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Polly Toynbee # 1 "Of course the wealthy want an immigration free-for-all"

the immediate thing that springs to mind is what an incredibly short memory you have. as i have never disagreed with the statement that the bosses will try and use it as a way of undercutting wages. Nor that they will make some vile statements in support of their position.

The other thing that I find funny is how you cant stop saying how I agree with Sir Digby, yet have a fit whenever it is pointed out how you raise (and raise and raise again) the same arguments as the BNP.

Still, right-wing old trades unionists were always hypocrites, so nothing new there.
nino_savatte said:
Don't you and yer pal balders ever get tired of repeating yourself? All you can do is crap on about immigration, when all the while you are pushing a hidden discourse of racism and xenophobia.

Another thread with transparently obvious motives. :rolleyes:

I've laced up me docs.

you dope .. pretty well the only time i talk about immigration is on here .. as fools like you still exist ...

the agenda i am pushing is workerism .. against your m/c liberalism that has caused so much of the rift between basic left wing ideas and the w/c in this country ..

p.s. i'm a fking foreigner myself of an immigrant father you dope .. and TB has an asian partner ..

' hidden discourse ' ??? .. get back to academia fool
durruti02 said:
you dope .. pretty well the only time i talk about immigration is on here .. as fools like you still exist ...

the agenda i am pushing is workerism .. against your m/c liberalism that has caused so much of the rift between basic left wing ideas and the w/c in this country ..

p.s. i'm a fking foreigner myself of an immigrant father you dope .. and TB has an asian partner ..

' hidden discourse ' ??? .. get back to academia fool

durruti02 - this debate has been going on for a year now.

i've only made contributions now and again, and certainly haven't followed it all the way through

but my question to you is...

get to the point now - just what are you arguing? not open borders, you've made that quite clear - but just what is you argument?

most importantly... how does this translate onto the ground... amongst the class.... which is where it really counts?

do you think HI should be campaigning on this issue in Hackney?

the point i'm making... is how does your argument translate into action?
durruti02 said:
you dope .. pretty well the only time i talk about immigration is on here .. as fools like you still exist ...

the agenda i am pushing is workerism .. against your m/c liberalism that has caused so much of the rift between basic left wing ideas and the w/c in this country ..

p.s. i'm a fking foreigner myself of an immigrant father you dope .. and TB has an asian partner ..

' hidden discourse ' ??? .. get back to academia fool

"Dope"? I'd be careful who you're calling "dope", friend. Only an anti-intellectual subscriber to half baked concerns voiced in tabloid papers would say "get back to academia fool" to the phrase "hidden discourse". But then, like your pal balders, you're as thick as pigshit.

So fond are you and bladwin of doling out the phrase "Liberal lefty" or m/c liberals" that you've betrayed your plastic socialism (which is no different to the distributism of Chesterton & Belloc or corporatism of the fascists). If you're going to pass yourself off as socialists,you should try and do some research first. Maybe take the "method" approach to your work; live the part. I'll see if I can dig out Lee Strasberg's number for you.

You can't even string together a proper defence ofyour own and your reply to me consists of the same repetetive bullshit as baldwin.

Are you two sharing a brain? That would explain an awful lot.
belboid said:
the immediate thing that springs to mind is what an incredibly short memory you have. as i have never disagreed with the statement that the bosses will try and use it as a way of undercutting wages. Nor that they will make some vile statements in support of their position.

The other thing that I find funny is how you cant stop saying how I agree with Sir Digby, yet have a fit whenever it is pointed out how you raise (and raise and raise again) the same arguments as the BNP.

so why do you seem to side with boshieboy rather than all those i listed??

p.s. the differrence between me and the BNP is absolute .. as you well know .. there position is and always has been anti TU .. they do not call for workerist positions but RACIST immigration control and repatriation

.. and yes dear you are absolutely right .. of course you do not agree with DJ .. i was making a point??? ged it

so now can you come out clearly and state to bolsie and the others that you know , that i am coming from a left wing position OK??

and then as i tried to do by pms maybe we can try to progress this ..
nino_savatte said:
"Dope"? I'd be careful who you're calling "dope", friend. Only an anti-intellectual subscriber to half baked concerns voiced in tabloid papers would say "get back to academia fool" to the phrase "hidden discourse". But then, like your pal balders, you're as thick as pigshit.

