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Polly Toynbee # 1 "Of course the wealthy want an immigration free-for-all"

nino_savatte said:
Well you have been associated with baldwin and durutti's ill thought out bollocks - have you not? Or are you telling me that you have no truck with what they're saying? You're going to have to be a little clearer.
I don't entirely agree with durruti, no; I'm having a discussion with him. And just because I'm being civil to him, you think I'm "associated" with him? Or have you just not bothered reading my posts?
Can you now read my posts "savatte", and tell me which part is "cod socialism", which part is "bollocks", and which part you want to tell to "fuck off". Reasoned argument, please. Not just "I don't like the people you're debating with, therefore I don't like you".
danny la rouge said:
I don't entirely agree with durruti, no; I'm having a discussion with him. And just because I'm being civil to him, you think I'm "associated" with him? Or have you just not bothered reading my posts?

Er, durutti gave the impression that you'd agreed with him entirely. Perhaps you should have a word with him.
danny la rouge said:
Can you now read my posts "savatte", and tell me which part is "cod socialism", which part is "bollocks", and which part you want to tell to "fuck off". Reasoned argument, please. Not just "I don't like the people you're debating with, therefore I don't like you".

See my post above....unless you really want to continue this.
nino_savatte said:
Er, durutti gave the impression that you'd agreed with him entirely. Perhaps you should have a word with him.
Did I though? Did what I wrote give you that impression. Or are you not reading the thread?
danny la rouge said:
So, are you admitting to being wrong? Is there an apology on the way?

This is what durutti said

and why danny la rouge/ Divisive/ treelover/ exscoluate/ knotted/ matt kid/ suburban and many more leftwingers on here are saying little differrent than me ..

He seems to think you are both of the same opinion. Like I said, have a go at him and not me.

I'm not admitting to anything and I'm not apologising for anything. Go whistle.
And what am I supposed to conclude from that outburst? That evidence is unimportant to you? That you'll carry on being insulting even when the reason for the insults has been shown to be groundless?

You think this makes anyone feel compelled to debate with you? You have just proved to me that your opinion is worthless.

I'm not asking you what durruti said. I'm asking you if what I said was reason for your outburst against me.
To L&L: If this is the best "savant" can do, then I'm surprised anyone pays any attention to him. It is customary to read posts. "savant" appears not to want to.
To savant: Let me ask you something. If someone behaved the way towards you the way you have behaved towards me, what would you do?
danny la rouge said:
And what am I supposed to conclude from that outburst? That evidence is unimportant to you? That you'll carry on being insulting even when the reason for the insults has been shown to be groundless?

You think this makes anyone feel compelled to debate with you? You have just proved to me that your opinion is worthless.

I'm not asking you what durruti said. I'm asking you if what I said was reason for your outburst against me.

Wtf are you ranting about?

You have just proved to me that your opinion is worthless.

I was right about you, you don't really care about other people's opinions. You are like durutti and baldwin and now L&L, who just turned up for a scrap.
You are a buffoon.

You have one last chance to read what I actually said, after which I will treat you with the contempt you clearly crave.
danny la rouge said:
To L&L: If this is the best "savant" can do, then I'm surprised anyone pays any attention to him. It is customary to read posts. "savant" appears not to want to.

Ah, how amusing..."savant". :rolleyes: Very funny...but before you get cosy with L&L, perhaps you should have a look at his other posts. Maybe you and him would make a nice couple: one of you is incapable of making himself understood and the other is dense twat who has an overinflated sense of his own importance.
danny la rouge said:
You are a buffoon.

You have one last chance to read what I actually said, after which I will treat you with the contempt you clearly crave.

How can someone "crave" contempt? You're not all there, are you?

Go fuck yourself.
danny la rouge said:
To savant: Let me ask you something. If someone behaved the way towards you the way you have behaved towards me, what would you do?

I can't say you've been entirely friendly. In fact, your posts have been somewhat less than clear...as I said earlier.

If you want to make friends with L&L, that's your business but most folk around here think he's a twat.
nino_savatte said:
twat who has an overinflated sense of his own importance.

This from the poster who wrote this a few days ago:

nino_savatte said:
So what are you getting at, jaed? I noticed that you never answered my last post. Is there any reason for this...apart from my reputation for not taking crap?
danny la rouge said:
As L&L knows I mostly disagree with him. But I do agree with him that you are a buffoon.

You're not too bright yourself, pal. If all you can do is call me "savant" and a buffoon, then you aren't much better - are you? In fact, if you agree with L&L, you're probably just as bad as him and it is better to put you on ignore.

I mean danny "la rouge"...yeah, right.
danny la rouge said:
NS: do you disagree with me on immigration? In that case, if you disagree with this: http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=4973257&postcount=104 then I must assume you associate with pbowie.

How does that suit you?

I don't disagree with any of it. So why did durutti say what he said? Why did he feel the need to claim that you had agreed with him?

That's something you are going to have to explain and thus far, you've not done it.
This is going well :p

danny la rouge said:
If you refuse to read my actual posts, how am I supposed to react to you?

You only think that I haven't read your posts. You still haven't told me why durutti said what he said.
danny la rouge said:
I've just decided how to react. I've reported you. And I hope you are banned.

Go on, report me. I'm putting you on ignore.

This demonstrates what sort of person you really are "I hope you are banned". How pathetic.
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