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"The Line" - Saudi Arabia plans 100 mile long indoor megacity. [Neom]

With all the uninhabitable desert outside this is basically going to be like living on one of the stations in The Expanse minus the oxygen rationing, isn't it

Now, now, let's not be hasty - markets show oxygen scores very highly with consumers and it doesn't take very long without it before they become very compliant to a reasonable regimen of fees plus a standing charge.
What? To the whole network? I didn't think so. But when the "network" is one big straight line, I would think that might introduce some novel logistical issues.

They seem to cope reasonably well on some lines in the New York Subway that are basically straight over fairly long distances - eg in to Queens, where a passing/express line lets trains pass through stations with other trains stopped. Express Subway trains only stopped every few stations (4-6?), where passengers could then change to a local/stopping train when nearer their destination.
I like it, something original for a change ..

To be fair Le corbusier was proposing linear settlements 90 years ago.


I have to say, in a time of increasing desertification and water shortage and need for sustainability, building a massive fucking air-conditioning-requiring city running through a desert doesn't really seem like a solution?

Thing is you need all of those things if you're going to build there anyway. Making the footprint as small as possible, and taking as much advantage of site characteristics (like orientation, see that thing teuchter quoted) as possible is going to be the most efficient way to do that.

This is independent of mismanagement, human rights etc of course.
This is a good place as any for this cuntery .

Despite all the talk of holding MBS to account for the death of Jamal Khashoggi the Biden administration have decided the crown prince is protected by sovereign immunity.
This is a good place as any for this cuntery .

Despite all the talk of holding MBS to account for the death of Jamal Khashoggi the Biden administration have decided the crown prince is protected by sovereign immunity.

Further proof that we need to get off of oil with extreme haste. It's not only adding to climate change, it's enabling shit like this to happen.
I’m sure I’ve seen that as a filming location in stuff

Very likely. Brunswick centre is another popular brutalist location that has a a broadly similar aesthetic (different architect).

Worth reading up on Camden Council architects and Neave Brown. If you walk around Camden you'll see the relics of that department, and a time when there was hope for innovative approaches to social housing.
I’m sure I’ve seen that as a filming location in stuff
I think there was a film crew there every couple of months, some of the productions which got shot there are in the Wikipedia article I linked to. Rowley Way has even has played the Munich Olympic Village in the mini series of The Little Drummer Girl.
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Very likely. Brunswick centre is another popular brutalist location that has a a broadly similar aesthetic (different architect).

Worth reading up on Camden Council architects and Neave Brown. If you walk around Camden you'll see the relics of that department, and a time when there was hope for innovative approaches to social housing.
Neave Brown was in regular contact with the community there almost till his death. Wonderful man.
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