So fond are you and bladwin of doling out the phrase "Liberal lefty" or m/c liberals" that you've betrayed your plastic socialism (which is no different to the distributism of Chesterton & Belloc or corporatism of the fascists).

You can't even string together a proper defence ofyour own and your reply to me consists of the same repetetive bullshit as baldwin.

Are you two sharing a brain? That would explain an awful lot.

don't threaten me ..

don't call me a friend when you regard me as racist or bnper ..

just try to think what is being said ..

and why the left are fked ..

and why danny la rouge/ Divisive/ treelover/ exscoluate/ knotted/ matt kid/ suburban and many more leftwingers on here are saying little differrent than me ..
durruti02 said:
don't threaten me ..

don't call me a friend when you regard me as racist or bnper ..

just try to think what is being said ..

and why the left are fked ..

and why danny la rouge/ Divisive/ treelover/ exscoluate/ knotted/ matt kid/ suburban and many more leftwingers on here are saying little differrent than me ..

Who's "threatening" you? My, you have a lively imagination as well as a gift for chicanery.

If you think that I'm "threatening" yo, then what will you say when I actually threaten you properly?

You're a waste of time...just like your bitch, balders.
Divisive Cotton said:
durruti02 - this debate has been going on for a year now.

i've only made contributions now and again, and certainly haven't followed it all the way through

but my question to you is...

get to the point now - just what are you arguing? not open borders, you've made that quite clear - but just what is you argument?

most importantly... how does this translate onto the ground... amongst the class.... which is where it really counts?

do you think HI should be campaigning on this issue in Hackney?

the point i'm making... is how does your argument translate into action?

did you not get my pm re the suggestions i made for a statement ???:confused:

in terms of on the ground

arguing for sons and daughters and local control over housing allocation .. this is something i belive IWCA do .. amongst campaigning generally to get power back to the base

in terms of the left .. a major repositioninng and admission of what is going on ... this, apart from a few places like spectrezine, is totally lacking

again a re emphasis amongst the TU's and RnF that we can NOT be afraid of fighting privaisation/wage cutting/ Gate Gourmets etc etc by accusations of Little England and racism .. that we need a major campaign of back to basics trade unionism ..closed shop and all ...i actually do not totally agree with the IWCA idea that the TUs are dead .. they are crippled partially by liberalism

tbph mate this whole debate is not really about immigration but about the left .. and about how they relate to the w/c .. ..

and yes of course i do not belive that the Rebel warriors of this world will come around .. these debates are as much about those who just reda them than contribute .. in fact there have been some very good debates on here and people do appear to be thinking about the issues ..
nino_savatte said:
Who's "threatening" you? My, you have a lively imagination as well as a gift for chicanery.

If you think that I'm "threatening" yo, then
You're a waste of time...just like your bitch, balders.

"lacing up my docs" / "I'd be careful who you're calling "dope", friend" / "what will you say when I actually threaten you properly?"

yawn :rolleyes:

grow up .. try to debate without the above ok?
nino_savatte said:
Who's "threatening" you? My, you have a lively imagination as well as a gift for chicanery.

If you think that I'm "threatening" yo, then what will you say when I actually threaten you properly?

