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Refusal of work and the immigration debate

Beckyp and Schlock&Shite together, who'd have thought it? Two of the least clued up and engaged posters on Urban giving solace to each other. It's enough to make me want to vomit.

I see neither of you (particularly L&L) have made a contribution to the thread. Quelle surprise.
nino_savatte said:
Beckyp and Schlock&Shite together, who'd have thought it? Two of the least clued up and engaged posters on Urban giving solace to each other. It's enough to make me want to vomit.

I see neither of you (particularly L&L) have made a contribution to the thread. Quelle surprise.

I was a bit confused by your last contribution. Do you really think the BNP are no longer Racist?:(
It might be in your case but I'm no booze-soaked wreck; I don't drink much, so your attempt at a humorous comeback/putdown has failed once again. :p :D
Lock&Light said:
I don't feel the need to vomit, nino. It's you who does.

The only person who finds you witty and intelligent is you...and you're not a very good judge of either wit or intelligence.
nino_savatte said:
The only person who finds you witty and intelligent is you...and you're not a very good judge of either wit or intelligence.

We can't all be as funny as you.;) You have a natural flair that puts the rest of us to shame.:(
Christ, do you guys ever give it a rest. Extreme adventures in witlessness.

Apart from asinine swipes, what does L&L ever post?

tarannau said:
Christ, do you guys ever give it a rest. Extreme adventures in witlessness.

Apart from asinine swipes, what does L&L ever post?


What can I do when L&L follows me around the boards and pesters me with his snide comments? If I and ignore him, it doesn't work because he still posts up smears. If anyone did half of the things that he gets away with, they'd be banned in an instant.
Let's be fair though Nino. Form suggests that you're not a tough man to draw into an argument.

No idea what to do with L&L though. I fear he's a hopeless case, in pretty much every way.
tarannau said:
Let's be fair though Nino. Form suggests that you're not a tough man to draw into an argument.

No idea what to do with L&L though. I fear he's a hopeless case, in pretty much every way.

That may be true but some posters seem to think that they can come along and pick a fight with me and then blame me when the thread is derailed. As the auld saying goes "It takes two to tango" but only one to get the blame. I think if anyone was subjected to the same shite that I get from L&L and others, they'd react in much the same way.
nino_savatte said:
The BNP are anti-immigration. I really don't know how you can sit there and lie to me. To make distinctions that are based on skin colour is well, wrong. Immigrants are immigrants are immigrants and what makes you think that there is no xenophobia to the recent calls to "stem the tide" (to use the sort of dramatic language that you're fond of)?

I find that nothing has changed since the 1950's; the language of those opposing immigration has not changed one iota and orbits the same hoary auld sphere of "they're taking our jobs".

i did a thread on this before nino ..

yes the bnp say they want to stop economic migration ( thru guns and fences i would suspect as they do not have an ounce of class politics "the first company of British troops to be withdrawn from Iraq on the day a BNP government assumes office would be redeployed to secure the Channel Tunnel and Kent ports against illegal immigration." ) BUT then specify which countries they wpuld stop migration from immediately .. and yes they are all non western countries .. so i am not lying when i say they are not against white commonwealth migration .. do you really think they would be??:confused: ..

qoute .. "To take just one example, it is a hard fact that, according to official figures, 15% of the UK's male prison population is black, despite black people accounting for only 2% of the total population. Victim-reported figures concerning the race of criminals give the lie to the leftist argument that this is due to discriminatory prosecution. It is an inescapable statistical fact that immigration into Britain increases the crime rate....To ensure that we do not become a minority in our own homeland, and that the native British peoples of our islands retain their culture and identity, [etc etc etc ..a ] BNP government would accept no further immigration from any of the parts of the world which present the prospect of an almost limitless flow of immigration: Africa, Asia, China, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America "

this is quite simply racism and i find it hard bizarre in the extremer that you are arguing against the BNP being a racist party!!

also note they are trying hard to appear non racist .. but they lie .. surely you do not believe they are not racist??! LOL i certainly do not

all qoutes from their 2005 election manifesto ..
nino_savatte said:
<usual stuff>

Don't ever reply or refer to anything LL says, or to LL. Forever.

