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Russell Brand on Revolution

i don't suppose nick griffin will vote green. ukip maybe. or hw might not bother.
i very much doubt i will have a green candidate to vote for. plaid cymru always get in here with tories second. voting labour would be a wasted vote as probably would voting green. i can't speak for what nick griffin will do. i think he lives in a different bit of wales than me.
i very much doubt i will have a green candidate to vote for. plaid cymru always get in here with tories second. voting labour would be a wasted vote as probably would voting green. i can't speak for what nick griffin will do. i think he lives in a different bit of wales than me.
Have i this right then, brand has inspired you to do the exact thing he says people shouldn't do? ;)
Does it matter, you'll make up your own version of what I'm saying, anyhow.
Seriously - this from somone who has spent the morning arguing that people here are saying that we think only people with a phd should talk about politics? You're a religious man, brother remove that beam.
Have i this right then, brand has inspired you to do the exact thing he says people shouldn't do? ;)
short answer. yes :D

long answer, yes and no :D please read the long answer :D

What I want is.... my understanding of the banking system is pathetically inadequate to form a coherent opinion on it .... what i want is the tax loopholes to be closed, that those who trade here pay their taxes without any wriggle room. that the nhs be kept out of private hands, that water, gas, electricity return to state ownership, and the telephone system, so those profits go back into the system instead of in some rich fuckers bank account. i want working conditions improved for all workers, better rates of pay, shorter hours. i want the welfare of the workers to be more important than the profits they make from their labour. i want the safety net of state benefits catch everyone who falls. i think a citizens wage may be the way forward, but don't understand enough to make it more than a soundbite. i want us to invest in renewable energy, base an industry around it, that will in some way at the very least make us world leaders. i realise this would have been better bullet pointed, but there you go....

there is more, but a wall of text ain't gonna make much difference.

labour, the party i want to vote for, will not deliver any of the above. greens claim they will most of that. some of that list has come from following ideas that rb has repeated, things that i held to be true before listening to the trews.

the system we have is broke, it needs fixing or replacing. both of these things are beyond me, one man in rural northwest wales. i will stand behind anyone who would deliver it. i can't imagine an anti semite, racist, fascist delivering a majority of those ideals of mine, so it will be a while yet before i have the moral dilemma of voting ukip, bnp, etc, because they have lurched to the left.
Your making it up as you go along, where have I, even said I liked Brand?

He has as much right to highlight social issues as anyone else.

What I don't like is elitist cliques that think they have all power, knowledge and superiority over everyone else.

Who was the long ago banned poster that used to always put commas in the weirdest of places?
What would he prefer he was doing?

Sitting on the internet taking about revolution.

If he wants revolution, then he should be putting actual ideas about how to achieve a revolution "out there" for the public to peruse. He isn't, he's just telling people that he reckons there should be a revolution. A spotty sixth-form sociology student can do that. It achieves nothing, and is exactly what he's doing. Sitting on the internet, talking about revolution, mouthing decades-old pieties about anti-capitalism and buying into the sort of pernicious economic nonsense that people like Icke retail.
OMG, a week later the chimps are still at it.

This thread is a prime example of the tabloid mentality at work. Proof being, the same snides are still gossiping about Russell Brand the celebrity whilst ignoring the call to action in another thread.


You consider yourselves activists?

Activists my arse!

You're just wasting bandwidth.

I'm with you Cheesypoof.

What's great about your post (and very little is) is that it says so much more about you than about anything else. :)
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