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Jeremy Hunt Chancellor/Next PM , your time is up.

Cunt. 500 million in 5 years! They spunked that on shite PPE everyday.
I can't see it happening.. ?

Hunt relies very heavily on mass economic illiteracy...

Today's guff about inflation going the wrong way is a triumph of its kind.

One month and three days, still waiting for my reply...

Thursday 14 December 2023

Dear Jeremy Hunt,

Was very sorry to hear of your brother, but I hope that you are well and are looking forward to Christmas?

Your office has today sent me a Constituency Update that includes this regarding the Rwanda Bill:

" That means people arriving here illegally should not expect to stay, which is the essential thinking behind the Rwanda Bill"

Which all sounds reasonable enough, so long as there is a legal route for refugees to enter the UK. A refugee fleeing from Eritrea or Somalia, who has familial links to the UK, what legal routes are open to them to arrive here and claim asylum?

Yours sincerely,
Bahnhof Strasse
That evil Tory shill Laura K attacking Hunt from the right (!) this morning on her taxpayer funded programme. Needling him on how “the state is too big” & “the tax burden is too high”. Informative that in questioning him on the view of some people that they would rather have better funded public services than tax cuts, LK posted up a tweet to that effect, presumably to show that, unlike her neo-libertarian musings on the necessity of cuts, this question was not her editorial view.
What I like about this is that he's basically saying he's a Premier League cunt elected by over-paid cunts who whinge about wanting more; fuck the lot of 'em
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