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Jeremy Hunt Chancellor/Next PM , your time is up.

Aren’t they’re heavier than ICE vehicles usually and hence may damage roads more?

It probably needed to happen at some point tbh
Ultimately there is no "road tax", as in hypothecated funds which come from vehicle owners to spend on anything in particular. It all goes into the Chancellor's pot to fund whatever he fancies.
Ultimately there is no "road tax", as in hypothecated funds which come from vehicle owners to spend on anything in particular. It all goes into the Chancellor's pot to fund whatever he fancies.
Yes I know :thumbs: clearly this is one of the low hanging fruit on offer.
I assume he'll be expanding the windfall tax on fossil fuels first, right? 😬

Sources are reporting those possibilities to various media in recent days. But I'll probably wait and see what actually gets announced, because a number of different things keep getting mentioned:

Increasing the percentage.

Increasing how long the windfall tax will be in effect.

Increasing the number of sectors it applies to, eg power generation firms.

An example article:

This BBC article also mentions such things briefly:

A higher levy on the profits of energy firms could also run that long - rather than as a one-off windfall tax. The Energy Profits Levy introduced by the government is also expected to increase from 25% to 35% and some electricity generators will have to pay for the first time too.
I for one trust them completely not to ruin the country and make everything shitter (again) for nobody's benefit.
They’ve floated about £100 billion of tax rises or something silly, everything from inheritance tax through pension tax relief to a new 50p top rate, and they obvisouly aren’t going to implement all of them. The idea being to claim it wasn’t actually so bad in the end.
It's easy ideological cowardice. Madness really. No doubt the good times will be promised once we 'unleash our potential' or some such shite when truly they just like taking a lump hammer to the state whenever they can get away with it.
Inflation has been confirmed today as a 40-year high of 11.1%. The backdrop to tomorrow's speech gets darker.
Inflation has been confirmed today as a 40-year high of 11.1%. The backdrop to tomorrow's speech gets darker.
all the more reason to ensure we only mildly screw over the old voter base, by massively screwing over everyone else.

I think they will burn the welfare state (more)
Utter tosh. No one's taking us back to days where the majority of people worked on the land or before political parties existed, let alone the office of prime minister. Going forwards is going to be a new sort of shit
Don’t agree.

You’ve to to have an ultimate goal to shoot for in politics. On the left (from my stand point) it would be an egalitarian socialist democracy. Big redistribution through taxes, increased regulation and all international and enforced.

But…what is the ultimate goal for the right? Rhetorical question obviously.

The Middle Ages.

The divine right of kings. Except the ‘divine’ part is ‘the magic of the market place‘ and Adam Smith’s invisible hand (yes i know he was a reformer and is often miss quoted). They want no constraints on their behaviour. Or tax. Or law.

I’ll leave you with my favourite Galbraith quote.

’The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness’.
Inflation has been confirmed today as a 40-year high of 11.1%. The backdrop to tomorrow's speech gets darker.

What’s truly dark is that the idea that holding down the pay of a care worker and raising taxes on a rail worker is going to reduce the cost of buying gas. Even darker is that everyone will be expected to take this seriously.
Don’t agree.

You’ve to to have an ultimate goal to shoot for in politics. On the left (from my stand point) it would be an egalitarian socialist democracy. Big redistribution through taxes, increased regulation and all international and enforced.

But…what is the ultimate goal for the right? Rhetorical question obviously.

The Middle Ages.

The divine right of kings. Except the ‘divine’ part is ‘the magic of the market place‘ and Adam Smith’s invisible hand (yes i know he was a reformer and is often miss quoted). They want no constraints on their behaviour. Or tax. Or law.

I’ll leave you with my favourite Galbraith quote.

’The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness’.
So as you outline we're not going back to the medieval times
What’s truly dark is that the idea that holding down the pay of a care worker and raising taxes on a rail worker is going to reduce the cost of buying gas. Even darker is that everyone will be expected to take this seriously.
There's this talk of not doing down the most vulnerable in society. But the government is saving up great vulnerability for many millions of people by not raising public sector wages, by no boosting the wages of care workers and other low paid employees. Lower wages now = lower pensions later, for those in pension schemes. If they're lucky enough to live to the receding pension age.
Oil and gas companies will see an increase of the windfall tax from 25% to 35%, extended for another two years until 2028.

Companies generating electricity from older wind and solar farms, as well as older nuclear plants, will be likely to face an excess profits tax of about 40% to 45%.
From Cunt-faces autumn Bullshit, leaving aside the loopholes they'll install so their big business chums can wriggle out of these taxes, how does taxing solar and wind energy more than oil companies fit in with reducing emissions?
Oh and whats the difference between a windfall tax and an excess profits tax?, is that wording used to try and give an excuse for the different rates, like pretending they arent the same fucking thing...what a cunt
There's this talk of not doing down the most vulnerable in society. But the government is saving up great vulnerability for many millions of people by not raising public sector wages, by no boosting the wages of care workers and other low paid employees. Lower wages now = lower pensions later, for those in pension schemes. If they're lucky enough to live to the receding pension age.

Yes, it's bullshit. Pay for public sector workers has fallen year on year for over a decade. In the private sector is is barely better. This year there will be a historic - and partially permanent cut - in living standards. Worker pension contributions (for those who still have one) are rising and NRA longer. The salary levels at which people get hit with higher tax rates will be frozen netting billions more. Unearned income and excess corporate profit will of course remain untouched. Add in rising energy, food and mortgage/rent costs and any talk of 'compassion' should be treated as the orwellian doublespeak that it is.

Remember: cutting the pay of a low paid worker isn't going to reduce gas prices whatever Hunt, Sunak and the 'economics experts' are about to tell us.
So, the 'Energy Price Guarantee' will continue for another 12 months from April, but will be increased from about £2.5k for the 'average household' to £3k, so energy costs are basically going up by another 20%, and hardly generous considering the OFGEM 'Energy Price Cap' forecasts are now a lot lower than they were.

IIRC from April it was forecast to be over £6k, now it's £3.7k in Q2, dropping to under £3.2k in Q3 & 4.

Plus on the £2.5k we all getting the extra £400 payment between Oct.-Mar., and I didn't hear any mention of that happening again, so what is basically £2.1k now is going to be £3k, almost a 50% increase in real terms.


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Coincidentally blood supplies in the NHS are currently on amber alert. I'm a universal donor but there are no available donor sessions anywhere near me because the service has been cut to the bone.
When I worked with HMRC, I tried three times to get the blood bus in, in all three occasions I had over a hundred donors ready.

They never came.
Coincidentally blood supplies in the NHS are currently on amber alert. I'm a universal donor but there are no available donor sessions anywhere near me because the service has been cut to the bone.
I got called three times to donate on Monday, next appointment isn’t until March.
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