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The GM debate


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You would think if they had any relevant qualifications they would broadcast it.


OK she actually has a BSc.
Not that it means much.

BBC "impartiality" at its finest - grab an opposing quote from whoever they can find, and give it equal prominence.
My one consolation in this area is knowing that all these raw vegan yoga types are paying through the nose for "organic" ...
I’m really surprised so many urbanites are in favour of GM.
There seems to be a subset of 'scientific' urbanites whose main concern is to attack and slur their opponents, lumping them altogether as unscientific, hippy, adherents of all branches of woo-woo beliefs. They alone are clever enough to understand 'the science'. Social, political, environmental and economic objections can just be ignored. GM will save the world and it must be allowed to do it NOW. NOW, I say.
I really can't be arsed to debate on that level any more.
There seems to be a subset of 'scientific' urbanites whose main concern is to attack and slur their opponents, lumping them altogether as unscientific, hippy, adherents of all branches of woo-woo beliefs. They alone are clever enough to understand 'the science'. Social, political, environmental and economic objections can just be ignored. GM will save the world and it must be allowed to do it NOW. NOW, I say.
I really can't be arsed to debate on that level any more.

Well I’d class myself as scientific but I’m against it (a bit, no super strong feelings). But i havent followed GM for years.

I was surprised because i used to work for Monsanto in the mid nineties and they had a terrible gm rep with everyone i knew :)
Not in the gm part of the business. It’s a massive company.
Somehow I'd actually managed to forget I briefly worked for MAFF (now DEFRA) in 1981 while I foolishly thought I wanted to be a chemist - and long before I discovered my love of all things botanical - and one of our delightful tasks was desiccating and milling chicken shit to evaluate feeding it to pigs - or the other way around - I can't remember...
A few years later BSE happened ...
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