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Do you want Boris Johnson to win or lose the confidence vote?


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On personal level I hope he loses, but on a more pragmatic level perhaps a narrow win is best. Tory poll boost with new leader if he loses makes next GE another likely tory majority.
I don't have a preferred outcome. I think we all lose either way. It's a bit of a Catch-22 though - Johnson is only popular with Tories so long as he wins things. Ergo he has to win, otherwise he loses. For all the sense that makes. He's not actually popular with the rank and file as Boris Johnson, just as someone who can win. I suspect a lot of them don't like him personally one bit but will swallow anything for victory.
I don't really see how anyone who thinks that "partygate" is considered serious by potential Tory voters would want him to go. Surely a new leader allows them to say that's all behind us now; clean slate.
The vermin now have to choose, stick with vomit sack and go down to certain defeat at the next election, ditch sack of vomit and descend into internecine warfare between the ERG and One Nation tendencies.

Fantastic choices right there. :cool:
None of us win, whatever happens.

I can't help feeling a little bit of glee at the thought of him being metaphorically kicked in the chops though.
Much as I'd feel a little bit of glee at the thought of him being actually kicked in the chops - might not help anything but it might be the most amusing part of my day.
Each time he's fucked up, he's come back in a more important position. He falls upwards.
He'll start regretting BREXIT, in that case, as he can't make it to being President of the European Commission; and the UN General Secretary job is not an option either, as candidates from Security Council Permanent Member states are excluded.

As a native born US Citizen he could have had a shot at the Presidency, but he relinquished his citizenship.

I'd like to see him humiliated but limping on in his current role.
He'll start regretting BREXIT, in that case, as he can't make it to being President of the European Commission; and the UN General Secretary job is not an option either, as candidates from Security Council Permanent Member states are excluded.

As a native born US Citizen he could have had a shot at the Presidency, but he relinquished his citizenship.

I'd like to see him humiliated but limping on in his current role.
he's being lined up as un peace envoy to the middle east
If you hate BJ and the Tories, this is basically a question of whether you're an optimist or a pessimist, whatever happens. The former will be happy to see him kicked out because he deserves to get a good kicking, and will happy to see him stay on and drag down the party. The pessimist will be gloomy when he's ousted because the replacement may well be objectively worse and also make the party more electable, and gloomy if he's not, because he's still fooling enough people.

Potential replacements may win back Tory votes from the yellow vermin in the home counties but they’ll unlikely be palatable to ex-UKIP red wall voters. Farage is agitating to oust Johnson as he can smell this potential prey.
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