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Russell Brand on Revolution

OMG, a week later the chimps are still at it.

This thread is a prime example of the tabloid mentality at work. Proof being, the same snides are still gossiping about Russell Brand the celebrity whilst ignoring the call to action in another thread.


You consider yourselves activists?

Activists my arse!

You're just wasting bandwidth.

I'm with you Cheesypoof.

I'm still not buying the sun, but now i'm not buying it in solidarity with comerade russell

When I first heard about his association with this easeman character i assumed he (easeman) was a kind of jazzz type character - uncritically absorbing all the banking conspiracy stuff and maybe unknowingly repeating antisemitic tropes. But he's not is he? He's a rabid antisemite whose website carries holocaust denial and everything. How the fuck did brand manage to associate himself with him - be inspired by him - and not realise that stuff like this is maybe a bit iffy:

Liverpool, my hometown, is a city of 465,700, Jews make up about 3000 of that number, yet three of the five MP’s (a whopping 60%) that govern the city are Jewish Zionist Marxists, they are;

Louise Ellman MP for Riverside.
Lucianna Berger MP for Wavertree.
Stephen Twigg MP for West Derby.

Liverpool is currently enduring the spectre of Mass Immigration which is a disguised weapon of demographic genocide waged by Jewish Supremacists against the White indigenous peoples of these islands.

Unsurprisingly the areas most effected by this act of genocide are constituencies governed by the three amigos named above.

These foreign illegal aliens are tasked with the destruction of our people and city – and on a wider scale our country. Some people will scoff at such a claim, that’s because the Jewish controlled media pumps out continuous lies which shield the real genocidal criminals from view so they can continue to work in the shadows.

For those that doubt such a claim or those that just want further evidence to confirm their instincts, I encourage you to read Jewish Influence on Mass Immigration in UK by Dan Rayner in the link below.

This well researched and detailed article proves conclusively that Jewish Supremacists have been behind all immigration laws in UK since the end of the Second Jewish World War, further, it goes on to expose their deep involvement at heart of the EU.

A cabal of Jewish Supremacists have targeted you, your family, your friends, your people and anyone that looks like you for Genocide …

Don’t believe me? Read on …

Laurence Easeman

The legislative efforts and campaigns to outlaw discussing the negative effects of immigration, and exposing the fraudulent Holocaust largely failed and despite massive pressure, Holocaust denial remains LEGAL in the UK.

This fact demolishes the de-motivational and intimidation efforts of Jewish media elements and infiltrators within talking circles and so called nationalist groups (example- Nick Griffin refusing to expose the Holocaust during Question Time, when even given permission to do so by Jack Straw) to intimidate informationally aware English and wider European folk in the UK from openly demolishing the malicious, seditious lies in numerous subjects ranging from distributing information pertaining to the negative effects of mass-non-European immigration (this intimidation effort is so obvious as even political parties are allowed to do this) to the subject of the non-existent Holocaust (as it is very easy to do and demonstrates so much, which is precisely why its enforcement, as with the Jewish-Marixst intellectual blockade on obvious racial realities relies on an atmosphere of illogical fear, enforced more often than not by Jewish infiltrators within racially aware circles) and its associated or by-implication subjects, such as the Jewish authored and executed Holodomor and the control of the media, and education systems.

from here: http://www dot thepeoplevsthebanks dot co dot uk/jew-immigration/

OMG, a week later the chimps are still at it.

This thread is a prime example of the tabloid mentality at work. Proof being, the same snides are still gossiping about Russell Brand the celebrity whilst ignoring the call to action in another thread.


You consider yourselves activists?

Activists my arse!

You're just wasting bandwidth.

I'm with you Cheesypoof.

Rather than accusing others of inactivity, based solely on evidence you've gleaned by gazing at your own ringpiece, why don't you respond to smokedout 's post and explain what you've been inspired to do after hearing Brand talkywalking?

Only from where I'm standing it appears that you consider watching brand talkywalking on his videowideos on trewsywews and talking about him on the internet to be constructive political activity, which in turn allows you to self-righteously sneer at people about whom you know nothing - many of whom have been doing the kind of hard, boring and mostly unrewarding slog that is necessary to build campaigns from the bottom up and is the only way to build any kind of sustainable movement.

You really do sound like a religious zealot.
OMG, a week later the chimps are still at it.

This thread is a prime example of the tabloid mentality at work. Proof being, the same snides are still gossiping about Russell Brand the celebrity whilst ignoring the call to action in another thread.


You consider yourselves activists?

Activists my arse!

You're just wasting bandwidth.

I'm with you Cheesypoof.
Fantastic post, aside from proving yet again my point about brand now being a tool for injecting your sort of poison, who do you think wrote that call out?
When I first heard about his association with this easeman character i assumed he (easeman) was a kind of jazzz type character - uncritically absorbing all the banking conspiracy stuff and maybe unknowingly repeating antisemitic tropes. But he's not is he? He's a rabid antisemite whose website carries holocaust denial and everything. How the fuck did brand manage to associate himself with him - be inspired by him - and not realise that stuff like this is maybe a bit iffy:

from here: http://www dot thepeoplevsthebanks dot co dot uk/jew-immigration/

Rather than accusing others of inactivity, based solely on evidence you've gleaned by gazing at your own ringpiece, why don't you respond to smokedout 's post and explain what you've been inspired to do after hearing Brand talkywalking?

