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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

if you'd followed my posts on this you'd knok that i despise the whig historians, so no, i don't agree with the notion of a permanently improving society - foolish after eg the holocaust
As suggested earlier i'm frequently absent so do not follow your posts. i share your distaste for the whiggish histories that are far too popular imho. Anyway, it was you who began the questioning process wasn't it? i just responded with an answer.
That laughing smirking face does it mean he’s actually quite cheerful and not bothered or is there some real boris Johnson somewhere who we never see ravaged by incomprehension self loathing and despair. Fecking hope so. Doubt it.
He was on 800k before he took the job wasn’t he? Column once a week or so.
Anyway I think ‘it’s for the cash’ isn’t the answer for why he wants to cling on in this ridiculous situation.
Totally but I don’t think the money issues are completely irrelevant.
He probably thinks he can turn it all around.
Have to say it's cute, or stupid, to believe Johnson is doing any of this for money. You don't become PM for the money. You do it for the same reasons you get sent to Eton. For the contacts and opportunities that brings. As well as for the fantastical ego boost being leader of the country brings. He'll now be concentrating on the former, while bitterly hanging on to the latter.
Resign and leave now = zero chance of magically turning it round. Cling on for a few weeks and see if there’s any further plays that might make them all see sense & restore him to his rightful position is logical in its way.

That is absolutely what he thinks, but it indicates how detached he is from reality. If something happens, he won't be allowed to deal with it but will still get blamed for it happening, just as he will be blamed for all the things that happened after he leaves (if indeed he does actually leave) which could arguably have been dealt with but for his incompetence in hanging around.

If he abandoned ship he would at least be able to pretend he was forced out, it wouldn't have happened under his watch, wasn't his choice to go but the traitors, coup coup etc etc.
Resign and leave now = zero chance of magically turning it round. Cling on for a few weeks and see if there’s any further plays that might make them all see sense / perish one by one & restore him to his rightful position is logical in its way.

Oh absolutely - anyone who thinks he's finished hasn't been watching. This is simply about getting through today, it has no impact on what he does or says tomorrow or next week.

Personally I'm still expecting some Trumpian shenanigans - I genuinely believe he will have to be physically dragged out of No10 by the Police.

We are very lucky to live in a place where our conventions can be based on the idea that PM's will be honourable people who will a) keep to their word, and b) do the right thing - it is simply unfortunate that we currently have a PM who does not conform to that historical precedent...
It’s not that ffs! So many people thinking it’s that, I find it quite amazing. He will earn loads more once he’s out of the job. He moaned a while ago he couldn’t afford to do the job it was so poorly paid compared to what he’s used to. And it’s endearingly naive imo to think he’s so ‘toxic’ now that he won’t swan into a mil a year easy.
I think he wants to stay because he feels he deserves to be the prime minister, and ride around in the special car and so on. It’s power not money, but question in my mind is does he really want to be just waiting for his replacement (lame duck do they call it?) or is it something else some Hail Mary like things might yet turn in his favour & this conditional & delayed exit is his attempt at buying time.

The assumption is always Boris is special and deserves to be PM and in the history books, if nothing else being PM till conference stops him being known only for being shortest reigning conservative PM. I’d assume given Boris film flam and sense of entitlement he’s going to bull through.

I posted this elsewhere but honestly it’s a good idea of how Boris goes through life. A wrecking ball of “I deserve this because I’m me”


He’s always wanted to be Churchill and be the come the hour come the man outsider he’s just never done the work but he’s bluffed anyway.

Nicholas Watt​


Robert Buckland, new Secretary of state for Wales, tells me the cabinet established today that Boris Johnson will serve as a caretaker PM after cabinet government asserted itself. Full exchange later on
Twitter feed

Saw this earlier (sorry, no idea how to do tweets properly). Seems to be something along the lines of 'johnson resigns as party leader and loses his cabinet. There are then questions about whether he's entitled to stay on till the Autumn. So.... he goes ahead and appoints another cabinet and they decided he has the legitimacy to stay on till Autumn'. Democracy eh?
Resign and leave now = zero chance of magically turning it round. Cling on for a few weeks and see if there’s any further plays that might make them all see sense / perish one by one & restore him to his rightful position is logical in its way.

There's zero chance of magically turning it around, a new leadership contest has started and that can't be stopped, he's finished, simple as. .
Saw this earlier (sorry, no idea how to do tweets properly). Seems to be something along the lines of 'johnson resigns as party leader and loses his cabinet. There are then questions about whether he's entitled to stay on till the Autumn. So.... he goes ahead and appoints another cabinet and they decided he has the legitimacy to stay on till Autumn'. Democracy eh?
Oh absolutely - anyone who thinks he's finished hasn't been watching. This is simply about getting through today, it has no impact on what he does or says tomorrow or next week.

Personally I'm still expecting some Trumpian shenanigans - I genuinely believe he will have to be physically dragged out of No10 by the Police.

We are very lucky to live in a place where our conventions can be based on the idea that PM's will be honourable people who will a) keep to their word, and b) do the right thing - it is simply unfortunate that we currently have a PM who does not conform to that historical precedent...

Exactly, the idea that he wants to be a ‘caretaker PM’ for some completely normal reason like earning a few more grand seems ridiculous tbh.
I hope you’re right about him having to be physically removed from the building, or actually I’m not sure if I hope that.
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