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Russell Brand on Revolution

i'm reading revolution and it is interesting. i've been watching the trews for a few weeks and he can be really engaging. i didn't want to like him, but i just can't help it. i thought he did well on newsnight and the 9/11 stuff the bbc bloke tried to spin was shameful manipulation to try and discredit him.
dunno what his problem is..ming checked the rules and saying piss is allowed unless its an insult directed at another td.

unparliamentary language here from a Green party TD

dunno what his problem is..ming checked the rules and saying piss is allowed unless its an insult directed at another td.

unparliamentary language here from a Green party TD

I wish my grandfather would have been alive to see that one, it was the kind of thing he got a kick out of.

But Gogarty was trying to pull a stroke with that one - it was in the dying days of the FF/Green coalition and he was being whipped to vote for something or other of an obnoxious nature. Rather than take a stand and refuse to vote for it, he tried to use unparliamentary language to get himself thrown out of the house, avoiding both the vote and the censure of his party bosses.
Typical Green. They are...were...scum.


their very first act in government was to approve that rotten motorway through the hill of Tara. Hopefully theyll never be back .
Typical Green. They are...were...scum.


their very first act in government was to approve that rotten motorway through the hill of Tara. Hopefully theyll never be back .

I read somewhere that after the PDs folded, a lot of their backroom boys went off to join the Greens. "A party becomes strong by purging itself", as Lenin taught us.
i'm reading revolution and it is interesting. i've been watching the trews for a few weeks and he can be really engaging. i didn't want to like him, but i just can't help it. i thought he did well on newsnight and the 9/11 stuff the bbc bloke tried to spin was shameful manipulation to try and discredit him.

I'm gonna read it during my week off.
I am probably saying it badly, but the public did not get out on the streets protesting against the bankers who fucked up the world economy - nobody went to jail - and people did not storm parliament and overthrow the government - that is the level of revolution that needs to happen.

This to me was one of the most baffling developments(or non developments) in british poltical history, why there wasn't more of a response to the banking crisis, etc?, I suppose usually then it was the SWP who would initiate major events on this scale but they chose to do little.
Given that (from the interview) Brand wants to talk to people who may not necessarily be into this stuff already he needs a mainstream publisher and, dare I say it maybe even Amazon. Sure he could go to a niche publisher or make the book available from his website but then he isn't going to reach many people except people already into these politics and I'd guess without reading it that his book is a bit more radical politics for dummies than serious discussion and analysis of the state of play and how to move forwards.
That's things haven't got bad enough for people to go on the streets.
Given that (from the interview) Brand wants to talk to people who may not necessarily be into this stuff already he needs a mainstream publisher and, dare I say it maybe even Amazon. Sure he could go to a niche publisher or make the book available from his website but then he isn't going to reach many people except people already into these politics and I'd guess without reading it that his book is a bit more radical politics for dummies than serious discussion and analysis of the state of play and how to move forwards.

If that were his goal, wouldn't a strategy involving both the £15 hardback, "super-Thursday" release of a sleb-penned 'stocking- filler' and a freely accessible e-copy have a better chance of success? Or are there other commercial reasons for the book release for the xmas market?
If that were his goal, wouldn't a strategy involving both the £15 hardback, "super-Thursday" release of a sleb-penned 'stocking- filler' and a freely accessible e-copy have a better chance of success? Or are there other commercial reasons for the book release for the xmas market?
I'm not sure if you are criticising his integrity or his marketing strategy.
I've been suspicious of Russell Brand's revolutionary campaign and the way the book has been published and promoted confirms my suspicions. He has millions of Twitter followers and he has his own website so free distribution or low-price sale were options in a way that they wouldn't be for a less well known political campaigner. However, he's signed a deal with a major publisher and the book has been released as a hardback in the run-up to Christmas. Why?

It's not about making money. It's not about getting his revolutionary message across to a wider audience. It's about getting Russell Brand on TV and in the newspapers which is something major publishing companies can help him do. It's an ego trip. It's attention seeking. Making another film, doing another stand-up tour or writing My Booky Wook 3 wouldn't make him stand out much so during a bout of cognitive dissonance he came up with the idea of becoming a revolutionary and a year on he's still not really thought the idea through. However, that's not important because he's having a go at Fox News again, he's on Newsnight again and he's in The Guardian again.

It's not about promoting revolution. It's about promoting Russell Brand.
None of this has a fuckbean to do with brand. People's interests are what would get them on the streets, not some sleazy cockney.
PD should approach Brand in a comradely manner under the aegis of their Sleazy Cockneys Against Capitalism front group.
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