You're a waste of time...just like your bitch, balders.

pal - just fuck right off.

i know durruti02. i would trust my life with this man - that's no lie

which is more than can be said for all the rest of the other cockheads that infest these boards

his politics are sound - a true international socialist
nino_savatte said:
You can't even string together a proper defence ofyour own and your reply to me consists of the same repetetive bullshit as baldwin.

so what do you say to treelover .. matt kid .. divisive .. danny la rouge exco etc etc ??
durruti02 said:
so why do you seem to side with boshieboy rather than all those i listed??
because at least half those you listed are actually the lefty liberals

p.s. the differrence between me and the BNP is absolute .. as you well know .. there position is and always has been anti TU .. they do not call for workerist positions but RACIST immigration control and repatriation
I didnt say your positin, I said your issues - tho baldy has a not entirely dissimilar position to them on immigration.

.. and yes dear you are absolutely right .. of course you do not agree with DJ .. i was making a point??? ged it
yes dear, an obvious one, which you had made before. Tho one which you had objhected to when it was thrown back at you.

so now can you come out clearly and state to bolsie and the others that you know , that i am coming from a left wing position OK??

and then as i tried to do by pms maybe we can try to progress this ..
I've pointed out to him I think you're no racist, but I doubt there is much a way to honestl;y 'progress' such an issue via a web board discussion. Epecially as you never responded to my criticvisms & comments on your PM :)
Divisive Cotton said:
pal - just fuck right off.

i know durruti02. i would trust my life with this man - that's no lie

which is more than can be said for all the rest of the other cockheads that infest these boards

his politics are sound - a true international socialist

No, you fuck off. Your 'friend' and his 'friend' have spent the last couple of weeks winding folk up. In my mind, you're just as bad as them.

Now if you don't mind, I have more important things to do then play silly games with tossers who reckon they're better socialists than everyone else.

Divisive Cotton said:
pal - just fuck right off.

i know durruti02. i would trust my life with this man - that's no lie

which is more than can be said for all the rest of the other cockheads that infest these boards

his politics are sound - a true international socialist

cheers mate :)
durruti02 said:
absolutly bruv .. but find me a copy of SW where they even talk about it .. there was NOTHING at Marxism about it either ..
Do you mind if I don't go looking for copies of SW? Life's too short, they're too irrelevant, and I'm too grumpy in my old age to bother.
Divisive Cotton said:
pal - just fuck right off.

i know durruti02. i would trust my life with this man - that's no lie

which is more than can be said for all the rest of the other cockheads that infest these boards

his politics are sound - a true international socialist

Edited: repreated post to Elusive Nylon.
nino_savatte said:
What? Like the 'arguments' you and your gang have put forward. Fuck off and take your cod socialism with you.
I wasn't aware I had a gang. As I recall my argument was that migrants should be encouraged to become unionised, and that workers should show migrants solidarity. And for this you tell me to "fuck off". Bizarre.

Are you certain you've read my posts before coming up with your antipathy, or are you just anti working class organisation? Please explain how I have deserved this scorn.
nino_savatte said:
What? Like the 'arguments' you and your gang have put forward. Fuck off and take your cod socialism with you.

Classic nino!

Perhaps hes part of Mossad too eh nino?
coming in on this debate a little late but this is an issue which I'm interested in.

The general consensus is to unionise the migrant workers but this is proving to be impossible due to as soon as they are, they are shipped back to their country of origin.

I work in the construction industry and find that companies are stating that they can't find enough skilled workers and have to employ foriegn labour.

This is a blatent lie.

it is an attempt ( succesfull so far) to reduce wages.
danny la rouge said:
I wasn't aware I had a gang. As I recall my argument was that migrants should be encouraged to become unionised, and that workers should show migrants solidarity. And for this you tell me to "fuck off". Bizarre.

Are you certain you've read my posts before coming up with your antipathy, or are you just anti working class organisation? Please explain how I have deserved this scorn.

Well you have been associated with baldwin and durutti's ill thought out bollocks - have you not? Or are you telling me that you have no truck with what they're saying? You're going to have to be a little clearer.
tbaldwin said:
Classic nino!

Perhaps hes part of Mossad too eh nino?

More faux conspiracy bollocks from Urban's dear anti-intellectual.

Your wit is like your ability to come up with a convincing argument: shite.
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