LL is similarly prohibited from referring to anything you say, or to you. Forever.

Don't PM me or any other mods or complain about this here because it's not going to change it. This is purely so that I don't have to ban you, I really don't want to, but its either this or a ban it seems, asking repeatedly doesn't help.

edited: removed some swearing, I should be able to say this without losing my rag
durruti02 said:
i did a thread on this before nino ..

yes the bnp say they want to stop economic migration ( thru guns and fences i would suspect as they do not have an ounce of class politics "the first company of British troops to be withdrawn from Iraq on the day a BNP government assumes office would be redeployed to secure the Channel Tunnel and Kent ports against illegal immigration." ) BUT then specify which countries they wpuld stop migration from immediately .. and yes they are all non western countries .. so i am not lying when i say they are not against white commonwealth migration .. do you really think they would be??:confused: ..

qoute .. "To take just one example, it is a hard fact that, according to official figures, 15% of the UK's male prison population is black, despite black people accounting for only 2% of the total population. Victim-reported figures concerning the race of criminals give the lie to the leftist argument that this is due to discriminatory prosecution. It is an inescapable statistical fact that immigration into Britain increases the crime rate....To ensure that we do not become a minority in our own homeland, and that the native British peoples of our islands retain their culture and identity, [etc etc etc ..a ] BNP government would accept no further immigration from any of the parts of the world which present the prospect of an almost limitless flow of immigration: Africa, Asia, China, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America "

this is quite simply racism and i find it hard bizarre in the extremer that you are arguing against the BNP being a racist party!!

also note they are trying hard to appear non racist .. but they lie .. surely you do not believe they are not racist??! LOL i certainly do not

all qoutes from their 2005 election manifesto ..

I find it interesting how you continue to chuck out the phrase "economic migrant" to protect your arse. There is no difference between what you say and what the BNP says. They're quite fond of referring to the working class too.
nino_savatte said:
I find it interesting how you continue to chuck out the phrase "economic migrant" to protect your arse. There is no difference between what you say and what the BNP says. They're quite fond of referring to the working class too.

you really do talk bollox:D .. and i yes i think you should get thrown off of urban as you are a total disrupter .. you play NO usefull role at all .. i have NO problem with people arguing and occassionally being a little bit rude you know:D but you are have no politics at all or so it seems and the arrogence and ignorence you have to think that that does not stop you talking meaningless drivel on ANY thread that you have the slightest dislike off .. it is all nino nino nino .. talk some fucking politics for a change!:D please!!:D

oh sorry i forgot my point

that YET AGAIN you make a smear at me .. and yet again, i show, using evidence, why it is NOT true .. and you totally ignore the evidence and repeat smear ..

p.s. so you really think the BNP are not racist?? donut:rolleyes:
nino_savatte said:
I find it interesting how you continue to chuck out the phrase "economic migrant" to protect your arse. There is no difference between what you say and what the BNP says. They're quite fond of referring to the working class too.

Can you explain what you mean by this? Do you think Durruti has the same views on Race and the Holocaust as the BNP?
What about Abortion, does he share their views? Or Capital Punishment?
durruti02 said:
you really do talk bollox:D .. and i yes i think you should get thrown off of urban as you are a total disrupter .. you play NO usefull role at all .. i have NO problem with people arguing and occassionally being a little bit rude you know:D but you are have no politics at all or so it seems and the arrogence and ignorence you have to think that that does not stop you talking meaningless drivel on ANY thread that you have the slightest dislike off .. it is all nino nino nino .. talk some fucking politics for a change!:D please!!:D

oh sorry i forgot my point

that YET AGAIN you make a smear at me .. and yet again, i show, using evidence, why it is NOT true .. and you totally ignore the evidence and repeat smear ..

p.s. so you really think the BNP are not racist?? donut:rolleyes:

Grow up, you sad fucker. This is the only way you can 'discuss' anything: by bullying people and issuing threats. Btw, I am not the only one to have accused you of this sort of thing but I'm the only one whom you want banned. You also accuse me of name-calling but you're pretty good at it yourself. In fact, that is what you do most of the time whenever anyone challenges you or puts a question to you.

