

Is there a difference?

Crikey its late but im not in favour of either..Im a Socialist so in other words i think both need to be regulated.....
MC5 said:
Well thanks for the link. :rolleyes: I've been busy. :p

So a flags of convenience then, used when employers want to evade minimum wage or safety legislation and used against seafarers all over the world.

Dermot Meagher, a officer on the ship, said that:

We are prepared to stay as long as it takes,” he said. “Some of our shop stewards are locked in the engine room. But they are in constant contact and are in good spirits. They have enough supplies to last them a long time. “We have no objection to any nationality working here — but they must be paid properly and given proper conditions. All the solidarity we can get is crucial.”

I also liked the post I read by 'niclas' who paraphrases an ex-merchant seaman friend of his:

Good idea. :D

i give you a link! whats yer problem! :D

whats interesting is not that it has not happenned before in shipping, using flags of conveniance etc but it was the reaction in Ireland where the unions and workers movement were not scared off to oppose this politically .. did you see about the demo?? .. biggest in dublin since bloody sunday i think .. we need that here .. a demo/campaign against casualisation/privatisation/importation of cheap labour
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