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Russell Brand on Revolution

No, you agree with many others. I don't agree with his view that abstinence-based 12 step focused services are the way. I think it excludes a lot of people, doesn't take into account all the other ways of recovery and is based on his experience which is always a problem when you're promoting recovery.
Actually I suppose I don't massively agree with abstinence as the only way. I do agree that services need to be good and substitute prescribing shouldn't be the only choice, or the end unless that's the person's choice.
Actually I suppose I don't massively agree with abstinence as the only way. I do agree that services need to be good and substitute prescribing shouldn't be the only choice, or the end unless that's the person's choice.

12 steppers can be evangelistic about their way but it's just one of many.
I once heard 12 steppers only have a 5% chance of success, Brands political adventure probably stands an even worse chance. Lydon on the other hand has a down to earth, fact based approach to drugs and has never had any problems. When it comes to young people they need to be knowledgeable about politics and drugs. long live punk rock.
I don't like him - i think he's a bit of a dick, but that's not what worries me - we're all dicks - what worries me is the growth of celebrity culture and a star system around oppositional politics. We can do without that whether the stars are dicks, are right or not.
What does oppositional politics mean, thanks.
Politics that opposes the status quo. Or significant elements of it and its actions at least.

(Don't bother idris)
I thought it might be as opposed to collaborative politics. That's why I asked as then it didn't seem to make sense. But actually it's just a big word for a simple concept.
I just read this yesterday, took about half an hour. It's really good, insofar as a book aimed at teenagers can be good. He strikes me as a sound fellow.
he hasnt done anything for a while apart from make a twat of himself on supposed political broadcasts has he?

The account he gives in the book is that he's going to give up showbiz, having realized what a pathetic joke it all is, and devote himself to full-time activism and bonking Jemima Goldsmith. If he keeps to his word I really will be impressed.

Because in his position most people would just get on with being a showbiz star and "enjoying" their riches. Brand is different, and admirably so, for two reasons:

1. He has realized how sad and pathetic celebrity culture is.
2. He wants us all to understand this.
3. He wrote a book to try to make the world a better place.

You won't find Noel Edmunds doing that sort of thing.
Because in his position most people would just get on with being a showbiz star and "enjoying" their riches. Brand is different, and admirably so, for two reasons:

1. He has realized how sad and pathetic celebrity culture is.
2. He wants us all to understand this.
3. He wrote a book to try to make the world a better place.

You won't find Noel Edmunds doing that sort of thing.
Which of these are the two reasons?
Is he not still a celebrity or using his celebrity status?
I thought he was ok? Bit abstinence focussed but made the point that if you want good services you have to fund them. Or am I wrong.

Anyway I like my political figures dusty and uncharismatic please.

Too focused on 12 step as the only way and really critical of methadone maintenance (which has some good evidence behind it).
I once heard 12 steppers only have a 5% chance of success, Brands political adventure probably stands an even worse chance. Lydon on the other hand has a down to earth, fact based approach to drugs and has never had any problems. When it comes to young people they need to be knowledgeable about politics and drugs. long live punk rock.

how do you think we're going to judge "Brands political adventure" in terms of "success " or otherwise ?
he hasnt done anything for a while apart from make a twat of himself on supposed political broadcasts has he?

He is in the middle of a massive global tour, he has a book out, he has 500'000 twitter followers, not sure he is on the way out.
Which of these are the two reasons?
Is he not still a celebrity or using his celebrity status?

Yes but what Dwyer is trying to say is that he (Brand not Dwyer) has realised how sad and pathetic this is, wants us to understand things and wants to make the world a better place by writing books. And good luck to him:)

eta Christ, how does anyone take him seriously? (not Christ and not Brand):facepalm:
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As per the earlier tweets regarding Easeman and related fallout, the entire debate portion has been removed from the latest version of the event poster that Brand put on his twitter.
He was shit about drugs services.

I'd really like to see him challenged on his public comments about drug treatment.

As with his "proper" politics, as others have said, I don't doubt his sincerity. And there is something to be said for a greater focus on abstinence, from the front line services (something happening with the "recovery agenda", tbf, although all seems a bit "Big Society" to me), but not at the expense of the harm reduction and prescribing interventions which evolved and improved massively, in my experience/opinion, throughout the noughties. Brand talks very much like he believes the latter are a "bad thing", doubtlessly influenced by his own recovery which was quite obviously 12 step, and which he still alludes to practising in the odd interview (not sure it he attends meetings, mind...).

Shame, as he could be a great champion of addiction issues, if he was just a bit more nuanced about the whole thing.
A success imo would be to end homelessness and food poverty. A success for Brand would be to replace Ike as chief shill. Neither will happen.

so you think we should judge Brand , in political terms, by whether he "end(s) homelessness and food poverty" ?
so you think we should judge Brand , in political terms, by whether he "end(s) homelessness and food poverty" ?
I would like to see this done, and it's not going to be achieved by delivering pizza or watching youtube videos of Brand instead of voting
What if you don't like anchovies or pizza, what then? Noel Edmonds never turns up at occupy protests with the wrong junk food and no one could say he isn't committed. You can't argue with that.
Noel Edmonds had a tv show where he pledged to mend Broken Britain. It featured carole Malone.

Clearly Noel wins :D

If you don't like anchovies/pizza then you should fuck off to north korea
I would like to see this done, and it's not going to be achieved by delivering pizza or watching youtube videos of Brand instead of voting

(or by chatting shite on forums) - Brand has never implied not voting would "end food poverty" (as you / Chris Martin etc put it - not sure what it actually means ? ) , or delivering pizza...meanwhile, that daft old contrary sod Lydon was calling for people not to vote less than a decade ago ( video in this thread ) .
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(or by chatting utter shite on forums) - Brand has never implied not voting would "end food poverty" (as you / Chris Martin put it - not sure what it actually means ? ) , or delivering pizza...meanwhile, that daft old contrary sod Lydon was calling for people not to vote less than a decade ago ( video in this thread ) .
you asked
how do you think we're going to judge "Brands political adventure" in terms of "success " or otherwise ?
I said I thought he would be a success if he could
end homelessness and food poverty
You seem to be as ignorant of peoples needs as he is.
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