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Rochester & Strood by-election

The good bit in that article..."In the aftermath of the 2008 crash, we truly could have seen the “social democratic moment” that Miliband’s been so keen on invoking. People wanted redistribution"..What I've said in previous posts. If Gord Brown had gone to the country with a left wing agenda just after the crash Labour would have been back in with a good majority I reckon. Probably missed political oppurtunity of the century so far.

It's a nice thing to believe, but IMO Brown knew that if he pushed a properly-left agenda, that the Blairite wing (effectively the right wing of the party) would have done their best to disrupt it, even to the extent of it causing a party meltdown. Unfortunately for us (i.e. the electorate), Brown is a "party man". He (unlike the Blairites) was always vanishingly unlikely to do anything that'd risk the party structure.
Because? Because she's not with the Urban gang on this? Because you don't like articul8?

There would have been no story had Denis Skinner or Jeremy Corbyn done this, no outrage, just a reminder about privacy. Neither chucked overboard would have provided the necessary lift to Ed's balloon.

Sorry, that's bullshit. There would have been an even bigger story if Skinner or Corbyn had done this, because they'd have exposed themselves as exactly the sort of people they usually rail against - hypocrites.
No I don't think so - a "lord justice" doesn't sit in the HoL and doesn't carry the title Lord.

Any Labour MP who refuses to back rent controls and expansion of council housing and at the same time profits from buying up and reletting social housing at private rents is a hypocrite and I'm happy to attack them on that basis. Not for a tweet which the Sun used as a pretext for generating faux-outrage.
let me break that down for you.
Any Labour MP who refuses to back rent controls and expansion of council housing is a hypocrite
Any Labour MP who profits from buying up and reletting social housing at private rents is a hypocrite.
this is pretty simple stuff. I thought you imagined yourself somewhere on the left?
That's a perverse reading of what I wrote, of course I don't think it's "fine". It would still be bad and hypocritcal.
So it's bad and hypocritical whatever - why didn't you just say that instead of all that fucking hack spin i'm a strategist waffle? Why not just speak directly openly and honestly instead of like a politician?

You accept your mistake on her being Lady Rugee i take it?
So it's bad and hypocritical whatever - why didn't you just say that instead of all that fucking hack spin i'm a strategist waffle? Why not just speak directly openly and honestly instead of like a politician?

You accept your mistake on her being Lady Rugee i take it?
yes, but worse still if their own financial advantage meant they didn't even formally call for the right policy, that's all I meant (not that simply calling for something but making a mint out of it not happening would be ok). Re "Lady" - yes, but only by virtue of marrying someone who subsequently got knighted.
yes, but worse still if their own financial advantage meant they didn't even formally call for the right policy, that's all I meant (not that simply calling for something but making a mint out of it not happening would be ok). Re "Lady" - yes, but only by virtue of marrying someone who subsequently got knighted.
You've done it again.

So only by virtue of being Lady Nugee. Which you claimed she wasn't and i was wrong to say was the case.. Yet again you were right to be wrong. wtf is wrong with you?
You were strongly implying that she was somehow being less than straight about her identity, in choosing not to use the name "Lady Rugee". Since the title was bestowed on her in her own right, this is not really the case. So on a formal level you are correct, but that idea it substantiates and vindicates your argument is not.
You were strongly implying that she was somehow being less than straight about her identity, in choosing not to use the name "Lady Rugee". Since the title was bestowed on her in her own right, this is not really the case. So on a formal level you are correct, but that idea it substantiates and vindicates your argument is not.
And again.

What the fuck happened to you? When did you think this hack first year undergraduate speak would be the way to go? Once you got in the bubble or before ('prior') to that?
I don't know if I can 'explain' it but there are definitely a good number of factors at play in Spain which aren't in Britain. As terrible as things are here, they are much worse in Spain and worse for more people, at over 50% youth unemployment for years it's difficult even for the most ardent traditionalist not to place blame on the economic system. Spain also has a much bigger 20th Century history of leftist opposition to the status quo, almost all of the active opposition to the Franco regime was Marxist or some variation thereof. The Podemos Party has grown out of the indignado movement which was significantly more successful than both the US Occupy, though I'm beginning to think that we may have underestimated the legacy of the US Occupy, and certainly our own token effort at doing the same.

