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Undercover Policing Inquiry: SPYCOPS Mini Thread #1 - Trevor Morris AKA ‘Bobby McGee’ AKA ‘Anthony Lewis’

Silas Loom
Apologises for my rude response yesterday...bad day...but no excuse for being so arrogant and shitty.

equationgirl and others liking posts

Sorry for derailing an important thread.

I don't agree with with people about this but do see the other side of the argument.

As a person of colour, I tend to hold other people of colour to a high behaviour standard in regards to racism and can not fathom how a person of colour can behave like this to anti racists in order to further their personal gains.
He behaved despicably to gain approval/career advancement/ money of and from those above him, who are mainly white. In short he (a person of colour) abused other people of colour.

I feel the same in the attitudes to women and Lgbtq+ community. If we know what racial hatred feels like who the fuck are we to dish the equivalent out to others?

It's in these circumstances I use the term.

But I have no wish to piss off those who are on the same side as me on most important issues so will not use it here
I agree with everything you say, aside from you using coconut as an insult.

It's incredible what low depths people will sink to for their own personal gain. This is not exclusive to white people. Therefore the term is redundant and naive.

There are manipulative duplicitous, traitorous cunts everywhere of every creed and colour regardless.

Perhaps you should hold yourself to a higher standard and desist in making derogatory remarks.

As a poc myself I'm not sure I agree with the idea of holding poc to a different standard. I have come across many poc that hold firm prejudices.
Really? Coconut?
I said I can see why he used the term, I absolutely do not agree with or condone usage of the term.

I meant, when I said 'we hold ourselves to higher standards ' that we on urban hold ourselves to higher standards than the spycops
A hundred years ago when our great nation faced clear and present danger from subversives, foreigners and the lower orders, British detective fiction aimed at the 'young adult' demographic was awash with detective heroes exactly like Sherlock Holmes. At least in the sense that they all had names with the same 'two-syllable first name' 'one-syllable second name' structure.
There was Sexton Blake, there was Nelson Lee, there was Dixon Brett, Falcon Swift, Martin Track and so on.

Today, in times just as perilous as those, we need a new hero. With an appropriate name. Cometh the hour cometh the man: it's Carlton King!

Except that, unlike his fictional predecessors, his adventures are REAL not to mention TRUE. Well, at least as REAL and TRUE as his name.


It's 2003, and Coalition forces have taken Baghdad. A conference is held to portion out the contracts that will sustain the occupation. The United Kingdom sends a minister to negotiate their share - but the war-torn city is too dangerous for him to travel alone. Enter Carlton King, a senior protection officer with the Metropolitan Police Special Branch. With no time, three handguns and a broken sat-phone, Carlton and his tight-knit team must prepare the ground for the Minister's visit. Could you guarantee his safety?

So goes the introduction to an interview he gave the Spyscape podcast in 2022.

Fortunately <massive spoiler> he lived to tell the tale. Phew!
But in order to tell the tale he had to overcome even more challenging odds.

For "THEY" didn't want him to tell his story!

View attachment TrevorMorris5d.mp4

Undaunted our hero was unafraid to call on us for help and we responded!!
And with the assistance of the twenty people who signed his change.org petition

Screencap of Carlton King's change.org petition page

the five people who contributed £120 towards his £20,000 kickstarter goal

Screencap of Carlton King's failed Kickstarter results

(and Amazon's self publishing platform)
he agreed to all of THEIR redaction requirements successfully defied THEM and gave us

'Black Ops...: The incredible true story of a British secret agent'

When I wrote my book, I wrote it for two reasons.
One, the Special Branch had been disbanded, which I thought was a very, very bad idea.
And number two, I wanted people to know that black people played a part in all parts of British society.

My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts? Download a free copy of Black Ops today and read "the book THEY didn’t want you to read!"

Then follow his x-twitter account

Carlton King @carlton_king
When one of the 200,000 police/ police staff in England & Wales are accused of impropriety (relatively rare percentage), MPs scream, its institutional canteen culture.
Well, I ask the 650 MPs why, ONCE AGAIN, MPs FAILED to speak out about another allegedly well-known MP abuser!
11:08 PM · Jun 1, 2023
Carlton King @carlton_king
SHOCKING: In 25yrs #NHS professionals have murdered 600+ patients!
NHS management seem to protect hospitals more than VULNERABLE babies!
Where are the mass demos of angry women that followed the murder of Sarah Everad by a single police officer?
1:45 PM · Aug 21, 2023

including his response to Louise Casey's review of the Met's "culture and standards of behaviour"
Carlton King @carlton_king
#DameCasey #Review #Met yet abuse & racism are the same in Politics,
BBC, Fire & Ambulance; not to mention 20yrs of #NHS patient MURDERS
by Lucy Letby 7 babies & 10 attempted, Colin Norris 10,
Benjamin Geen 2, Victorino Chua 2 & injuring 21 & Dr Shipman 250
Why no NHS HUE & CRY?
12:42 AM · Mar 22, 2023

And subscribe to his YouTube Channel, and hear his expert professional views on:

Armageddon! - Or will we survive to a new multi-polar world order
Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators
Who killed Jill Dando
Are vitamin supplements really necessary?
“The manopause”, is it a real phenomenon?
Are the Covid 19 vaccines a genetic time bomb?
Last edited:
This guy's throwing up so much material, seems worth pulling stuff together in one place rather than constantly disrupting other threads.

  • Principally infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti Nazi League
  • Member of Branch leadership in Dalston SWP
  • Also spied on group such as Panther UK, Hackney Community Defence Association (HCDA), Hackney Solidarity Group (HSG), Newham Monitoring Project (NMP), National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR), Rolan Adams Family Campaign, Winston Silcott Defence Campaign, Justice for Brian Douglas Campaign, and Justice for Joy Gardner


Is this the only image that exists of Trevor Morris aka "Anthony 'Bobby' Lewis" aka "Bobby McGee" aka "Carlton King" while he was engaged in those activities?
Short summary of Lewis' appearance at the Inquiry:

Silas Loom
Apologises for my rude response yesterday...bad day...but no excuse for being so arrogant and shitty.

equationgirl and others liking posts

Sorry for derailing an important thread.

I don't agree with with people about this but do see the other side of the argument.

As a person of colour, I tend to hold other people of colour to a high behaviour standard in regards to racism and can not fathom how a person of colour can behave like this to anti racists in order to further their personal gains.
He behaved despicably to gain approval/career advancement/ money of and from those above him, who are mainly white. In short he (a person of colour) abused other people of colour.

I feel the same in the attitudes to women and Lgbtq+ community. If we know what racial hatred feels like who the fuck are we to dish the equivalent out to others?

It's in these circumstances I use the term.

But I have no wish to piss off those who are on the same side as me on most important issues so will not use it here
That one poc can do that to others is, I think, a product (one possible product) of racism, though he may be a despicable arsehole for other reasons/too. And using the term coconut buys into the racist idea that poc can only behave in a limited range of ways. Don't do it.

I'm a poc, too.
He's a very (selectively) forgetful fellow :(

Wild that he managed to write a book about so many of his exploits when he has such difficulty remembering stuff.

Still, an alleged former colleague - "I too served on A,B,C,E, P and S squads" and "worked with [Morris/King] on a couple of squads" - gave it a full five star review.
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