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Refusal of work and the immigration debate

geeta said:
True but that doesn't make it wrong does it?

Its dammed hypocritical don't you think?

How'd you like to be trapped somewhere like Zimbabwe at the moment because someone in the UK (or so) thinks its un PC for you to be able to leave?
tbaldwin said:
You haver adopted the language of the right, the free marketers, the apologists for poaching skilled workers from poorer countries.
Your lining up with the shitty employers and landlords. The exploiters against the exploited....The people who want to see the free movement of capital and labour.
The people who want to dress the plundering of the resources of the developing world as some kind of benevolent act. The concious and the subconcious racists.....
I could go on

and on
and on
and on

That's right, I have never adopted the language of the right. So what's your point?
nino_savatte said:
That's right, I have never adopted the language of the right. So what's your point?

I think your one of the most right wing people on here nino.
You constantly try and smear people. But your politics seems to be based on your own half baked ideas of a class of superior people...A meritocratic elite.....Its shite.
And on immigration your smug superriority is exposed over and over again...As you line up with the real bigots...

PS Only joking.
PPS Your really just like Malcolm X,Angela Davies, Rosa Parks and the Black Panthers all rolled into one...
tbaldwin said:
Blah blah blah blah blah immigration, blah blah, poaching, blah blah blah, you're right wing, blah blah blah, play into the hands of the right, blah blah blah blah I talk bollocks blah blah blah

The record's stuck again, balders. :D
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