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Russian Long Range Bombers disrupt UK airspace

Claimed to be the only anti submarine aircraft that can be detected by a submerged sub without the aid of sonar!

Not something you want to run into if your the easy jet to Paris
You welcome it? It's really fucking dangerous as the air space of Northern Europe is a lot more congested now and these pieces of shit have crude nav kit, a clockwork 2 axis AP and no collision avoidance.
They look nice though. Have they not been totally updated with all the lastest digital computers & glass cockpits etc. Presumably its all top secret or can the west find out all the Russian military secrets nowadays?
I like all the NATO reporting names for Russian aircraft like Bear, Backfire, Frogfoot & so on. Sounds all sinister & cold war.
Unfortunately potentially quite disruptive to ATM, if not downright dangerous in some of the busiest skies. Hence the need to be sure where they are (ie go tag them).

Don't we have equipment that can pinpoint a fucking massive, noisy, metal thing, flying a few miles outside our airspace without "tagging it".

Aren't our jets just up there to tell it to play nicely?
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Don't we have equipment that can pinpoint a fucking massive, noisy, metal thing, flying a few miles outside our airspace without "tagging it".

Aren't our jets just up there to tell it to play nicely?

Yes and yes. However once it is only a primary target (radio quiet) that's all it is. You want to ID it in order to get some handle on how it may behave subsequently and escorting it ensures that other aviation in the area are better informed as to where it is and where it is headed (with no transponder on collision avoidance would be compromised). Additionally, if the target leaves primary coverage you would otherwise not know where it was (or which it was - there were two Russian aircraft involved in the Wednesday event).
They were innocently checking out Bournemouth's lovely sandy beaches.

Don't we have equipment that can pinpoint a fucking massive, noisy, metal thing, flying a few miles outside our airspace without "tagging it".

RAF Buchan was "downgraded and downsized" in 2004/5 - it was usually the first station to detect Russian flights over the North Sea/East Coast

If the rumours going around the sacked local staff in Peterhead are to be believed, it may have effectively gone part-time then as well, given the amount of work it took to keep the somewhat vintage systems in constant service that now fell to contractors driving-in from the South every time it karked!
They look nice though. Have they not been totally updated with all the lastest digital computers & glass cockpits etc. Presumably its all top secret or can the west find out all the Russian military secrets nowadays?

IIRC, although its an old design, the TU-95s in service today are all reasonably modern machines (80s/90s), so presumably they have fairly up to date avionics?
IIRC, although its an old design, the TU-95s in service today are all reasonably modern machines (80s/90s), so presumably they have fairly up to date avionics?

No. This is the fucking Russians we're talking about - 95% of the money assigned to upgrade Tu-95s will have disappeared to Switzerland/Dubai/Panama. Here's the cockpit of a 'modernised' Tu-95MS/Bear-H.


The cockpit workload is so high they need a flight engineer to manaully manage the fuel/hyrdraulics and a crewman dedicated to operating the Wurlitzer organ sized radio.
No. This is the fucking Russians we're talking about - 95% of the money assigned to upgrade Tu-95s will have disappeared to Switzerland/Dubai/Panama. Here's the cockpit of a 'modernised' Tu-95MS/Bear-H.


The cockpit workload is so high they need a flight engineer to manaully manage the fuel/hyrdraulics and a crewman dedicated to operating the Wurlitzer organ sized radio.

Brighter curtains would make a big difference, imo. Not too keen on the turquoise either. Jaunty little pattern on the carpets though.
Don't we have equipment that can pinpoint a fucking massive, noisy, metal thing, flying a few miles outside our airspace without "tagging it".

Aren't our jets just up there to tell it to play nicely?

They record the serials so they can model the Tu-95 utilisation and work out how many are operational. They will also be looking for modifications in the shape of extra antennae/radomes. I can recalled being tasked to get "as close as is necessary" to get good photos of a satcom radome on a Tu-142.
No. This is the fucking Russians we're talking about - 95% of the money assigned to upgrade Tu-95s will have disappeared to Switzerland/Dubai/Panama. Here's the cockpit of a 'modernised' Tu-95MS/Bear-H.


The cockpit workload is so high they need a flight engineer to manaully manage the fuel/hyrdraulics and a crewman dedicated to operating the Wurlitzer organ sized radio.

Still a thing of beauty IMO!
They record the serials so they can model the Tu-95 utilisation and work out how many are operational.

Surely the Russkies could foil that by repainting the serials for each mission, with an unbreakable one-time-pad code to relate the fake numbers to real IDs?

Er... patent applied for :D
I used to live near RAF Binbrook. It was fantastic, and noisy, when they scrambled these to intercept the Russians:

I once saw a 9 ship formation go up. Nice!

My father's cousin bought one, and two cockpit sections, when they were taken out of service. Even Jeremy Clarkson only has one.
You welcome it? It's really fucking dangerous as the air space of Northern Europe is a lot more congested now and these pieces of shit have crude nav kit, a clockwork 2 axis AP and no collision avoidance.
now have latest hi tech upgrade :).
Joking aside saw one of these proudly displayed in a lithuanian helicopter dashboard. Didn't want to point out had a better model in my pocket.
I used to live near RAF Binbrook. It was fantastic, and noisy, when they scrambled these to intercept the Russians:

I once saw a 9 ship formation go up. Nice!

My father's cousin bought one, and two cockpit sections, when they were taken out of service. Even Jeremy Clarkson only has one.

My Dad "shot down" 4 in 2 minutes in RAF vs Fleet Air Arm exercises
Intimidation tactics over ol' Litvinenko innit.

Since that incident diplomatic relations between the UK and Russia have been worse than terrible. We still officially have the hump over the whole affair.
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