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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

So it would appear according to this that there really is audio and video and yet the president's spokesperson comes out with the above.


It is not of course hard to find the reasons for Trump's reticence to directly hold MBS accountable.


- The Washington Post
I am pretty sure that Trump would have the same attitude if a Cuban exile living in the US had visited the Cuban consulate in Mexico say, got into a fight with 15 people who happened to be closely linked to the Cuban government, had his fingers hacked off and then been sawn up alive on an office table. Or possibly the 82nd Airborne would be prepping for an invasion, not sure really.
Presumably the Saudis have so arranged matters with the Turks that they are confident that the audio and video evidence is never going to see the light of day.?
So he was dragged from the consul's office into a next door room where he was put on a table and dismembered. If they didn't first cover the area in plastic, there will have been blood everywhere. The transcript didn't mention that the room was prepared did it?
Well let's hope their cleaners are as competent as their death squads
I am just thinking what an ante room to the Consuls office might be like, it seems unlikely it would be a wet room, so probably the table, carpets walls ceiling will need cleaning.

The Saudi's have admitted he died in the Consulate, they said after a fight, like yea, they have not yet admitted where his body is, how can a body vanish - after a fight - I think not!

And the Turks are threatening to make public the audio and video they have, which should put the cat amongst the pigeons. Bring it on.
May and co are not going to want to do that. Did they even use them against the Russians after Salisbury?

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Yes, let's not ruin a young man's life over a boyish prank. Besides, the journalist was asking for it.

I just think MBS should be applauded for trying the same defence Steven Gerrard come up with, on that occasion when he defended himself against a man that six of his mates were beating up.
meanwhile ..on Turkish pro-government daily Yeni Safak
"Khashoggi was detained by the Saudi team inside the consulate building. Then Prince Mohammed contacted Khashoggi by phone and tried to convince him to return to Riyadh," the report said.
"Khashoggi refused Prince Mohammed's offer out of fear he would be arrested and killed if he returned. The assassination team then killed Khashoggi after the conversation ended," it added.
the saudis apparently disposed of the corpse through a turkish "intermediary" ...they don't know where it is

Erdogan presser on Tuesday
I wonder how this story would have run without the alleged recorded proof? Given they were initially prepared to front it out even when it sounded like they were bound to rights I think they’d be holding the line still. Or even if there had been a rendition rather than a ‘disappearance’ what would the international pressure have been? US media would be screaming, Trump and other western leaders would be playing it off as internal Saudi affairs, none of our business.
the CIA have .....apparently

An envoy for King Salman has heard the audio recording of Khashoggi’s murder, @wsj reports. It “‘does not have this nonsense about a fight that broke after an argument,’” said one royal member. ‘This is absolutely rubbish.’”[/qoute]

soon to be ex envoy perhaps

I wonder if there is a recording of the call made to the "prince" .?..before he got sliced
I wonder how this story would have run without the alleged recorded proof? Given they were initially prepared to front it out even when it sounded like they were bound to rights I think they’d be holding the line still. Or even if there had been a rendition rather than a ‘disappearance’ what would the international pressure have been? US media would be screaming, Trump and other western leaders would be playing it off as internal Saudi affairs, none of our business.
I doubt the US media would be screaming. The mainstream media, at least, take their clues on what to report and how to pitch it from the White House. The Trump Administration would have framed it in whatever way was least likely to alienate SA, so . . .
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