Face the facts: the language that you use is little different to that used by the BNP. Stealing their language doesn't make you a working class hero, it makes you a traitor.

You have started well over 20 threads on the subject of immigration in the last year. If anyone is a "disrupter" it's you. You have an obsession but lack the honesty to admit it.

Threaten me again and I will report you.
durruti02 said:
you really do talk bollox:D .. and i yes i think you should get thrown off of urban as you are a total disrupter .. you play NO usefull role at all .. i have NO

p.s. so you really think the BNP are not racist?? donut:rolleyes:

This post really does sum up your attitude to discussion. It also underlines your inability to read a post that doesn't contain the sort of support that you require.

Where did I say that the BNP "weren't" racist?

Bang up smear job, durutti. Keep it up.
nino_savatte said:
Grow up, you sad fucker. This is the only way you can 'discuss' anything: by bullying people and issuing threats. Btw, I am not the only one to have accused you of this sort of thing but I'm the only one whom you want banned. You also accuse me of name-calling but you're pretty good at it yourself. In fact, that is what you do most of the time whenever anyone challenges you or puts a question to you.

Oh my god, POT, KETTLE, BLACK!!!!!

nino_savatte said:
Threaten me again and I will report you.

Just how old are you?
nino_savatte said:
This post really does sum up your attitude to discussion. It also underlines your inability to read a post that doesn't contain the sort of support that you require.

Where did I say that the BNP "weren't" racist?

Bang up smear job, durutti. Keep it up.

so nino .. yes the BNP ARE racist .. we agree! and so their immigration policy IS racist! yes???

.. SOOOO if you are to justify you childish pathetc ignorent accustion that what i say is 'little differrent from the BNP' .. then you have to show HOW what i say is racist .. ok?

and now if you can not, you can fuck right off .. Ok??
durruti02 said:
so nino .. yes the BNP ARE racist .. we agree! and so their immigration policy IS racist! yes???

.. SOOOO if you are to justify you childish pathetc ignorent accustion that what i say is 'little differrent from the BNP' .. then you have to show HOW what i say is racist .. ok?

and now if you can not, you can fuck right off .. Ok??

So why do you spend so much time and effort going around in circles? When I described you as a "dog chasing its own tail", little did I realise how apposite that sentence was.

The language (please pay close attention to that word) that you have used on this thread and others that you have started, all contain language that is redolent of the BNP and all you can do is get aggressive with me (why should I not be surprised?). Btw, I am not the only one to have pointed this out to you. The BNP always talk mention the working class in the same breath as "immigrants" and "jobs". Even Gordon Brown has adopted the language of the right when talks about "British jobs for British workers". It would appear that right wing ideas are more widely accepted by self-styled leftists (you included) than one would dare to admit.

Adopting the language of the right will not dent the BNP nor will it achieve anything other than more racism, more intolerance and more violence. But that's life in a binarist world - eh?

I see you're still threatening me. That isn't very grown up...is it?
You haver adopted the language of the right, the free marketers, the apologists for poaching skilled workers from poorer countries.
Your lining up with the shitty employers and landlords. The exploiters against the exploited....The people who want to see the free movement of capital and labour.
The people who want to dress the plundering of the resources of the developing world as some kind of benevolent act. The concious and the subconcious racists.....
I could go on

and on
and on
and on
tbaldwin said:
The people who want to dress the plundering of the resources of the developing world as some kind of benevolent act.

Its so very very easy for people living in the Western world to talk about "plundering resources of the developing world". Why don't you go try and live in South Africa, Zimbabwe, the Philipines etc etc and see what its like to earn piss all and never be able to give your kids a great start in life, or never be able to buy a house, or car.
Wookster said:
Its so very very easy for people living in the Western world to talk about "plundering resources of the developing world".

True but that doesn't make it wrong does it?
Baldwin would like to keep the poor out of his rich country, so they stay poor. A strange kind of internationalism in my book.

Keep enjoying those cheap holidays y'all.
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