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Cost of Living Crisis: Enough is Enough Campaign

What facts? You've aligned yourself with fascists, racists, little Englanders, billionaire anti working class liars and the fucking Kremlin! Calling my response 'rage' shows you aren't even taking your own bullshit seriously.

No, it shows I'm not taking you seriously

Obviously we haven't literally closed our market. That's just pedantry and hyperbole. What we have done is undertaken a massive and long lasting act of self harm. For what? To put the worst of the worst in charge. Well fucking done. This is stupidity, not radical politics

This type of incoherent rambling is why I don't.
What facts? You've aligned yourself with fascists, racists, little Englanders, billionaire anti working class liars and the fucking Kremlin! Calling my response 'rage' shows you aren't even taking your own bullshit seriously.

Obviously we haven't literally closed our market. That's just pedantry and hyperbole. What we have done is undertaken a massive and long lasting act of self harm. For what? To put the worst of the worst in charge. Well fucking done. This is stupidity, not radical politics
You're a loony glitchhiker. A raging fucking loony :thumbs:
Shame you didn't take brexit seriously given you've put in place the worst government we've ever seen.

I'm tempted to respond by pointing out that it was remainers - like you - who forced Corbyn to abandon Labour's previously serious position and go into a GE with a policy of negotiating a withdrawal agreement and then campaigning against their own agreement in a second ref. It was remainers who ensured only the tories went in to the last election promising to enact the popular vote. It was remainers who lost Labour over 5 million votes in the 'red wall' etc etc.

But, there's no point...
Yes. He’s been consistently excellent on both Brexit and neo-liberal economics.
He's certainly right about this; those interests behind the campaigning for Leave always had their eyes on the prize of accelerated supply side 'reforms' to make the Uk economy more "flexible", "responsive" and "competitive".

This is terrible politics. If fascists, racists or little Englanders supported the idea of continued social healthcare (The NHS) do we then take the opposite position so as not to be 'aligned' with them?
Where is the comparison? The NHS is a social good, Brexit is a proposition built specifically on a campaign of lies perpetrated by racists and fascists and anti working class elites. The NHS isn't. In fact those same people are notoriously anti NHS. There is no comparison here; racist and fascistsare in direct opposition to socialist structures like the NHS, that's one of the reasons to oppose Brexit.
Where is the comparison? The NHS is a social good, Brexit is a proposition built specifically on a campaign of lies perpetrated by racists and fascists and anti working class elites. The NHS isn't. In fact those same people are notoriously anti NHS. There is no comparison here; racist and fascistsare in direct opposition to socialist structures like the NHS, that's one of the reasons to oppose Brexit.
I didn't say it was a comparison. I said it's weird to base your positions on simply being the opposite of those you don't agree with.
I'm tempted to respond by pointing out that it was remainers - like you - who forced Corbyn to abandon Labour's previously serious position and go into a GE with a policy of negotiating a withdrawal agreement and then campaigning against their own agreement in a second ref. It was remainers who ensured only the tories went in to the last election promising to enact the popular vote. It was remainers who lost Labour over 5 million votes in the 'red wall' etc etc.

But, there's no point...
I didn't force Labour to do anything. I never called on Corbyn to do anything. At that point the vote had happened and Labour had no choice but to respect the outcome. My position is that leaving is the worse option. That is simply borne out by the evidence, regarldess of how some remainers comported themselves.

However you can't put the entirety of the 2019 vote down to brexit alone. Jeremy Corbyn was hated by many for other, spurious, reasons. The result of years of sustained media attacks. It wasn't just brexit, and you imply that no leave voter could ever change their mind. I'm not interestedin patronising the working class by thinking that.

We are worse off, brexit has achieved nothing for the working class and has only compounded our misery at the hands of the people you shared a platform with. Well done fella
I didn't say it was a comparison. I said it's weird to base your positions on simply being the opposite of those you don't agree with.
comparison is implicit in your comment. Those people were and will never support socialist policies.

