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Racism towards Travellers in the UK

... surely a Terribly Smart Chap such as yourself knows the difference between (extremely vague) anecdotal and empirical evidence?

Well I wouldn't expect a fuckwit like you to appreciate that I'm not posting for anyone else or telling them what to think.

Yes. I'm posting my own feelings and telling you why I hold them. You're free to have your own.
Well I wouldn't expect a fuckwit like you to appreciate that I'm not posting for anyone else or telling them what to think.

Yes. I'm posting my own feelings and telling you why I hold them. You're free to have your own.

The “what I feel” defence is a bit of a departure from your usual, deftly analytical, logical persona
He made an assertion, refused to back it up on the grounds its just like, his opinion, man, and threw a bit of a tantrum when pressed. Something of a pointless intervention really.
He made an assertion, refused to back it up on the grounds its just like, his opinion, man, and threw a bit of a tantrum when pressed. Something of a pointless intervention really.

Lol. Think you and that dog fella are reading a different thread to everyone else.

And being rude to you isn't the same as throwing a tantrum, old chap. ;)
Sure sure.

We both know the quality of your rudeness has been low on this thread, lost temper low. If you weren't having a tantrum you'd have been more articulate.
Ooof, that's quite harsh...best let him reply, no?
I like him as a poster ( dont always agree with him but so what) however occasional scraps like this remind me of the Man City /QPR game when after a few digs Barton went around kicking a few others and was sent off , and before leaving the field he tried to 'take one with him'
I like him as a poster ( dont always agree with him but so what) however occasional scraps like this remind me of the Man City /QPR game when after a few digs Barton went around kicking a few others and was sent off , and before leaving the field he tried to 'take one with him'
Oh, I see...hmm
Where I live (Medway), the comments in local news sites/Facebook pages whenever travellers park up are horrendous. Open calls to burn them, allegations of all sorts before anything has happened, the works. Self care is not reading the comments sections I suppose.

I do think that local authorities are missing a trick in not making a handful of areas as something like designated traveller sites. This would negate the need to trespass on other sites and would provide opportunity for the removal of waste as well other facilities. Mind you this would also remove the need for lurid headlines and rumours to fuel the racism so.....
most LAs do have some , dismal, underprovision but any attempt to expand it or create new sites = pitchforks and flaming torches from pearl clutching NIMBYs
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I like him as a poster ( dont always agree with him but so what) however occasional scraps like this remind me of the Man City /QPR game when after a few digs Barton went around kicking a few others and was sent off , and before leaving the field he tried to 'take one with him'

Nah. I just respond in kind and have a low tolerance for morons!
The travellers who rock up on the football pitches in stanmer park get moved on sharpish the land is in regularly use by the Local community its not a campsite.
They have left commerical levels of waste behind. driven quads and cars over the pitches doing doughnuts.
attempted to intimidate the cafe and smashed up the playpark.
The travellers who rock up on the football pitches in stanmer park get moved on sharpish the land is in regularly use by the Local community its not a campsite.
They have left commerical levels of waste behind. driven quads and cars over the pitches doing doughnuts.
attempted to intimidate the cafe and smashed up the playpark.

It's only those ones though. They're not all the same you awful bigot!
The thread started to ask the question “GRT the last acceptable form of racism”

….Descends into a litany of posters comfortably listing their negative anecdotes of the GRT community

This is how it works, perpetuating stereotypes.

Spymaster knows this but like Ricky Gervais knocking out trans jokes thinking he’s clever/edgy enough to pull it off

just a bit of Friday online intellectual sport
Spymaster has quite high tolerance for morons as long as they agree with him. It's the disagreement/feeling his august words aren't being respected that he can't stand. Gets him all shouty about everyone else being an idiot.

Anyhoo probably worth noting that it's always the stories of scumbags that pop up on these threads because, eg. my own experiences of traveller sites being primarily that they tidy up just fine despite being continually treated like they're about to burn everything down just aren't particularly interesting to recount.
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