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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Im increasingly thinking he's done. Sure, he will hang around for a bad smell for a while but the apalling cowardly, dummy spitting, wrecking ball nature of his departure may have put the final nail of his poltical coffin. Outside of a handful of mps he has no friends or allys in the party and his actions will have lost him any residual sympathy/loyalty from many more. The commons report will be damming and there are moves to ban him from standing as a tory mp. Its will refocus attention on how he partied through lockdown and then lied about it - beyond his fanclub amongst some tory voters the public will widely view him as a contemptable figure - so quite possibly no TV gigs outside of GB News. Outisde the express and the heil, The media may be far less inclinded to indulge him.
He will undoubetdly continue to try and get attention - but i cant see on ongoing crusade against the appalling injsutice he has suffered is going to catch fire beyond his own obsession. Bitter Boris banging on isnt as much as selling point as bumbling fun boris is it? Fuck him - Hopefully more shit will land on him and ends up as the poltical equivlent of Jimmy Saville.
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I hope he continues his self delusions the longer he does the harder reality will hit...this huge arsehole is well and truly fucked, yea he'll always make money but barring the few brain demented apologists and the rapidly dying off old white party membership everyone else is laughing at him not with him as he believes
Cunt of the Year 2023?..yea has to be Putin but will it be Bojo or Trump in 2nd place?
Not a cunt, more a later day Cnut sitting on his throne telling an incoming tsunami of piss and shit to bugger off.
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It gone a bit quiet on who is next to follow Johnson out of the commons atm
Rumours of Alok Sharma, which if true would result in a bi-election in a marginal seat so immediately uncomfortable to the present PM.

Im increasingly thinking he's done. Sure, he will hang around for a bad smell for a while but the apalling cowardly, dummy spitting, wrecking ball nature of his departure may have put the final nail of his poltical coffin.
Very probably this time as being officially caught lying about parties is so much harder to come back from than Gove knifing you in the back as per the last time he was finished. But....who would bet in anything these days😳
But, crucially, he never bent all of his party to his will. Trump’s power over rival Republican politicians lies in his personality cult. Respectable Republicans who might challenge him know that his furious supporters will destroy them, so bite their tongues. The Johnson cult took off in the Tory press, but it never took over all of the Tory party.

Why does this image keep reoccurring? When did BJ ever come to anyone's rescue, least of all galloping into the fray?

"Rees-Mogg said he expected Sunak to lead his party into next year’s general election. “I’m looking at some indeterminate date in the future when Rishi’s hair has gone grey and he decides to retire and Boris comes back on his charger to save the nation.”

View attachment 378760
Jim Pickard (Deputy Political Editor of the FT) on twitter

where the fuck does the idea come form that "northen working class men" (sorry "blokes") admire that blustering posh cunt? id imagine they - like everyone else whose name does not contain the worrds "nadine" or "mogg" - are far more likely see him as a bushitting arsehole.
“I’m looking at some indeterminate date in the future when Rishi’s hair has gone grey and he decides to retire and Boris comes back on his charger to save the nation.”

This perhaps:


However I suspect it's more likely to be the charger for the compromised phone he was told not to turn on again.
where the fuck does the idea come form that "northen working class men" (sorry "blokes") admire that blustering posh cunt? id imagine they - like everyone else whose name does not contain the worrds "nadine" or "mogg" - are far more likely see him as a bushitting arsehole.
I think I've an idea where it comes from - out of his own arse tbh.
where the fuck does the idea come form that "northen working class men" (sorry "blokes") admire that blustering posh cunt? id imagine they - like everyone else whose name does not contain the worrds "nadine" or "mogg" - are far more likely see him as a bushitting arsehole.

TBF there is a big aspect of his support that actively likes him shagging around, as an essential part of his character. All the affairs and that sort of thing have never harmed him with his support.

In fact I'd bet that him being caught cheating on Carrie would cause about 1% of the political damage to him that her being caught cheating on him would.
The northern petty bourgeoisie. Landlords small-business owners. I believe it’s not all whippets and wouldbe miners up there you know.
TBF there is a big aspect of his support that actively likes him shagging around, as an essential part of his character. All the affairs and that sort of thing have never harmed him with his support.

In fact I'd bet that him being caught cheating on Carrie would cause about 1% of the political damage to him that her being caught cheating on him would.

No one gives a fuck about him shagging around. Save his wife or long-term partner. I mean I didn’t think that’s why we dislike him?
It will be very interesting to see what happens now with him. His access to rich donors and other people of means was probably very transactional. In other words dependent on what he can offer them.

I think he leveraged the power or promise of power he had for financial gain for them.
Now this has really dissipated, as the vermin quite clearly see him as a liability not an asset, unlike before. So maybe his wealthy "fans" won't be lending him houses, loaning money, paying for holidays etc ,etc as there will be no patronage forthcoming from now on.

Oh dear.
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