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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

in any case Tory membership is at an all time low and these are hardly inspiring circumstances. Even ardent Brexiteers must be losing heart. Although they'll be shipping in volunteers from all over, there will be an unprecedented lack of local knowledge to make best use of it.

the other side of that is what's the state of labour membership now? how many of the members who were active and did canvassing in 2017 / 2019 have either been slung out, quit, or just won't be so inclined to volunteer? and how many of the (smaller) number of members who have joined / re-joined because corbyn is no longer leader will do anything?

(I'm not suggesting you know the answers to this, just pondering)
What's the point?

He admitted he misled the house, all be it unintentionally (though quite how you don't know that parties you've attended breach rules you've signed off IDK). The police issued fines including to him , for him to say there is no evidence in his petulant goodbye statement...He's on another planet.

I've long thought that Johnson's total indifference to reality is a selling point for him. He appeals to people who don't like reality because reality is the thing that tells them that they're dull, mean, mediocre people who are unable to feel joy or love.
Electoral calculus seems to disagree on 2 out of the 3, their predictions are -

Johnson's Uxbridge and South Ruislip 78% chance of a Labour win, 22% Tories.

Adams' Selby and Ainsty 55% chance of a Labour win, 45% Tories.

Dorries' Mid Bedfordshire 55% chance of a Tory win, 45% Labour.
Personally I would think Labour's chance of taking Uxbridge must be very high "Liar Liar Pants On Fire" only won by about 7000 votes last time, that was with it being the PM's seat and added Brexit.
It's a pretty safe bet that the Labour vote will hold up a lot of pissed off Tory voters might not vote Labour but if the LibDems do well and steal lots of Tory votes as a protest then all Labour have to do is stand still.
hmm seeming as Boris Johnson has always send himself as Churchill reincarnated

wonder if he try another party for a bit

lib dem maybe :hmm:
Maybe he's gonna stand in the Republican primary?
I hope he stands in a field with a firing squad present and primed.

Johnson is what i'd call a cunt of a cunt. Fuck his clowning and bluster it's not fucking funny, it's lethal. He was so fucking empty. corrupt, inept and self absorbed that he couldn't he even lie his way out of the hole that he lied himself into. He's a fucking pathetic and vile bully. He rather people died than play by the rules. This cunt has spent his life sneering at and trying to humiliate people. He's a stone cold evil cunt, the earth should have no place for a toxic, twisted, incompetent, cowardly, murderer like him.

If there is any justice in the world then i hope the bastard spends the rest of his days suffering and powerless and in complete misery,
Johnson is what i'd call a cunt of a cunt. Fuck his clowning and bluster it's not fucking funny, it's lethal. He was so fucking empty. corrupt, nept and self absorbed that he couldn't he even lie his way out of the hole that he lied himself into. He's a fucking pathetic and vile bully. He rather people died than play by the rules. This cunt has spent his life sneering at and trying to humiliate people. He's a stone cold evil cunt, the earth should have no place for a toxic, twisted, incompetent, cowardly, murderer like him.

but apart from that...

I hope he stands in a field with a firing squad present and primed.

Johnson is what i'd call a cunt of a cunt. Fuck his clowning and bluster it's not fucking funny, it's lethal. He was so fucking empty. corrupt, inept and self absorbed that he couldn't he even lie his way out of the hole that he lied himself into. He's a fucking pathetic and vile bully. He rather people died than play by the rules. This cunt has spent his life sneering at and trying to humiliate people. He's a stone cold evil cunt, the earth should have no place for a toxic, twisted, incompetent, cowardly, murderer like him.

If there is any justice in the world then i hope the bastard spends the rest of his days suffering and powerless and in complete misery,

hey agree but there is a whole section of society that see him as character and will forgive the cunt almost anything

people are fucking weird
I hope he stands in a field with a firing squad present and primed.

Johnson is what i'd call a cunt of a cunt. Fuck his clowning and bluster it's not fucking funny, it's lethal. He was so fucking empty. corrupt, inept and self absorbed that he couldn't he even lie his way out of the hole that he lied himself into. He's a fucking pathetic and vile bully. He rather people died than play by the rules. This cunt has spent his life sneering at and trying to humiliate people. He's a stone cold evil cunt, the earth should have no place for a toxic, twisted, incompetent, cowardly, murderer like him.

If there is any justice in the world then i hope the bastard spends the rest of his days suffering and powerless and in complete misery,
Completely agree. He is a very nasty psychopath who would be happy to slit your throat for a laugh or if there was some money in it. Thank the heavens he now has no (official) status.
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