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Refusal of work and the immigration debate

Lock&Light said:
I can provide a number of quotes of you asking for someone to be banned.

Oh really? I can produce a great number of examples of your efforts to derail threads and harass posters.
nino_savatte said:
You don't sound too sure and you have even added the word "low" to the word "unemployment". In those days, it was blacks and Asians that got it in the neck from your fellow anti-immigrationists.

you are truely bonkers nino ..

EVERYONE knows unemployment was VERY low in the 5ts and 6ts !!!.. less than 2% from 1959 to 1970 .. up to 5% in the 7ts and rocketed in the 8ts and has never really come down being now masked by various bullshit mechanisms

yes there was a lot of racism (Iimperial Typewriters infamously) and some trade unions opposed migration ( e.g. in NUM) but the vast majority saw it was for labour shortages and had no disagreement ..

but as you know i am not anti immigration but against how it is being used
nino_savatte said:
Another example of your dishonesty: rather than reply to tarannau in a civilised fashion, you have to finish with a dig; you label him a "free marketeer" and then proceed to tell him that he supports " racial employment practices".

What is your major malfunction?

fair play .. that was unneccessary .. sorry tarannau for that ..

nino it was cos of this he wrote ..
" Immigrants aren't solely in demand because they're cheap. It's often because they're hard working, flexible and not so status orientated, qualities that are often lacking in the local workforce for some reason" .. it sounds right wing to me but i accept he is not .. i wrongly assumed he was some sort of employer and have apologised

funny i get regularly called racist, nationalist and recently by two differrent people a nazi .. yet apologies?? .. like fuck :D
Originally Posted by durruti02
it is very differrent referring to where you live like this and subscribing to a ideology of nations .. ( but yuou knew that )

You weren't born in the 50's 60's, so what would you know about where you lived when you wasn't alive?

After you were born did you at one time live in a squat?
Durruti, do you feel that we should discriminate against these people who come to our lands in search of a better life?

Are you OK with the basic tenet of those who are born in a country can call that country home, with equal rights to all others who were also born there?
durruti02 said:
you are truely bonkers nino ..

EVERYONE knows unemployment was VERY low in the 5ts and 6ts !!!.. less than 2% from 1959 to 1970 .. up to 5% in the 7ts and rocketed in the 8ts and has never really come down being now masked by various bullshit mechanisms

yes there was a lot of racism (Iimperial Typewriters infamously) and some trade unions opposed migration ( e.g. in NUM) but the vast majority saw it was for labour shortages and had no disagreement ..

but as you know i am not anti immigration but against how it is being used

If i am "truly bonkers" then you're thick twat - as this post demonstrates. You claimed that "there was no unemployment" and then you added the word "low" to get out of it. The things that you propose are little different to those proposals put forward by the BNP who, incidentally, talk about the working class in much the same way as you.

You still have a problem reading people's posts...and that's to add to your patronising arrogance.
durruti02 said:
fair play .. that was unneccessary .. sorry tarannau for that ..

nino it was cos of this he wrote ..
" Immigrants aren't solely in demand because they're cheap. It's often because they're hard working, flexible and not so status orientated, qualities that are often lacking in the local workforce for some reason" .. it sounds right wing to me but i accept he is not .. i wrongly assumed he was some sort of employer and have apologised

funny i get regularly called racist, nationalist and recently by two differrent people a nazi .. yet apologies?? .. like fuck :D

You continue to believe that your ideas are well thought out. You spend too much time bitching about immigrants and immigration. You continue to label anyone who doesn't support your position as "neo-liberal" or you claim that they "give support to the BNP" by opposing anti-immigrationist policies. Those are the words of someone who isn't terribly bright and isn't interested in discussing anything unless it conforms to the terms set by you.

Patronise away.
Gmarthews said:
Durruti, do you feel that we should discriminate against these people who come to our lands in search of a better life?

Are you OK with the basic tenet of those who are born in a country can call that country home, with equal rights to all others who were also born there?