Only from where I'm standing it appears that you consider watching brand talkywalking on his videowideos on trewsywews and talking about him on the internet to be constructive political activity, which in turn allows you to self-righteously sneer at people about whom you know nothing - many of whom have been doing the kind of hard, boring and mostly unrewarding slog that is necessary to build campaigns from the bottom up and is the only way to build any kind of sustainable movement.

You really do sound like a religious zealot.

What exactly is Brand association with this 'Easeman'?
Why don't you know about it? Why haven't you bothered finding out since he's been mentioned on this very thread numerous times in the period you've been posting on it. What else have you not been bothered to check whilst attacking others? Do you see the point I'm making here?

Sorry, I haven't time to trawl through 66 pages of a petty sniping and hyperbole.

If your going character assassinate someone by association, at least provide a few links, to that association.

Attacking others?!?
I didn't spot that. fucking brilliant. :D
There's loads more that flow from just that one thing as well - 25+ year worth of my personal activity and networks that i can connect to that single action - and i know others on this thread can too. But that's a silly game to play and would be playing to that poison-injecting agenda/dynamic.
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If your going character assassinate someone by association, at least provide a few links, to that association.
Brand & Easeman's association is common knowledge - it was all over the national press and has been discussed here and elsewhere countless times. I think it's ok to write about a commonly known associate of Brand without providing proof of the association.

Did you know he used to go out with Katy Perry?? :eek:
Sorry, I haven't time to trawl through 66 pages of a petty sniping and hyperbole.

If your going character assassinate someone by association, at least provide a few links, to that association.

Attacking others?!?

He offers thanks to him in his book - iirc also calls him an inspiration. He was going to give him a platform at some speaking thing he was doing too. If you're too lazy to look into your hero's actions I'm not going to do it for you - find your own links. Google is your friend.
Here he is on Brands video thing the trews only two months ago.
Sorry, I haven't time to trawl through 66 pages of a petty sniping and hyperbole.

If your going character assassinate someone by association, at least provide a few links, to that association.

Attacking others?!?
So you didn't see the point i was making then. Ok, i'll make it plain - you are following a man that you appear to know nothing about and worse demanding that others do too and then attacking those who don't. This is poison. Pure poison.

Incidentally, this is exactly how the far right try like Easeman try and weasel their way into nice things and people - say a few nice things, keep the nasty stuff quiet and hope no one asks any questions, then when questions are asked later on, the first intake - that's you/diane/kterk/cheesey - go in to bat for them.
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Sorry, I haven't time to trawl through 66 pages of a petty sniping and hyperbole.

If your going character assassinate someone by association, at least provide a few links, to that association.

Attacking others?!?

You really think this is about Brand's character?

He could be a veritable saint and the same basic critique would apply.

It's not about him, it's about his role.

That he's accused of being a sleaze who hangs round with anti-Semites just accelerates matters.
Here he is on Brands video thing the trews only two months ago.

So you didn't see the point i was making then. Ok, i'll make it plain - you are following a man that you appear to no nothing about and worse demanding that others do too and then attacking those who don't. This is poison in. Pure poison.

Incidentally, this is exactly how the far right try like Easeman try and weasel their way into nice things and people - say a few nice things, keep the nasty stuff quiet and hope no one asks any questions, then when questions are asked later on, the first intake - that's you/diane/kterk/cheesey - go in to bat for them.

What in gawds name are you talking about.

Where have I said anything like that?.

All I'm saying is you don't need a phd in politics to comment or highlight social issues.
What in gawds name are you talking about.

Where have I said anything like that?.

All I'm saying is you don't need a phd in politics to comment or highlight social issues.
Yes you do - why have you ignored all the posts on this thread which establish that very fact?
He offers thanks to him in his book - iirc also calls him an inspiration. He was going to give him a platform at some speaking thing he was doing too. If you're too lazy to look into your hero's actions I'm not going to do it for you - find your own links. Google is your friend.

Your making it up as you go along, where have I, even said I liked Brand?

He has as much right to highlight social issues as anyone else.

What I don't like is elitist cliques that think they have all power, knowledge and superiority over everyone else.
Its not guilt by association its guilt by endorsement ffs by name checking an open anti Semite he is by nature of his celebrity status both raising the profile and giving a veneer of respectability to her mans opinions
in all fairness, my situation is hardly indicative of the uk as a whole, i live in rural northwest wales ffs. basing your conclusion on the voting choice of one man in rural wales is just plain ridiculous.
i don't suppose nick griffin will vote green. ukip maybe. or hw might not bother.
Yes, or to multi-millionaire celebs. There is a get out though - you can talk about politics without a phd as long as you limit your discussion to agreeing with and applauding the multi-millionaire celeb.

As long as he highlighting issues such as the plight of Focus E15 mothers.
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