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Transphobes gunning hard for 'paedophilia' angle all of a sudden

Well with fiscal responsibility to consider we just can't afford it. We've been very clear in stressing the need for measures to pay for themselves :(
I'm just so confused anyone (not affected personally, so those targeted). Cares about what other People do or don't do, their genetics, race, gender, sex whatever. Why the fuck does it matter? (Unless being targeted because of it).

Various relatives are bi, straight, homosexual, go out with trans people (idk their personal definition but I'll go with whatever), non binary and due to some personal discovery on their part, a few of these. If they had new names I used them (my SO and kids changed names what's the difference? Logically anyway, for some it can mean a lot more I know so i use whatever I know to). If they want or need to whatever, that is their business.

I don't understand any of the opposition at all. I grew up until I was 18 not knowingly knowing anyone not straight. Later I found a few mates were which made me sad cos they felt they needed to hide it. Few suicides too, MH i was told but idk how much that may have changed outcomes.

Can't people just get along? Anyone in a minority for whatever reason just wants to live without hassle like anyone else. The idea of being against whoever for ideological reasons is so nonsensical. Look like me and act like an arse, well you are one. Look/act/be/anything else i missed and be an OK person. The rest is irrelevant. It isn't some 'accepting' people thing, or it should not be. It should be default assuming everyone is 'acceptable' unless proven otherwise.

I never saw a black kid at school til it was college and I was 20, so man really. Weird but county is not very multicultural in general. It was never even mentioned. Maybe we had some 'enlightened' IT class but he won at web design and I did at Mario kart 8. Shame I wasn't good enough to make money from it tho. I hope he didn't feel bad about potentially some arseholes (idk but seems to be always some). But we were team of 15, not 14 and another. It was us. Idk why this is apparently so rare. Reportedly anyway. I think most people are generally good. I'm going to believe that and the 'silent majority' are a small minority who shout loudly.

I just don't get the logic, at all.

If(doesntactlikeme="yes" then person=bad) why? Its nonsense. Hope all are doing OK. Reach out to someone, somewhere if not. Please.
People can get along. Most people do and are accepting of trans people. But the press is fanning the flames of a reaction because they support a Right Wing government that is crumbling and useless and the best way they have to deflect from that is to pour hatred and outrage on a small minority and quote people who are happy to do that which sells papers and makes it look like the whole country is in 'uproar' about the issue, when probably at least 90% of people never think about 'the trans issue' and most of them, if asked, will say something along the lines of 'I don't see it does any harm, people should be allowed to live their lives'
People can get along. Most people do and are accepting of trans people. But the press is fanning the flames of a reaction because they support a Right Wing government that is crumbling and useless and the best way they have to deflect from that is to pour hatred and outrage on a small minority and quote people who are happy to do that which sells papers and makes it look like the whole country is in 'uproar' about the issue, when probably at least 90% of people never think about 'the trans issue' and most of them, if asked, will say something along the lines of 'I don't see it does any harm, people should be allowed to live their lives'

I would go as far as saying I am not very interested in the personal lives of other people, other than wanting them to have the freedom and any support they might need so they can be authentically themself :)
I genuinely find the whole fuss mind numbingly tedious.

It don't matter if a person don't understand why other people change names, have preferred pronouns, want to be identified as they / them or knows they are trans. Just be polite and address them as they've asked. It don't hurt to use their preferred name or pronouns.

As for drag act story times, wtf is the difference between that and panto? Families and schools have been taking kids to them for decades
It don't matter if a person don't understand why other people change names, have preferred pronouns, want to be identified as they / them or knows they are trans. Just be polite and address them as they've asked. It don't hurt to use their preferred name or pronouns.

As for drag act story times, wtf is the difference between that and panto? Families and schools have been taking kids to them for decades
This. I think it stems from confusion and not knowing what box to stick someone in. Some people get so angry when they can't easily label you!
'People not getting on' stems from media as Cloo says and mumsnet

but also reconsidering the gender binary means reconsidering how everyone aligns themselves with their assigned gender and other gender(s) - this is more complex and there are complex resistances to it

And I wish I was less tired, more informed and more clever to say more about that
Very few (basically no) people scratch posters because they disagree with the SWP - at least, in the context of having any knowledge at all of the SWP
This is in Cork but involves links to the British far-right and the presence of "at least one high-profile far-right activist in the UK."

The library was forced to close on Saturday (29/7/23) because of these disrupters, who hung a banner across the doors.

The rally had been held as part of ongoing protests against LGBTQ+ material in Irish libraries, largely involving protesters arriving from outside of communities to support small numbers of locals.

Sources within the gardaí and those who monitor far-right activity say that some of the men at the protest are linked with British far-right groups and the demonstration was attended by at least one high-profile far-right activist in the UK.

Other protestors travelled from Dublin and around Ireland in a bid to force the library to stop carrying LGBTQ+ books.

The protests have been largely co-ordinated on far-right social media and the decision to close the library on Saturday was celebrated in these circles.

The ongoing protests have forced closures of libraries across the country, as protesters aim to remove books such as the teen sex education title This Book Is Gay.

The city's main library closed for the first time in more than a century in March amid fears of a similar protest and closed once again earlier this month during another rally.

On July 7, around 400 people marched through the city in solidarity with public library workers who have been faced with threats and intimidation while doing their job.

Far-right agitators flew in from UK to protest at Cork library
This is in Cork but involves links to the British far-right and the presence of "at least one high-profile far-right activist in the UK."

The library was forced to close on Saturday (29/7/23) because of these disrupters, who hung a banner across the doors.

Far-right agitators flew in from UK to protest at Cork library
Don't think anyone who's been paying attention will be hugely surprised by the speed with which this has gone from targeting trans people to targeting anything LGBT in general. Nice work, LGB Alliance and co.
Right wing and/or religious American and British agitators have been interfering with Irish politics and social issues for an age.

Fear for my country.
I fear for the world. These fuckers are everywhere.
Of course. Maybe was naive in thinking somehow Ireland would be immune, or at least better equipped to deal with this shite.

But as said, it's not new. And while the hatred may be amplified by outside fash, there's a few willing to go along with it. There always has been.

Remember a feature in the 80s, in Hot Press, which mentioned fash putting racist stickers on albums in some record stores. It seemed so much more random, relatively rare and the work of cranks then.
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