1)no and more mate i have never suggest we should .. what i do suggest is we should not allow neo liberal spivs and cowboys to employ cheap labour ( from abroad or not) and we should prioritise employing local kids and the over 3 million people out of work ..

2)yes of course:rolleyes: and i would go further and not just include those born here ... as i have said a number of times i wager i have recruited more immigrants to my trade union this year than any one else on urban .. so i do not really take kindly to the sggestion i discriminate against them ;) :)
nino_savatte said:
If i am "truly bonkers" then you're thick twat - as this post demonstrates. You claimed that "there was no unemployment" and then you added the word "low" to get out of it. The things that you propose are little different to those proposals put forward by the BNP who, incidentally, talk about the working class in much the same way as you.

You still have a problem reading people's posts...and that's to add to your patronising arrogance.

no unemployment low unemployment?? NOT IMPORTANT NINO IS IT???? :D

the issue is that then immigration was agreed and for need .. now it is oart of a cheap labour system .. one which i thought you woukd be against!!

p.s. do you dispute unemplyment averaged 2% between 1949 and 1971??? or that now we have c10% and have doen since the mid 8ts???? :rolleyes:
nino_savatte said:
You continue to believe that your ideas are well thought out. You spend too much time bitching about immigrants and immigration. You continue to label anyone who doesn't support your position as "neo-liberal" or you claim that they "give support to the BNP" by opposing anti-immigrationist policies. Those are the words of someone who isn't terribly bright and isn't interested in discussing anything unless it conforms to the terms set by you.

Patronise away.

whatever ..

so :D

how do YOU explain such high levels of economic migration in a period of such high unemplyment?
durruti02 said:
no unemployment low unemployment?? NOT IMPORTANT NINO IS IT???? :D

the issue is that then immigration was agreed and for need .. now it is oart of a cheap labour system .. one which i thought you woukd be against!!

p.s. do you dispute unemplyment averaged 2% between 1949 and 1971??? or that now we have c10% and have doen since the mid 8ts???? :rolleyes:

The language that you use differs little from that used by the BNP.
durruti02 said:
whatever ..

so :D

how do YOU explain such high levels of economic migration in a period of such high unemplyment?

How do you explain that the language that you use is the same as that used by the BNP? Go on, explain that one away.

You don't tackle the BNP by stealing their ideas.
nino_savatte said:
How do you explain that the language that you use is the same as that used by the BNP? Go on, explain that one away.

You don't tackle the BNP by stealing their ideas.

nino nino nino :rolleyes: ?? i'll give you 3 differrences

the BNP as i have explained many times before are NOT anti immigration .. they are against non white immigration ..they are quite simply racist

they are pro business and are totally against a workerist/ communist view that i come from

and i suspect many of their voters are happy to employ cheap migrant labour

do you see the differrence now:rolleyes:

p.s. do you deny that unemployment has risen dramatically since the 5ts and 6ts and is now around 10% compared to below 2 % then??

do you ddeny we have historically very high immigration?

so is there not something odd here??
nino_savatte said:
The language that you use differs little from that used by the BNP.

LOL :D make yer minds up.. i was national socialist and a strasserite earlier .. can't be both that AND bnp ..:rolleyes:
make of it what you will gentlemen

