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Rochester & Strood by-election

Btw, why are so many Guido posters obliquely referring to Jack Dromey, what has he done?
I don't think you believe that, you are just winding me up. If you do you have a) totally mis-read my politics or b) totally misunderstood the Fabian approach or quite possibly c) both.
I don't think you believe that, you are just winding me up. If you do you have a) totally mis-read my politics or b) totally misunderstood the Fabian approach or quite possibly c) both.
You're a rad-fab. That pretty much sums it up. The fabs always had a rad-fab wing. They later turned into stal-rad-fabs. The rad-fab-caps. So beware. And try and have a look from outside the rad-fab bubble.
Who do you mean? LIke GDH Cole and Harold Laski? Actually, I do have some time for them. They didn't share much in common with the Webbs though.
I am not a fucking Fabian.
Your tag line 'Guilty of Idealism' suggests you might be & tbf you are not alone in being guilty of that. I'm sure plenty of us want a Labour government elected that will actually be socialist but of course we have to be careful what we wish for because a Labour majority may/will in reality just be Tory lite with no fundamental change, but of course we live in hope. I think the Tory claim of a 'recovery' is plainly unravelling as the job creation they boast of is mostly poorly paid jobs not providing the tax revenue to pay down deficit & everybody knows they are worse off so I don't think Labour have no chance of forming the next government, & fwiw I think that will still be the least worst option that is actually possible. I've always understood the Fabian society to be a socialist talking shop that promotes gradual change which is a more likely scenario than revolutionary change in this country.
This is why you don't know that you're a fabian.
still not convinced - I don't think that even a leftist policy/programme is something that emerges from politicians/intellectuals and is implemented by them in the interests of the working class. Socialist ideas do arise out of the experience of the class itself - but there is, in a class society, a function for organic intellectuals in Gramsci's sense. But this is a different concept of that relation than the Webbs (or even some of the more radical Fabians) had.
still not convinced - I don't think that even a leftist policy/programme is something that emerges from politicians/intellectuals and is implemented by them in the interests of the working class. Socialist ideas do arise out of the experience of the class itself - but there is, in a class society, a function for organic intellectuals in Gramsci's sense. But this is a different concept of that relation than the Webbs (or even some of the more radical Fabians) had.
Fabian is not convinced that he's a fabian. Boy in the bubble proclaims he's on top of the world ma.

You don't half talk some wank designed to surround you with politics and intellectual justifications for it. I just think you're a sell out two faced cunt.
Your tag line 'Guilty of Idealism' suggests you might be & tbf you are not alone in being guilty of that. I'm sure plenty of us want a Labour government elected that will actually be socialist but of course we have to be careful what we wish for because a Labour majority may/will in reality just be Tory lite with no fundamental change, but of course we live in hope. I think the Tory claim of a 'recovery' is plainly unravelling as the job creation they boast of is mostly poorly paid jobs not providing the tax revenue to pay down deficit & everybody knows they are worse off so I don't think Labour have no chance of forming the next government, & fwiw I think that will still be the least worst option that is actually possible. I've always understood the Fabian society to be a socialist talking shop that promotes gradual change which is a more likely scenario than revolutionary change in this country.

I think that sadly even a Labour-led government would be committed to austerity spending plans although the attacks on the working class - though they would continue - would be offset to a greater degree than under the Tories by some elements of progressive taxation. But I still think it's worth electing a Labour government as it would in pretty short order start to betray the expectations of people who look to it to offer some meaningful alternative. So there's scope for some quite convulsive moves from within the wider party.

To be honest I'm not at all confident that there will be a Labour majority though. Particularly if Murphy wins the Scottish leadership.
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