I'm basing this position on the evidence. Aren't you?
You seriously think that all 'fascists, racists and little Englanders' don't support the idea of social healthcare? You're fucking deluded.
does it have to be 100%? Or are we talking more generally? I have no idea, and neither do you, if ALL of them think X or Y. I believe that the majority don't care for it and would rather a private healthcare system. Largely because of the same kind of propaganda that persuaded people to vote against their interests on Brexit.
So is it just me who didn't reach December 2016 thinking "that was a really great year, I want to spend the rest of my life reliving that in all my conversations from now on" then?
I should desist engaging. It's like my best mate from childhood pretty much only posts Brexit related stuff on FB. And I bite. The howl of the liberals grates somewhat.
I should desist engaging. It's like my best mate from childhood pretty much only posts Brexit related stuff on FB. And I bite. The howl of the liberals grates somewhat.
Are you a child? People can't be nuanced in their positions? Either you with me or you're against me? Fucking grow up you twat
Maybe one day you'll actually be able to provide a good argument for why we left and how our trade is meant to recover from closing access to a market our economy depends on. In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy being lectured on radical politics by a no mark wannabe who's been fuck wrong this entire time.
You've aligned yourself with fascists, racists, little Englanders, billionaire anti working class liars and the fucking Kremlin
Are you a child? People can't be nuanced in their positions? Either you with me or you're against me? Fucking grow up you twat
Are you a child? People can't be nuanced in their positions? Either you with me or you're against me? Fucking grow up you twat
It's literally what you were doing and what I was pointing out! Do you even remember your own words?
What facts? You've aligned yourself with fascists, racists, little Englanders, billionaire anti working class liars and the fucking Kremlin!
Anyway I don't think I'll bother with you any more. Continue raging into the void.
However you can't put the entirety of the 2019 vote down to brexit alone. Jeremy Corbyn was hated by many for other, spurious, reasons. The result of years of sustained media attacks. It wasn't just brexit, and you imply that no leave voter could ever change their mind. I'm not interestedin patronising the working class by thinking that.
The reality is that, able to offer an alternative left leave vision to the country, Labour could have won 2017. Instead, the moderate Labour wing undermined both Corbyn and the result of the EU referendum by becoming obsessed with overturning the result. Thats never going to play well with the electorate and sure enough, like it or not, the Tories romped home in 2019 because of that.

It also empowered and unleashed a particular brand of liberal centrism (FBPEs) whom never given much of a shit towards the plight of the working class and their conditions or indeed socialism more generally, and have vocally and reasonably successfully, pushed the narrative that leaving the EU, and not years of neoliberalism, is responsible for where we find ourselves.
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The reality is that, able to offer an alternative left leave vision to the country, Labour could have won 2017. Instead, the moderate Labour wing undermined both Corbyn and the result of the EU referendum by becoming obsessed with overturning the result. Thats never going to play well with the electorate and sure enough, like it or not, the Tories romped home in 2019 because of that.

It also empowered and unleashed a particular brand of liberal centrism (FBPEs) whom never given much of a shit towards the plight of the working class and their conditions or indeed socialism more generally, and have vocally, and reasonably successfully, pushed the narrative that leaving the EU, and not years of neoliberalism, is responsible for where we find ourselves.
As I said, I don't agree with Labour's position on Brexit. It happened, it was the wrong decision, but they very well couldn't get away with not respecting the outcome.
The reality is that, able to offer an alternative left leave vision to the country, Labour could have won 2017. Instead, the moderate Labour wing undermined both Corbyn and the result of the EU referendum by becoming obsessed with overturning the result. Thats never going to play well with the electorate and sure enough, like it or not, the Tories romped home in 2019 because of that.

It also empowered and unleashed a particular brand of liberal centrism (FBPEs) whom never given much of a shit towards the plight of the working class and their conditions or indeed socialism more generally, and have vocally and reasonably successfully, pushed the narrative that leaving the EU, and not years of neoliberalism, is responsible for where we find ourselves.
Tend to agree with much of that, but the (valid) point made in your second para could also include the brand of nationalism encouraged in our class based on the false narrative that gaining independence from the supra state was the answer to the depredations of 46 years of neoliberal governance.
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