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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

He will now spend the rest of his life... knowing he’ll forever be regarded as one of the very worst PMs of all time.
Will he, though?

Much as I think he knows he's a liar, I think he also believes a lot of his own bluster. I don't think it'd be too hard for him to construct a version of events where he faced unprecedented challenges, and in the end it was just a small group of enemies who brought him down (twice), meanwhile the majority of the voiceless public still want him back.

Maybe he has got some pool of self-awareness. It certainly felt like you saw it sometimes, when he looked depressed rather than angry. Trouble is, it doesn't really stick, I don't think.

He seems to be the sort of person who genuinely doesn't understand why people don't just let him do what he wants, and don't see how he's simply right about everything.

I'd bet if people tell him he's regarded as one of the very worst PMs, he'll just think they're wrong.
Agree 1000%. There is no penalty to speak of. And he's probably coming back as an MP or maybe PM. They should be in jail for a long stretch in a proper nasty institution or hanging from lamp posts.
He's small fry in the sense that he's useful to his class and recognised as such by them. It's always an easy life and an easy ride for cunts like him because working class political interests are kept in a maelstrom of manipulation and sanctimonious duping. See the Tory party for that trick.
Will he, though?

Much as I think he knows he's a liar, I think he also believes a lot of his own bluster. I don't think it'd be too hard for him to construct a version of events where he faced unprecedented challenges, and in the end it was just a small group of enemies who brought him down (twice), meanwhile the majority of the voiceless public still want him back.

Maybe he has got some pool of self-awareness. It certainly felt like you saw it sometimes, when he looked depressed rather than angry. Trouble is, it doesn't really stick, I don't think.

He seems to be the sort of person who genuinely doesn't understand why people don't just let him do what he wants, and don't see how he's simply right about everything.

I'd bet if people tell him he's regarded as one of the very worst PMs, he'll just think they're wrong.
But you see, it’s precisely because he believes his own bluster and that he’s always right that he’s very likely to feel extremely aggravated and wronged for the rest of his life. Someone who knows he’s is a corrupt self-serving crook might be initially pissed off he hasn’t secured another term to continue taking advantage of his post, but will move on to other things that also provide him revenue and public exposure.

If Donald Trump doesn’t get another term as POTUS, he will blame it on corruption and fraud and so on, but so long as he continues to have money and adoring supporters, I reckon he will die a happy man. Boris on the other hand cares far more about his legacy in history as PM than anything else. So fuck him.
Priti patel is a dame
I was idly wondering what the Daily Heil headline would be but didn't want to actually look. They don't disappoint.

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bloody remainers bringing all that boozer into number 10 :D

maybe this is a signed that even the tory party and boris himself are not seeing things going well in the next election
and Boris Johnson wants to be as far as well as possible so he can return as the great hope of rebuilding after the house collapses

apparently if he did win nadine's seat he would still face the suspension from the comittee - so that's a non-starter. Looks like he will be flinging shit at sunak and all the other betrayers from outside parliament. Cant see anyone other than his dwindling band of fuckwits rallying to his flag. Assuming electoral defeat for the tories he will maybe try and make a comeback - but i think braverman and the rest of the headbangers will give him the cold shoulder now and cant see where he will get much backing from anywhere else in the tory party.
Yes he will still earn big money grifting and no he is not getting the punishment he deserves but he will be consumed with bile and hate for how badly he has been treated till the end of his days. May the humiliations continue to heap onto the human shit stain.
toss up really talk tv pundit or gb news


he still got kids to feed but cannie official proclaim the number
according to johson - "its an undemocratic stich up which is all part of plot to reverse brexit. there is not a shred of evidence that he misled parliament. " I doubt he beilives a word of that . Its a shameless appeal to the swivel eyed within the tory party in a bid to fuck sunack. PLus gives him an audience and keeps him in the news.
Really just a question of how badly it damages the tories.
Looks like he might try to get nominated for nadines old seat - not sure weather that will happen - hiliarious.
Proper pop corn/deck chair stuff. Maybe he will lead a march of the gammons on number 10?

Is it any surprise to anyone that not only is he still a lying weasel but he tries to gaslight us and claim he's been set up? The only set up was someone setting up a party for the hypocrite and his cronies in number 10 at the time.
He is black, and he is a Conservative. This has always had a certain rarity value, and is invaluable to a racist party that would like to show that they are not racist, no sirree, not racist at all. Unfortunately, the more that others without much in the way of principles notice that opting for the Tories brings an initial bonus, and the more who take advantage of this option, as has been the case in recent years, the smaller the bonus will be.
Johnson - A grifters got to grift. He'll pop back up like a bad smell within a few months.

Less than that. At least dodgy Dave has had the good sense to lay low since his time (mostly)

BJ will be in the news until long after his time (on planet earth) is up for one thing or another. He just can't help himself and I am pretty sure there's stuff out there already that we probably don't know about.
He is black, and he is a Conservative. This has always had a certain rarity value, and is invaluable to a racist party that would like to show that they are not racist, no sirree, not racist at all. Unfortunately, the more that others without much in the way of principles notice that opting for the Tories brings an initial bonus, and the more who take advantage of this option, as has been the case in recent years, the smaller the bonus will be.

With regard to the rarity factor, in contemporary British politics it is clearly the Labour Party within which black and Asian people, and increasingly the wrong sort of Jew, face greater barriers to attaining prominent roles.

I don't think that those from minority backgrounds who vote, join, or seek high office within the Tory Party are lacking in principles any more that others who vote, join, or seek office within the Tory Party. I just think that their principles are reactionary and that they make choices that reflect their views and serve their own social and economic interests.
Rivalled by this one I'd say :)

Boris Johnson leaving the Commons in ‘disgrace’, says standards committee chair​

And, the quote to go with that is a classic, pointing out the committee has a Tory majority.

Johnson leaving in disgrace - Chris Bryant
Labour MP Chris Bryant, the chair of the Commons standards committee, has been on BBC Breakfast this morning.

"He says that Johnson has been forced out by a report from a committee that had a Tory majority, and during a period where the Commons also has a Tory majority, shows he is leaving as a “disgraced” former prime minister.

In all the breathlessness of this it’s easy to forget quite how significant a moment this is.

I presume he’s resigned because he, being the only person who has seen the draft copy of the report from the privileges committee, knows that the house is going to decide that he has lied to parliament and that that is a serious contempt of parliament, therefore he should be suspended from the house.

That has never ever happened to a prime minister. So he was not only ousted as prime minister but then thrown out of the House of Commons… by a committee that had a conservative majority and by a house that has a significant majority.

So he is leaving as a disgraced prime minister."

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