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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

It will be very interesting to see what happens now with him. His access to rich donors and other people of means was probably very transactional. In other words dependent on what he can offer them.

I think he leveraged the power or promise of power he had for financial gain for them.
Now this has really dissipated, as the vermin quite clearly see him as a liability not an asset, unlike before. So maybe his wealthy "fans" won't be lending him houses, loaning money, paying for holidays etc ,etc as there will be no patronage forthcoming from now on.

Oh dear.
Has anyone done a spec inspection of his bathroom recently?
My boss was made a Lord on Cameron's exit. Because he raised the money for his campaigns. And more amusingly said boss's PA was given an MBE. I assume that's what happened anyway, can exiting PMs recommend MBEs or just lordships? It just always tickles me when I see it on her email siggie. I mean she's lovely and all but I'm sure there's more deserving people out there than the person who books taxis for slightly corrupt Tory lords.

As for Rishi vs Boris, this is great. Rishi blabbing on about a new style of politics though while sitting next to Suella fucking Braverman in the Commons. Well.
he has shown in the past that his principles are - shall we say - flexible...

although i'm inclined to agree. and i understand the tory selection process is at shortlist stage.

I don't doubt that he'd flip around in a second if he thought it would help him. It's not that easy though is it, people don't just forget and if you see his resignation sulk it's very actively trying to set him up as being basically synonymous with Brexit so he can't maintain that at the same time. Add to that that the Tories in general are doing increasingly badly in London anyway and I don't see there's any way he's a contender in London. And whatever his plans are getting a really bad electoral kicking definitely won't help him.
and i understand the tory selection process is at shortlist stage.

Indeed. Paul Scully, who had been touted as a front runner, and stood back from his 'job' as Minister for London as part of his bid to be selected, is not one of the final three. The fact that "he was seen as an ally" of Boris is probably not entirely irrelevant. As things stand Sunak and Central Office won't be handing Boris anything more than 'thoughts and prayers' should he drop dead.

The fact that his attempt to assert his power through the medium of interpretive flounce seemed to run out of steam almost immediately is pretty obvious to everyone except the thicker headbangers.


That's not to say that there isn't a sunny upland within reach :


archived link
he has shown in the past that his principles are - shall we say - flexible...

although i'm inclined to agree. and i understand the tory selection process is at shortlist stage.
He's so keen to emulate Churchill that he can only really leave the Tory Party and then apply to join the Lib Dems.
Indeed. Paul Scully, who had been touted as a front runner, and stood back from his 'job' as Minister for London as part of his bid to be selected, is not one of the final three. The fact that "he was seen as an ally" of Boris is probably not entirely irrelevant. As things stand Sunak and Central Office won't be handing Boris anything more than 'thoughts and prayers' should he drop dead.

The fact that his attempt to assert his power through the medium of interpretive flounce seemed to run out of steam almost immediately is pretty obvious to everyone except the thicker headbangers.


That's not to say that there isn't a sunny upland within reach :


archived link
’interpretive flounce‘ 😂😂😂
I don't think he'd be that stupid tbh, he'd have no chance. Things have changed a lot since he won before and not in his favour. You can't try and be Mr Brexit and win in London.
This. It's clear that Johnson does not want to explicitly lose (a la the Tory leadership) and I don't think he'd even stand a chance of getting the Tory candidature.
It’s interesting the almost fanatical following he has with a few. I genuinely though can’t tell how widespread his support, such that is, exists. I mean restricted by social circles and so on . apart from one Brexit voting Daily Mail reading relative, but we avoid the subject for the sake of arguments. mostly. But I don’t think even he is particularly hitched to the Boris bandwagon. Per se. I think this is also a problem for Johnson himself. Apparently he doesn’t have many actual close friends. from here it just looks like pathetic flailing around and burning up any political capital he might of had beyond those few.
He will doubtless make lots of noise from beyond the political sphere. Even if he never steps back into it. but without some cause célèbre, Brexit, moaning about how he was persecuted, both of which are going to get tedious fast, what does he have.
I've been in a rural farmhouse in Ireland with no broadband for the last 4 days. We were told you could get a signal if you went and stood on a pile of rocks just outside, which seemed to be a way of humiliating the English, but was actually a thing. :thumbs: Anyway, I saw this story about 24 hours in and it looked like it could be full on Tory bloodletting then as of today's perching on the internet stone, it's receded to being just Johnson and a couple of uber loons who he lined up for peerages. How quickly the skin grows again around an itchy scab. It will though be interesting comparing what the various Sunak loyalists said about Johnson a year ago, about the parties being a non story compared with their current talk of 'moving on'. Dishonest spineless shits.

Anyway, I suspect the action will shift outside of Westminster, to see if there becomes some kind of Johnson-GB News-Faragist-loonocracy- true Brexit alliance.
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