Emigration boom as record numbers opt to live abroad
By Cahal Milmo

Published: 23 August 2007

A record number of people left Britain last year heading for a new life amid evidence that the UK population is rapidly shifting due to migration and a rising birth rate.
More than 385,000 people, including just under 200,000 British citizens, became long-term emigrants in 2006 - the highest number to head for greener pastures since data was first collected in 1991.
But while most of those leaving for foreign climes carried British passports, the figures collected by the Office for National Statistics also showed a large increase in the number of foreign nationals leaving the country.
The number of non-British European Union citizens emigrating tripled to 62,000, suggesting that recent arrivals from eastern Europe are choosing to return home.
The trend would be in contrast to claims that most migrant workers from countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and Romania intend to stay permanently in Britain.
Separate figures released last month showed a decrease in the number of migrants registering to work, suggesting that inward migration may be about to peak.
The ONS figures also showed a significant decrease in immigration into Britain. Some 574,000 people arrived as long-term migrants, a fall of 25,000 on 2005. Net immigration was 179,000.
The statistical bulletin did not include reasons why people choose to emigrate or their destination.
But data from previous years shows Australia, Spain, France, America and New Zealand are the favourite destinations for those heading abroad, accounting for 318,000 emigrants between them.
Migration experts said the globalisation of the world economy and the lifestyle benefits of other countries, not least an improved climate, were driving the exodus. Skilled workers, in particular nurses, teachers and computer specialists, are being sought by many countries.
Agencies which help people relocate have reported a rapid increase in enquiries about moving abroad during this summer's soggy weather.
Liam Clifford, head of a visa consultancy website, said: "The past 20 years have seen such massive changes in globalisation. It has taken off and countries are competing for skills."
The statistics offered a further insight into the changing shape of the British population. The number of people in the UK grew by 0.6 per cent to 60,587,000 with an increase in the birth rate contributing more to the total than inward migration.
The number of births last year stood at 734,000, compared with 663,000 in 2001. A quarter of babies born in Britain have a foreign mother or father, a rise from 20 per cent in 2001.
Experts said the birth rate was expected to continue to rise. An ONS spokesman said: "All the evidence is that the figure will continue. I think the increase in births is associated with people who are residents in the UK."
The statistics also provided evidence of Britain's ageing population. The number of people aged 85 or more grew by six per cent to 1.24 million, the largest growth of any demographic group.
Population figures
60,587,000 the population of the UK in mid-2006, an increase of 349,000
385,000 the number of people who left Britain, nearly 50,000 more than the previous year and the highest number since records began in 1991
574,000 the number of migrants arriving in the UK, a fall of 25,000 on 2005. Net migration was 189,000, a fall of 73,000 on the previous year
there was a thread on this a couple of months ago i think ..

personally i dont think it is good .. to me it is all Tebbit on yer bike bullshit .. Us following capital or migrating for a decent life ... it is NOT stable sustainable communities/sustainability is it!

p.s. the figures at the bottom don't make sense .. says pop gone up 350Kin 2006 then says the migration balence is 150K :confused:
durruti02 said:
nino nino nino :rolleyes: ?? i'll give you 3 differrences

the BNP as i have explained many times before are NOT anti immigration .. they are against non white immigration ..they are quite simply racist

they are pro business and are totally against a workerist/ communist view that i come from

and i suspect many of their voters are happy to employ cheap migrant labour

do you see the differrence now:rolleyes:

p.s. do you deny that unemployment has risen dramatically since the 5ts and 6ts and is now around 10% compared to below 2 % then??

do you ddeny we have historically very high immigration?

so is there not something odd here??

The BNP are anti-immigration. I really don't know how you can sit there and lie to me. To make distinctions that are based on skin colour is well, wrong. Immigrants are immigrants are immigrants and what makes you think that there is no xenophobia to the recent calls to "stem the tide" (to use the sort of dramatic language that you're fond of)?

I find that nothing has changed since the 1950's; the language of those opposing immigration has not changed one iota and orbits the same hoary auld sphere of "they're taking our jobs".
nino_savatte said:
The BNP are anti-immigration. I really don't know how you can sit there and lie to me. To make distinctions that are based on skin colour is well, wrong. Immigrants are immigrants are immigrants and what makes you think that there is no xenophobia to the recent calls to "stem the tide" (to use the sort of dramatic language that you're fond of)?

I find that nothing has changed since the 1950's; the language of those opposing immigration has not changed one iota and orbits the same hoary auld sphere of "they're taking our jobs".

Is that really true? I thought the BNP supporters would much rather be served by an Australian or Eastern European than a Black person.
What do you think ninno ? Have they stopped being racist now?;)
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