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"The Line" - Saudi Arabia plans 100 mile long indoor megacity. [Neom]

Can someone please tell me why a 'line' and not a regular type city that sort of emanates from a central point outwards in all directions? Is there some sort of advantage to this design which I'm missing?
Makes transport and infrastructure simpler as it's effectively 1D not 2D
Makes transport and infrastructure simpler as it's effectively 1D not 2D

Sure, but I'm wondering at what point it becomes impractical say for stuff where there's a central focus which usually relies on pulling people in from all directions. e.g. an airport, a sports event, a central shopping district, or whatever.

If the majority of people live 30, 40, 50 plus miles away somewhere on 'the line', then how's that going to work even?
Sure, but I'm wondering at what point it becomes impractical say for stuff where there's a central focus which usually relies on pulling people in from all directions. e.g. an airport, a sports event, a central shopping district, or whatever.

If the majority of people live 30, 40, 50 plus miles away somewhere on 'the line', then how's that going to work even?
Don't let silly details spoil beautiful idea. Particularly, when then genius who came up with the beautiful idea is liable to send someone round to dismember cheeky naysayers with a bonesaw.
Can someone please tell me why a 'line' and not a regular type city that sort of emanates from a central point outwards in all directions? Is there some sort of advantage to this design which I'm missing?

Part of the initial promotion was that it would be vehicle-free and all parts would be accessed via a central transport line.
Part of the initial promotion was that it would be vehicle-free and all parts would be accessed via a central transport line.

Amazing. I'd love to see how they go about carting around their groceries, refuse collection, emergency services, building materials, homeware purchase, etc with no vehicles.
Has it been mentioned that Neom is a portmanteau, from "neo" (new) and the M is from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's first name.

Unless you live right by your work the commute will be a fucker.

9 million people crammed on the 8am train will be a joy
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Amazing. I'd love to see how they go about carting around their groceries, refuse collection, emergency services, building materials, homeware purchase, etc with no vehicles.

I daresay, being Saudi, there will be an underclass of very lowly-paid workers imported from various third world countries who live in the basements, or nearby labour lines/camps to take care of all that, for a fee, to a middleman who takes a big cut, of course.

They have had that part of the economy well organised for a long time.

The people living in the line/tower/cube/hexagon/whatever will need to have the considerable wherewithall to pay for absolutely everything that supports/enables their lifestyle.
A lovely idea until you consider how industry, particularly entertainment, actually works. Perhaps they'll decentralise sports stadiums so there's just a little one on every corner. Or rather than a jewellery quarter they can have a series of jewellery teenths, which doesn't sound like it'd become a pain in the arse to shop for a ring at all.
A lovely idea until you consider how industry, particularly entertainment, actually works. Perhaps they'll decentralise sports stadiums so there's just a little one on every corner. Or rather than a jewellery quarter they can have a series of jewellery teenths, which doesn't sound like it'd become a pain in the arse to shop for a ring at all.
Unless you're planning on living there you'll not have to worry about it. :hmm:
I'm not worried inasmuch as it definitely won't ever be built in the form proposed, but it's good for a bit of autocrat megaproject bashing (also of Peter Cook, the guy who sold the idea to MBS and who is a perfect example of Colin Ward's view that the more awards an architect has the less capable they are of building things for humans).
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My team got asked to risk assess this construction project for insurance purposes.

I think my comment to the underwriting team probably consisted of five letters.
My team got asked to risk assess this construction project for insurance purposes.

I think my comment to the underwriting team probably consisted of five letters.

There’s quite a lot you can say using only five letters.

A lovely idea until you consider how industry, particularly entertainment, actually works. Perhaps they'll decentralise sports stadiums so there's just a little one on every corner. Or rather than a jewellery quarter they can have a series of jewellery teenths, which doesn't sound like it'd become a pain in the arse to shop for a ring at all.

The sports/leisure facilities seem to be developing outside the Line - One area to the north of it where most of the service/construction camps are currently located along with the preliminary "communities" and another to the south, around "Neom Bay", which seems to be slated as the tourism/leisure hub, which is getting the big-ticket sites and where the corporate offices, airport, resorts and the Saudi Royals have built their own palaces.
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My team got asked to risk assess this construction project for insurance purposes.

I think my comment to the underwriting team probably consisted of five letters.

Aren't swearwords usually four letters?
In theory. But in practice that only gives you fuck, cunt and shit.

OK, arse if you insist, but really.
I keep having this come up as a recommended job. Yes I would like 90k, free housing and all that stuff but I don't want to go and live there. It also should definitely not be coming up as a remote job.
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