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Serbia vs England K.O. 8pm

Foden doesn't seem to be able to do much in this team either.

Interesting as well that for all the qualms about left back, Serbia are definitely making more hay down the opposite side.
I've written Kane off as over the hill so many times and then he just scores again. Might do nothing for the rest of the game but has a habit of putting it in the net when you need it.
Almost proved me right then.
Is Gallagher good enough for international team? Haven't seen much of his play but doesn't seem to be the class of Palmer for example.
Very disappointing second half with England seemingly able to defend but not counter attack nor control or press and dominate the midfield . Just sat back deeper and deeper . Still 3 points .
Serbia reduced to potshots for the entire second half. Never in danger.

They looked better than England.

England's defence doesn't look like it'll keep out more organised teams. And there's not a lot of defensive depth in the squad.
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