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Rochester & Strood by-election

Except whoever owned the van and put the flags up.

That's strong though, the notion that she sought to belittle and we don't know this from any words she wrote.

Had Denis Skinner been foolish enough to be the culprit my guess is he might have got a dressing down about privacy, no more. We have to believe it of Thornberry, we don't know it.
I suspect I'm a few days behind the news agenda, but I've only just learnt that Thornberry spent much of the night of 20th/21st on her twitter "favoriting" tweets by other folk lamenting her demise.


One major difference between ET and DM's case is that the r/w media have an interest in making an abso fucking lutely massive shitstorm over any Labour cockup, and it's a mentality the Labour party fully play along with.
One major difference between ET and DM's case is that the r/w media have an interest in making an abso fucking lutely massive shitstorm over any Labour cockup, and it's a mentality the Labour party fully play along with.

The fact that one is a serving, shadow cabinet MP, and the other isn't seems quite a major difference to me.
The fact that one is a serving, shadow cabinet MP, and the other isn't seems quite a major difference to me.

That too for sure, but in that case we have to ask ourselves if more or less fuss would be made if it was a former senior Labour member. My strong guess is "more", whereas in this case it can perhaps be played up as "a bit funny" due to some of DM's past clownish exploits.
One major difference between ET and DM's case is that the r/w media have an interest in making an abso fucking lutely massive shitstorm over any Labour cockup, and it's a mentality the Labour party fully play along with.

Your post does not make sense.
That too for sure, but in that case we have to ask ourselves if more or less fuss would be made if it was a former senior Labour member. My strong guess is "more", whereas in this case it can perhaps be played up as "a bit funny" due to some of DM's past clownish exploits.
I don't really know what you're getting at; any such sneery condescension of the 'ordinary man' deserves a "fuss", but it takes on an even more distasteful and hypocritical quality when it comes from a member of the party formed to represent their interests.
One major difference between ET and DM's case is that the r/w media have an interest in making an abso fucking lutely massive shitstorm over any Labour cockup, and it's a mentality the Labour party fully play along with.

Mellor made the sun front page and also had a two page spread inside
Don't think the line about "jingoism mansion" works, but this piece is a lot more sensible than most of the drivel spouted here and elsewhere on the Thornberry incident:

who knows what Emily Thornberry was thinking as her thumb swiped the tweet button. Maybe, deep in her secret soul, every pixel really was imbued with the subtext “Oh my word how common” – although since Thornberry was raised on a council estate, she seems an unlikely vector for snobbery. Maybe it’s a coded missive of anti-patriotism, and if you say all the words in the tweet backwards, you’ll discover the subliminal message “I hate the Queen, shit on the flag”.

Hmmm..."sensible"....not actually the first adjective that comes to mind.
I know loads of people raised in social housing who sneer at stuff like that too. Only someone who doesn't actually know any working class people would think that argument would fly.
Oh well done articul8 - taffboy wells and now a lib-dem. Master strategist at work again.

The amazing thing is he whines about blue-labour dog whistling (and that's the party he's a member of ffs) but is entirely deaf to liberal-dog whistling. No, no no there is no noise.

Thornberry spent some time on a council estate is a better way of putting it i think. She later bought up social housing which then she then let out privately as part of their (her and her husband Sir Christopher George Nugee - why doesn't she call herself Lady Nugee, that, after all, is what she actually is btw) buy to let property empire. Nice fucking comrades articul8. Nice fucking party.
who sneers at stuff like what? What argument? :confused:
I know plenty of people raised on council estates who would sneer (like Thornberry) at a white van / flag of st george combo. The argument being made in the article you linked to was that it was unlikely Thornberry was sneering, because she was raised on a council estate. The writer must not really know many people who were raised on council estates if she thinks this is true.
The good bit in that article..."In the aftermath of the 2008 crash, we truly could have seen the “social democratic moment” that Miliband’s been so keen on invoking. People wanted redistribution"..What I've said in previous posts. If Gord Brown had gone to the country with a left wing agenda just after the crash Labour would have been back in with a good majority I reckon. Probably missed political oppurtunity of the century so far.
but it's crap.

Because? Because she's not with the Urban gang on this? Because you don't like articul8?

There would have been no story had Denis Skinner or Jeremy Corbyn done this, no outrage, just a reminder about privacy. Neither chucked overboard would have provided the necessary lift to Ed's balloon.

Thornberry erred, for whatever reason or internal prejudice, but it's of virtually no substance. Only prejudices about Thornberry can sustain it.
Because? Because she's not with the Urban gang on this? Because you don't like articul8?

There would have been no story had Denis Skinner or Jeremy Corbyn done this, no outrage, just a reminder about privacy. Neither chucked overboard would have provided the necessary lift to Ed's balloon.

Thornberry erred, for whatever reason or internal prejudice, but it's of virtually no substance. Only prejudices about Thornberry can sustain it.
because i don't like the fucking article. i think articul8 is all over the fucking shop with his politics. but yer woman's not much better.
I know plenty of people raised on council estates who would sneer (like Thornberry) at a white van / flag of st george combo. The argument being made in the article you linked to was that it was unlikely Thornberry was sneering, because she was raised on a council estate. The writer must not really know many people who were raised on council estates if she thinks this is true.

That's correct, it doesn't dismiss the notion she could be prejudiced in any way. But it does dismiss the notion that the alleged prejudice arises from being a complete 'blow-in', a middle class opportunist without experience or roots.
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