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Russia mobilises - consequences and reactions

The Graun wants us to surrender already.

”Western capitals should at least point out to Ukrainian leaders that their prospects of retaking all their territory may not be as bright as they hope. There is a very long way to go – their operation in Kharkiv was dramatic, but only bought them back a fraction of their territory. Whether it can be replicated for the remainder is uncertain. At a minimum, now is not the time to offer the Ukrainians advanced new weapons systems.”

That's an opinion piece by one Christopher S Chivvis. I don't think we can necessarily take it as the Guardian's point of view.

And, in any case, I didn't read the "wants us to surrender" message from it. He talks about a ceasefire, but that's it.
And all through the stupidity of those we 'choose' as our leaders. They knew from the attitude of the most western-friendly government Russia had ever had (Yeltsin's) the likely eventual Russian reaction towards expanding NATO eastwards, and continued nonetheless. They understood (or should have) the political direction of the Putin regime, which in itself came about as a reaction to western advice on the economy (which pretty much collapsed under Yeltsin), and still ploughed ahead.

It's particularly insane when you consider that NATO was formed in response to a threat which no longer existed. The USSR was history, and Russia on its knees when eastward expansion began, and no threat to any country beyond (potentially) the ex-USSR.

This is not to say (this for foaming, war-enthusiastic idiots) that Russia had to embark on its present course. But they knew it was a distinct possibility.
Ah, the standard Russian "it's the West to blame, you know..." line.

Anyway, your post isn't really relevant to the mobilisation issue, so probably wants to be in a more appropriate one...oh yes, I forgot, you shat in your own lunchbox on that one :rolleyes:
Ah, the standard Russian "it's the West to blame, you know..." line.

Anyway, your post isn't really relevant to the mobilisation issue, so probably wants to be in a more appropriate one...oh yes, I forgot, you shat in your own lunchbox on that one :rolleyes:

It's the exact same dreary shit as on 20 other threads, there should be an option to toggle it off on new Ukraine threads.
It's the exact same dreary shit as on 20 other threads, there should be an option to toggle it off on new Ukraine threads.
There is an option - it's the "ignore RD2003" option. Which is sub-optimal, as when he starts projectile diarrhoeaing all over threads, idiots like me respond, and the thread becomes incomprehensible :hmm:

But yes - given the consistency of his particular type of diarrhoea, it'd make some sense just to block him from ALL Ukraine-related threads/fora. At this rate, it can only be a matter of time, anyway...
There is an option - it's the "ignore RD2003" option. Which is sub-optimal, as when he starts projectile diarrhoeaing all over threads, idiots like me respond, and the thread becomes incomprehensible :hmm:

But yes - given the consistency of his particular type of diarrhoea, it'd make some sense just to block him from ALL Ukraine-related threads/fora. At this rate, it can only be a matter of time, anyway...
I've had him on ignore for yonks. The only person on urban that I ignore. Once in a while I look at something he's posted, just to make sense of subsequent posts, but never find it worthwhile. A risk worth taking, in my view.
There is an option - it's the "ignore RD2003" option. Which is sub-optimal, as when he starts projectile diarrhoeaing all over threads, idiots like me respond, and the thread becomes incomprehensible :hmm:

But yes - given the consistency of his particular type of diarrhoea, it'd make some sense just to block him from ALL Ukraine-related threads/fora. At this rate, it can only be a matter of time, anyway...

He’s 50% of my ignore list. Every now and then, when the volume of crayoning gets ridiculous, I check in to see if anything of value has been added. So far it hasn’t.

I feel it was one of my better choices on relation to this place.
My parties these days are mostly late-50s cunts like me, mumbling about where it all went so fucking wrong. But still getting just as pissed as we ever did, with maybe the odd spliff somewhere out the back.

When's the next one ? I'm game
The group pictured in these images were supporters of America First . An organisation riddled with prominent anti semitics, Nazi sympathisers one of whom, Laura Ingalls( who became one of their main speakers ) was subsequently jailed for being a Nazi spy .

Wouldn't it be a better, more considered option to just put the poster on ignore rather than carelessly and perhaps unintentionally suggesting that the poster is anti semitic and a Nazi?
My parties these days are mostly late-50s cunts like me, mumbling about where it all went so fucking wrong. But still getting just as pissed as we ever did, with maybe the odd spliff somewhere out the back.
The back of your dacha?
The group pictured in these images were supporters of America First . An organisation riddled with prominent anti semitics, Nazi sympathisers one of whom, Laura Ingalls( who became one of their main speakers ) was subsequently jailed for being a Nazi spy .

Wouldn't it be a better, more considered option to just put the poster on ignore rather than carelessly and perhaps unintentionally suggesting that the poster is anti semitic and a Nazi?
He's a disruptive cunt, contributing nothing of value to a thread about Russian conscription and mobilisation. He clearly agrees with the spirit of the placards if not the character of those holding them.

Anyway, you're right about one thing, he's gone on ignore now.
The group pictured in these images were supporters of America First . An organisation riddled with prominent anti semitics, Nazi sympathisers one of whom, Laura Ingalls( who became one of their main speakers ) was subsequently jailed for being a Nazi spy .

Wouldn't it be a better, more considered option to just put the poster on ignore rather than carelessly and perhaps unintentionally suggesting that the poster is anti semitic and a Nazi?
I think far more specific insinuations are made regarding his love for Putin. The rest comes along for the ride.
He's a disruptive cunt, contributing nothing of value to a thread about Russian conscription and mobilisation. He clearly agrees with the spirit of the placards if not the character of those holding them.

Anyway, you're right about one thing, he's gone on ignore now.
The only reason he's even on this thread is because he's banned from the general Ukraine war thread, because he shat all over that one with his irrelevant wibble.
Before I gave up on the main thread, (which I did fairly early tbf) it seemed like he was one of the only ones not getting all feverishly gunwanky. I didn't/don't really get the pile-ons whenever he opens his gob.
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