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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

So there could be a reason why he wants to cling on. Another party…

Its at the forefront of his mind, there was the Chequers gaffe (he said Chequers when he meant to say No.10) in his resignation speech.
The problem is the word 'entitled', PM's aren't entitled to do anything, they are PM because parliament says they are PM, and they stop being PM the moment parliament says they stop being PM.

Truth is any MP could stand up in parliament tomorrow and say 'i'd like to form a government, who will support me?' and if 326 of them put their hands up then he/she becomes PM later that day.

The current faff is simply because Tory MP's are allowing him to lie in state, rather than burying the bastard in quicklime with a stake through the heart. That, sadly, is a hangover from the 'a gentleman will know to do the right thing' attitude would would have imagined him departing over the weekend in favour of a caretaker PM, but that's not Johnson, so it's possible they will take umbrage at the stench of his decaying corpse and throw him in the ground - or, of course, not...
Maybe Boris is uniquely grasping and devious and has a greater degree of entitlement than most, but i doubt it. He has risen to the top like shit in a sewer pool because he has learned to articulate popular narratives (mainly false) on race, economics (particularly low taxation) and freedom, esp from 'state interference'. i've heard plenty other libertarian type Tory sympathisers spouting similarly and often far worse, particularly on immigration matters. Fact is he has repeatedly lied and been caught out and the other competitive ambitious ruthless fuckers around him were always waiting for their moment - behaving like 'gentlemen' can prevail until a morsel of red meat is thrown into the piranha tank. Its in the vermin dna. Fuckers.
"He doesn't like us and we don't like him."

Spokesperson for Putin, apparently.

No surprise there, and I'm definitely not speaking up for the Russian state, but I sometimes can't help but wonder things might go better for Left parties if they spoke with a bit more visceral hate like this rather than purist ideology.

Visceral hate should be where it's at.
He's playing to the gallery tho. Economically him and Boris are about the same
If any other worker were being evicted from their tied cottage at such short notice, Urban would rightly be up in arms. Especially with a new-born in the house and goodness knows how many other children who might pop round any moment to meet their dad for the first time.
If any other worker were being evicted from their tied cottage at such short notice, Urban would rightly be up in arms. Especially with a new-born in the house and goodness knows how many other children who might pop round any moment to meet their dad for the first time.

I assume he's got property elsewhere. And his Russian handlers can probably fix him up with a nice little dacha by the Black Sea.
The problem is the word 'entitled', PM's aren't entitled to do anything, they are PM because parliament says they are PM, and they stop being PM the moment parliament says they stop being PM.

Truth is any MP could stand up in parliament tomorrow and say 'i'd like to form a government, who will support me?' and if 326 of them put their hands up then he/she becomes PM later that day.

The current faff is simply because Tory MP's are allowing him to lie in state, rather than burying the bastard in quicklime with a stake through the heart. That, sadly, is a hangover from the 'a gentleman will know to do the right thing' attitude would would have imagined him departing over the weekend in favour of a caretaker PM, but that's not Johnson, so it's possible they will take umbrage at the stench of his decaying corpse and throw him in the ground - or, of course, not...
burying in quicklime would preserve
If BoJo has to GoGo in quicker time than Mayo what trust can any successor have that they will be despatched in even shorter order. Presumably this time by that reassuring political assassination route of the ballot box.
cupid_stunt How is it more dignified / less embarrassing to cling on for a few weeks as a lame duck ‘caretaker’ when a clear majority of the public say they want you gone and your own party has made it abundantly dramatically clear they want you to fuck off without delay? It just doesn’t make sense, your facts.
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He's playing to the gallery tho. Economically him and Boris are about the same


My point was about language used, not Russian economic policy. Russia are able to say this now because the need for diplomatic language has been disregarded due to war. Call me old fashioned but I believe my class, where I come from, are always at war (and always losing). So fuck the reformists and their poncing around with careful words, attack the enemy with visceral hatred. People might be surprised how popular this can be.
If any other worker were being evicted from their tied cottage at such short notice, Urban would rightly be up in arms. Especially with a new-born in the house and goodness knows how many other children who might pop round any moment to meet their dad for the first time.
Look, the state gives him plenty of money, he just needs to practice a bit of restraint and mange his money better. :mad:
If it was a different man I could imagine him wanting the lame duck period in order to actually do stuff like pass laws he cares about etc before it’s too late but that’s definitely not this guy.
all of these things are just your shitty reckons though, and you're telling people they're the basic facts

They are not just my 'shitty reckons', it's a common sense understanding of the situation, and funny enough what most expert pundits are also saying.

Just like when I posted yesterday morning that I thought things had shifted enough for him to resign before facing another VoNC, no one on here seemed to agree, yet various pundits started to say exactly the same thing, and it came to pass. 🤷‍♂️
They are not just my 'shitty reckons', it's a common sense understanding of the situation, and funny enough what most expert pundits are also saying.

Just like when I posted yesterday morning that I thought things had shifted enough for him to resign before facing another VoNC, no one on here seemed to agree, yet various pundits started to say exactly the same thing, and it came to pass. 🤷‍♂️
Have you considered a career in punditry?
cupid_stunt How is it more dignified / less embarrassing to cling on for a few weeks as a lame duck ‘caretaker’ when a clear majority of the public say they want you gone and your own party has made it abundantly dramatically clear they want you to fuck off without delay? It just doesn’t make sense, your facts.

Not all the party has made it clear they want him to fuck off ASAP, some are happy for him to stay until a new leader is elected, those are the ones he's listening too.
They are not just my 'shitty reckons', it's a common sense understanding of the situation, and funny enough what most expert pundits are also saying.

Just like when I posted yesterday morning that I thought things had shifted enough for him to resign before facing another VoNC, no one on here seemed to agree, yet various pundits started to say exactly the same thing, and it came to pass. 🤷‍♂️
expert punditry is just shitty reckons dude.
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