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"The Line" - Saudi Arabia plans 100 mile long indoor megacity. [Neom]

Meanwhile, it looks like after 5 years of being put on hold, work is actually starting again on the Jeddah Tower which at least has a realistic hope of becoming the world's tallest building. 11 Years and counting though.

I designed some shit for NEOM recently. First I'd heard of it. It's scary as fuck what they're planning.

Makes sense though to diversify a la the UAE. But the hypocrisy of the shit I saw they've got in mind, nightclubs, casinos etc.

edit: not read the thread but I assume it's been pointed out its also gonna be a tax haven similar to the caymans?
I salute the optimism of characterising a 98.6% reduction in size as 'scaling back'

The phrase matey boy actually used was 'extension' of other projects.

I've seen Michio Kaku, a decent physics writer I used to respect, has been plugging this shit.
read the other day that the burj khalifa isn't even linked up to the sewage network. They're shipping out the piss and shit in piss and shit lorries every day. Madness.
Popular myth, based on a meme about a line of sweage trucks which did the rounds a few years back. It's a bit more complicated, as the tower does have a linked sewage system, but the rest of the city didn't, hence the trucks.

There's been some infrastructure work since, but in a twist which is probably worse than the Burj story, the entire upgrade of the system over the last decade only took citizens into account while ignoring migrant workers.

Who make up 80% of the population.

So there's still poo trucks.
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