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Live itv debate feedback

Isn't she doing the rest of the debates? I didn't watch either.
I think she's doing one with Mordor. That might be one where they let the little parties in, though that could be yet another one. I hope they don't let this shit get in the way of the Euros. :mad:
What's the Rayner issue (I didn't watch it)? Presumably not about her council house as that's settled now.

Yeh that's settled, although I've no idea how - she was blatantly guilty on that. She just keeps contradicting official Labour policy to the media. Her views on nukes are all over the show too.

Yeh that's settled, although I've no idea how - she was blatantly guilty on that. She just keeps contradicting official Labour policy to the media. Her views on nukes are all over the show too.

Well, we'll have to hope Labour sort out their messaging, after all, that's what's important. :thumbs:
Pet shop boy Streeting, has just said live on sky ' you don't want to give the matches back to an arsonist to finish the job'. 🤣
Pet shop boy Streeting, has just said live on sky ' you don't want to give the matches back to an arsonist to finish the job'. 🤣

Didn't watch, but I'm guessing a joke about not being able to light a wet fart would have probably been appropriate.
I felt despair for the woman working all hours but still not able to pay her bills, the woman facing illness and cancer in her family and the young lad looking for some hope that he might have a decent life. All that got was platitudes and faux empathy from a pair of scumbags.

My wife was annoyed that we couldn’t watch The Great British Sewing Bee. She was right.
I was at work and so missed the debate. I see any debate as a waste of time this election anyway. Actions are important not words.

NHS broken.
Social Care broken.
Legal system broken.
Law enforcement broken.
NHS dentistry broken.
Education broken (schools literally falling apart)
Child poverty risen
Food banks risen
Cost of living crisis
Covid mismanagement
Polluted our seas and rivers
Ultilies broken
Councils going bankrupt
Made their rich mates richer.

These are the actions of the Tories. Who honestly gives a fuck what Sunak 'says'?

ETA: Forgot to add that they've gotten us (the taxpayer) into massive debt to pay for these accomplishments.
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Watched the begining, had to turn off when they started talking about immigration, as that would annoy me too much. Sunak just kept repeating that he had a clear plan (he didn't say what it was), and that Labour would raise taxes by £2,000 (not true). Starmer should have been better given the tories woeful 14 year record.
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