No small measure of Podemos' success can also be attributed to an astute use of media to promote their message. Podemos' media effort has been led by Juan Carlos Monedero who participated in the very effective use of media by the Chavez government in Venezuela. The stuff they put out on their programme La Tuerka is just good, it's genuinely entertaining and talks about politics using common sense and accessible language.

Also, and I may be being just completely off base and ageist here or whatever, but I think that maybe part of what allows Podemos to galvanise the support of youth where groups like Left Unity are not able to is the composition of the leadership. Monedero and Pablo Iglesias are both relatively young and are to an extent unblemished by association with the failures of the traditional Spanish left and trade unions, they are outflanking them to their left in both action and ways of imagining a future politics in Spain whereas you look at Left Unity and it just seems like the same people making the same mistakes again with the same ideas that they were promoting or continue to promote in their own respective sects.

The London Black Revs, NUS Black Students’ Campaign, BARAC and DtRtP would like to thank everyone who attended the vigil last night.
We want to also thank all the speakers, community activists/groups and all others who helped us mobilise for the event.
There were between 2,500-3,000 people in attendance as we later took to the streets and marched in protest against the on-going murder and injustices committed against Black people at the hands of the Police!

maybe because things don't get a chance to build here anymore, especially amongst the young, this happened last night, yet I heard nothing in the media
I don't speak like that - I reply like that to dull scholastic hair splitting.
You introduce dull hackery and spin in defence of your bubble and its interests.You then play an anti-sun card to defend yourself. It's transparent. You've have no political sense.

btw, its really good they are doing this, but one day I would hope they will do it for the hundreds, maybe thousands who have died as a result of the benefit cuts, etc.
The “secret” of Podemos according to Pablo Iglesias:
I have defeat tattooed on my DNA. My great-uncle was shot dead. My grandfather was given the death sentence and spent 5 years in jail. My grandmothers suffered the humiliation of those defeated in the Civil War. My father was put in jail. My mother was politically active in the underground. My first experience of political socialisation as a child was in the mobilisations against NATO [in the 1980s], which was the last time that the Left in this country thought we could win. It bothers me enormously to lose. … And I’ve spent many years, with colleagues, devoting almost all of our political activity to thinking how we can win … The things I say in the mass media and how I say them require a great many hours’ work where we think about how to move through an absolutely hostile terrain. … We were in Latin America and we watched and watched how they did things there to win.


More on why Podemos and Spain may be different from here.
You introduce dull hackery and spin in defence of your bubble and its interests.You then play an anti-sun card to defend yourself. It's transparent. You've have no political sense.

The Miliband reaction was a "bubble" response - a tweeted picture of a house with flag and van "I've never been so incensed by anything ever - I'm incadescent" - yes, whatever.
The Miliband reaction was a "bubble" response - a tweeted picture of a house with flag and van "I've never been so incensed by anything ever - I'm incadescent" - yes, whatever.
Odd how you can't recognise both your response and everything you say as part of that bubble too. You've lost this one big time and made yourself look like an out of touch cunt. And yet, you keep picking at it. This is a week now. And each time you manage to fuck it up and make yourself look even worse. We can almost time it.
I wonder if anyone in the bubble considered that the last week of the by-election campaign coincided with 2 internationals?
Nah, if you're/you've lost here it's an indication that you're lost everywhere outside of the bubble. As if this defensive blubbing.
Bubble = Westminster, media, me and everyone I know
Not Bubble = anyone who disagrees with me; Urban75; the working class.

Whatever a few sour-faced malodorous cranks on a bulletin board determine, thus thinks everyone outside of the Bubble. Anyone who has the temerity to agree with me - whoever or wherever they are - are ipso facto Bubblists.
Bubble = Westminster, media, me and everyone I know
Not Bubble = anyone who disagrees with me; Urban75; the working class.

Whatever a few sour-faced malodorous cranks on a bulletin board determine, thus thinks everyone outside of the Bubble. Anyone who has the temerity to agree with me - whoever or wherever they are - are ipso facto Bubblists.
General Election turn out suggests that the view of Parliamentarians as being in a bubble divorced from reality is wider than this bulletin board.
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