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Russell Brand on Revolution

Prime example of you confusing posting on the Internet or not with activism again, more like.

Well said, James. I've been doing activism since the late 1970s (and IIRC, you've been doing it a bit longer, but if you haven't, sorry for calling you old!), everything from physical direct action against local racists to door-knocking to community work (not for money a la a local authority "community worker", just helping out others in the community) to signing petitions or writing to my councillors or my MP, and yes, to posting on the internet, because activism can be about disseminating information electronically, too.
When I first heard about his association with this easeman character i assumed he (easeman) was a kind of jazzz type character - uncritically absorbing all the banking conspiracy stuff and maybe unknowingly repeating antisemitic tropes. But he's not is he? He's a rabid antisemite whose website carries holocaust denial and everything. How the fuck did brand manage to associate himself with him - be inspired by him - and not realise that stuff like this is maybe a bit iffy:

Out of the three "Jewish Zionist Marxists" he mentions, none of them are Marxists, only one of them is an "observant" Jew (i.e. she worships regularly), and although all three are members of "Labour Friends of Israel", only one of them has a public record of pro-Zionism of the "I support them right or wrong" kind, something which she's been called up on since her days in the NUS, not least by myself and frogwoman of this parish.

With that kind of "scholarship", he's obviously as credulous or as willfully blind as jazzz ever was.
You really think this is about Brand's character?

He could be a veritable saint and the same basic critique would apply.

It's not about him, it's about his role.

However many times that point is made, it's fairly obvious that some posters will ignore it.
They have to, because their arguments have no substance unless they pretend/assume that any critique of Brand's role is actually a critique of his character.

That he's accused of being a sleaze who hangs round with anti-Semites just accelerates matters.

Let's set aside Easeman and Icke (both of whom he has connections with) for the moment, and concentrate entirely on how Brand's media personality (because what "we" see of him is a front, just like everyones public personality is a front) could be (and has been) misused by the media in order to denigrate him and the causes he espouses. What is the net benefit to those causes?
lol @ ignoring the call to action to not buy The Sun

I will never stop buying the Sun because I love it so much, like everyone else here

I tried to recall the last time I bought The Sun, and I vaguely remember it being around the time I moved from Clapham Park (in Lambeth borough) to Balham (in Wandsworth borough), so some time in 1988, and I bought it for a flatmate (used to buy The Daily Mirror, The Sun and The Daily Express every week-day), as I stopped buying (or reading) it after the "Gotcha!" headline in '82. There's literally hundreds of thousands who dropped it after Hillsborough (look at the circulation figures for the time), who've never taken it up again.
A call to action in 2014 to not buy The Sun kind of misses the point, Mr. Brand. Anyone remotely politically-aware had already blanked the fucker! :D
Well said, James. I've been doing activism since the late 1970s (and IIRC, you've been doing it a bit longer, but if you haven't, sorry for calling you old!), everything from physical direct action against local racists to door-knocking to community work (not for money a la a local authority "community worker", just helping out others in the community) to signing petitions or writing to my councillors or my MP, and yes, to posting on the internet, because activism can be about disseminating information electronically, too.
Not far off, since the early/mid-eighties. It's the scraggy beard makes me look haggard and past it, honest.
Has Brand had any contact with easeman since he was told he was an antisemite? Someone on fb is saying he hasn't. It's a genuine question by the way
We don't know when/if anything about anything beyond brand thought that he is great and that late october Brand still thought he was great.
What does that mean?


pronoun: that; pronoun: those
  1. 1.
    used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
    "that's his wife over there"
    • referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this’).
      "this is stronger than that"
  2. 2.
    referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.
    "that's a good idea"
  3. 3.
    used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them.
    "it is part of human nature to be attracted to that which is aesthetically pleasing"
  4. 4.
    expressing strong agreement with a description just given.
    "‘He's a fussy man.’ ‘He is that.’"
  5. 5.
    used to introduce a defining clause, especially one essential to identification:
    • instead of ‘which’, ‘who’, or ‘whom’
      "the woman that owns the place"
    • instead of ‘when’ after an expression of time.
      "the year that Anna was born"
determiner: that; determiner: those
  1. 1.
    used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
    "look at that chap there"
    • referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this’).
  2. 2.
    referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.
    "he lived in Mysore at that time"
  3. 3.
    used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them.
    "I have always envied those people who make their own bread"
  4. 4.
    referring to a specific person or thing assumed as understood or familiar to the person being addressed.
    "where is that son of yours?"
adverb: that
  1. 1.
    to such a degree; so.
    "I wouldn't go that far"
    • used with a gesture to indicate size.
      "it was that big, perhaps even bigger"
    • informal
      "I couldn't get out of the house fast enough, I was that embarrassed!"
conjunction: that
  1. 1.
    introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis.
    "she said that she was satisfied"
    • expressing a reason or cause.
      "he seemed pleased that I wanted to continue"
    • expressing a result.
      "she was so tired that she couldn't think"
    • expressing a purpose, hope, or intention.
      "we pray that the coming year may be a year of peace"
  2. 2.
    expressing a wish or regret.
    "oh that he could be restored to health"
Old English thæt, nominative and accusative singular neuter of se ‘the’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dat and German das .

pronoun: that; pronoun: those
  1. 1.
    used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
    "that's his wife over there"
    • referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this’).
      "this is stronger than that"
  2. 2.
    referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.
    "that's a good idea"
  3. 3.
    used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them.
    "it is part of human nature to be attracted to that which is aesthetically pleasing"
  4. 4.
    expressing strong agreement with a description just given.
    "‘He's a fussy man.’ ‘He is that.’"
  5. 5.
    used to introduce a defining clause, especially one essential to identification:
    • instead of ‘which’, ‘who’, or ‘whom’
      "the woman that owns the place"
    • instead of ‘when’ after an expression of time.
      "the year that Anna was born"
determiner: that; determiner: those
  1. 1.
    used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
    "look at that chap there"
    • referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this’).
  2. 2.
    referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.
    "he lived in Mysore at that time"
  3. 3.
    used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them.
    "I have always envied those people who make their own bread"
  4. 4.
    referring to a specific person or thing assumed as understood or familiar to the person being addressed.
    "where is that son of yours?"
adverb: that
  1. 1.
    to such a degree; so.
    "I wouldn't go that far"
    • used with a gesture to indicate size.
      "it was that big, perhaps even bigger"
    • informal
      "I couldn't get out of the house fast enough, I was that embarrassed!"
conjunction: that
  1. 1.
    introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis.
    "she said that she was satisfied"
    • expressing a reason or cause.
      "he seemed pleased that I wanted to continue"
    • expressing a result.
      "she was so tired that she couldn't think"
    • expressing a purpose, hope, or intention.
      "we pray that the coming year may be a year of peace"
  2. 2.
    expressing a wish or regret.
    "oh that he could be restored to health"
View attachment 65064
Old English thæt, nominative and accusative singular neuter of se ‘the’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dat and German das .

Speaking of condescension...

Again with the mote and beam.
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