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Russell Brand on Revolution

So you need a leader? Tbf to Brand, I don't even think that's what he's saying.

In terms of getting the revolution going, yes. I think Britain needs an actual person (or group of people) to get it properly started too. People by themselves have done so little - I am probably saying it badly, but the public did not get out on the streets protesting against the bankers who fucked up the world economy - nobody went to jail - and people did not storm parliament and overthrow the government - that is the level of revolution that needs to happen.

as an aside, the music scene has also been absent - there should have been a musical revolution documenting what was happening - there wasnt. Why dont people feel inspired anymore??? They are certainly angry - the whole thing is exacerbating. Are people (and when i say 'people' i mean the general public- you me, and average working people of society, paying tax and getting the tube to work every day) just lazy?

I know i havent articulated myself very well here - but i am honestly wondering about this....if anyone has any thoughts, i'd like to hear it...
I was wondering the other day if he could be the UK's answer to Ming. . .except that under the hippie exterior Ming is a hard-nosed parish-pump politico, and with RB it's hippy nonsense all the way down. . .


:confused: :eek:
OK (still none the wiser, TBH)

Luke "Ming the Merciless" Flanagan is probably the nearest Irish equivalent to Brand, except that he a) got his start as a 'local character' rather than a TV star, and b) turned out to be a credible political figure who can actually get normal people to vote for him, despite his krazy whacky electric kool aid image.
I wonder what offence the bloggers committed that he thinks would interest the police. Doesn't even know how to make credible threats, lawyers not police you tool.

Oh, I've just read his full statement, which I won't link to here at the moment since its on his own website and should be easy enough to google.

Seems he does know how to make more credible threats with the word defamation in them. Sounds like he reckons the bloggers in question are locals that he has some history with. One point he has that may carry some weight is that the stuff that people including me dug up about Firescout Corporation doesn't mean that Easeman can be described as a Bailiff, especially as much of that stuff was about Heffey, not Easeman, and the exact nature of the links between the two has not been established beyond their mutual involvement in Albion Law.
Usually when people mention theorists they do it to locate themselves somewhere with reference to that theorist.

In addition Brand says he is for creative direct action. That is a form of politics. It can be about the manner not just the content. In addition manner and content are often correlated.
Usually when people mention theorists they do it to locate themselves somewhere with reference to that theorist.

In addition Brand says he is for creative direct action. That is a form of politics. It can be about the manner not just the content. In addition manner and content are often correlated.
Can you think of any other reasons they may name a 'theorist'?

And i'm going to ignore the rest for the waffle that it is.
No, why don't you tell me.
Oh god. If you can't think of another reason they have named a trendy theorist here's a clue -to look like they have read and are ion with the trendy theorist.

No, being a fake reader of the book, this suggests they are not part of or identifying with a larger movement.
Luke "Ming the Merciless" Flanagan is probably the nearest Irish equivalent to Brand, except that he a) got his start as a 'local character' rather than a TV star, and b) turned out to be a credible political figure who can actually get normal people to vote for him, despite his krazy whacky electric kool aid image.

noticed in a video of him once he had a gestapo flag adorning a wall in his house. Very father ted.
Oh god. If you can't think of another reason they have named a trendy theorist here's a clue -to look like they have read and are ion with the trendy theorist.

No, being a fake reader of the book, this suggests they are not part of or identifying with a larger movement.
Well yes obviously he is seeking credibilty by mentioning someone else. To a degree most people do that.

Do you not think Brand partly identifies with or could be situated any group or groups around today?

I don't know why I even care about him. Naomi Klein has written a new book, don't see anyone discussing that, sad state of affairs.
This is a bit off topic but read this the other day http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/15/opinion/stop-coddling-the-super-rich.html

Cos know I've argued with Dotty in the past about tax rates and the rich fucking off if they were raised, and it seems like he was right dammit cos here IS one of the richest men in the world saying it's bullshit they'd just pay. Warren (first name terms) says that the mega rich would be happy to pay higher tax if the government raised taxes but that there isn't the political will to do it, that they're coddled instead. Is that bullshit? That they'd pay?
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