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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

The Turkey regime is not whiter than white which would explain why they have not been allowed into Europe and nor should they be until they stop
torturing and executing people themselves.
Turkey abolished the death penalty in 2004 and haven't executed anyone since 1984.
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The Turkey regime is not whiter than white which would explain why they have not been allowed into Europe and nor should they be until they stop
torturing and executing people themselves. On the other hand, talk of recordings might have been made just to wind people up.
This is all about one person and it will no doubt blow over before much longer. lets not forget the bigger picture as far as both Turkey and Saudi Arabia
are concerned....

Racism is the primary reason for Turkey under any government being refused entry to the EU. Nobody, aside from you and George Bush, doubts that the recording exists. And if it is about one person , that person is the Saudi Crown Prince who in addition to slaughtering the civilian population of Yemen, is using terror and torture to boost his position at home. The Saudi regime was always vile, but MBS runs a regime more violent and less predictable than his predecessors.

As to Erdogan,he may be a shit, but one who regardless of the manifest faults of the system, one who wins elections. The Saudi royals have no such popular mandate.
I don't think it is a secret that Erdogan wants to take a much tougher stance on things. I understand thaere are well over 100 journalists and a few politicians in jail and
probably having a very rough time for insulting/criticizing him. They may not formally have the death penalty, yet, he has vowed to bring it back. That doesn't mean to
say that people are not currently killed by the state (outside of war), because I believe they are.
I don't think it is a secret that Erdogan wants to take a much tougher stance on things. I understand thaere are well over 100 journalists and a few politicians in jail and
probably having a very rough time for insulting/criticizing him. They may not formally have the death penalty, yet, he has vowed to bring it back. That doesn't mean to
say that people are not currently killed by the state (outside of war), because I believe they are.

All governments kill perceived opponents; look at British Ministers' enthusiasm for having British fighters in Syria killed or the killings by the British state in Ireland during the troubles. They don't do it so blatantly or dramatically as this. This is a travelling hit squad that dismembers people whilst they are still alive to the accompaniment of a sound-track. If they do this to members of the elite like Khashoggi the situation for those lower down the pecking order is pretty grim. Having spent some time living in Saudi Arabia my impression is that things are turning much nastier and much more brutal than they were before as rival power bases to the Crown Prince are being liquidated.
I wasn't necessarily speaking about opponents in a political sense and no, I don't believe "all governments" kill perceived opponents.
Without thinking about it, hows about Switzerland and Costa Rica?
I do agree that despite some noises that have been made, Saudi has become tougher and the Khashoggi incident is simply a reflection of this.
See earlier posts; Khashoggi is a tragedy (as well as a reflection of the changes being made) but lets not forget the much bigger tragedies and
human rights abuses taking place at the hands of the Saudi's in which, by supplying arms, we (the Uk) are complicit.
I wasn't necessarily speaking about opponents in a political sense and no, I don't believe "all governments" kill perceived opponents.
Without thinking about it, hows about Switzerland .
They don't need to, their gold does it for them.
Report: Pompeo Heard Tape of Khasoggi's Murder

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heard the alleged audio recording of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi’s alleged murder inside Istanbul’s Saudi Arabian consulate, a senior Turkish official told ABC News. The recording was reportedly played for Pompeo during Wednesday meetings in Turkey. The Turkish official also told the network Pompeo was given a “transcript of the recordings.” On Thursday, Pompeo told reporters he didn’t have “anything to say” regarding the alleged audio recording.

Not even attempting to look like he gives a shit about this.
remember King Saud was deposed by his Brother Faisal in 1964; and King Faisal was assassinated by nephew and succeeded by another brother in 1975. So change might be on the way
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Pretty grisly.

Will be interesting to see how the US and UK governments react - or don't react.

being as nothing happened after 9/11 nothing beyond extended frothing will happen now. though i would like to be proved wrong.

Like Picks already said; doubtless nothing will change.

We are complicit in the Saudi's bombing Yemen and in their torturing people, why would anyone expect much of a reaction yet alone instigate change - all bastards, the lot of em.
There's a reason Trump gets on so well with despots.

The same reason everyone does.

The same reason everyone does.


If you're saying that all of them cosy up to the Saudis, you're right. However, I think Trump gives it that little extra. He's not just trying to use them for his own ends, he wants to BE them.


Amazing how much traction the Saudis get out of some worthless costume jewelry and a promise of a purchase later, ain't it?
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Has anyone any idea how many conspiracy theories are coming out each day.
Amongst others, Turkey has sound and video recordings.
Then they say they know why. Then we hear what happened and why.
I had heard his body was dissolved in some very fast working chemicals and today I think I heard his body was dumped on some farmland somewhere?
Just conjecture and I don't expect we will ever know the truth.
If you're saying that all of them cosy up to the Saudis, you're right. However, I think Trump gives it that little extra. He's not just trying to use them for his own ends, he wants to BE them.


Amazing how much traction the Saudis get out of some worthless costume jewelry and a promise of a purchase later, ain't it?

He's a mere amateurin the emulation game, compared with some


Why do you think Royal Correspondent Nicky Witchell gets anxious about trips to the Gulf? Could he be wary of Charlie's chopper?
The huge cover up has got off to a fucking shit start. "he was in a fight with some people". Been taking tips off the Russians.
Well, that's the other option. "This is what we do to dissidents. And we get off scot free. So, who's next...? Let's face it, we're going to get less condemnation from this than when we execute people in the public square..."
He was killed in a "fistfight?" That's the worst excuse I've heard from a Saudi since that property developer claimed he didn't rape somebody, he just happened to trip and fall on her while his penis was erect. Though it was enough to get him acquitted...

Trump says it is credible. He says sanctions must not include the sale of arms from the US to Saudi Arabia.

Where’s the body after this fist fight? Did they entrust Banksy with it and it shredded itself..?
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