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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Like when he prorogued Parliament and immediately lost the next election?

I'm not saying he'll absolutely try, but he's absolutely thinking about somehow charming them into staying. It's always worked before. He's entitled to it, in his own mind.

It’s hard not to see that resignations are usually followed by photos of a sharp exit from Downing St in a limousine. So it’s unusual yes.
I think Cummings' takes atm clearly have the strategic aim of persuading the tories to sack of Johnson now rather than in three months, and can't really be taken at face value
Cummings just hates Johnson and can't stick the knives in far enough
If any other worker were being evicted from their tied cottage at such short notice, Urban would rightly be up in arms. Especially with a new-born in the house and goodness knows how many other children who might pop round any moment to meet their dad for the first time.
Ha, I just read that and had to doublecheck who posted. I thought it was teuchter :D
They're literally from the same class? It's just faux populism, he's saying it cos gotta keep the war fervour up

I don't care why he said it. My point is about why he was able to say it. In peace time, this language isn't used. It's diplomatic handshakes and fancy words. When a war is on, all bets are off and the rules go out the window. So he can (metaphorically) call Johnson a cunt for whatever reason.

Well a war is always on. A class war. And my point, which seems a century ago now (in more ways than one), is that the Left, for our reasons, might get on better if it employed more viscerally hateful language.

Johnson was massive news today. My school is not a hotbed of radicalism, but 5 of us (that's 20% of the school) watched his resignation speech. Sort of resignation speech. One teacher commented she'd have had more respect for him if he'd had some sense and resigned yesterday. I asked her why? Why would you have respect for someone who is a massive liar, adulterer, hypocrite blah blah blah blah cunt etc? The works.

Cue the most political discussion amongst a group of people in that school I've ever come across.

Visceral hatred can be cool. The works work.

Is my point.
having made the mistake of reading Dan Wootton's take on this in today's Mail, they are clearly going to try something to prevent this illegal coup against the man millions of hard-working Britons gave their votes to
I've just been and had a read of it, clearly someone hasn't been taking his meds.
'planned' is, I think, taking it a bit far, but I think anyone who believes he will slip off quietly and with good grace is sprinkling Crack on their cornflakes.

I don't doubt he'll try something to enable him to stay on, but what it will be and how successful, and to what degree it breaks the rules/conventions, is something for the future...
Ooh. Do you think he'll go a bit Trump?
Yep. definitely not Common Sense or logic that's motivating her to shout wait and see is it.

It's not that they'll succeed obvs but I think there's something here worth thinking about, the idea that he must be staying on cos of some completely ordinary and rational motivation (its less embarrassing / for cash / to beat May) seems kind of a dangerous level of faith and naivety, nurtured by a system that relies on norms and conventions cos who would ever dare break a norm until they do.
Normalcy bias. Which outside of the US should be called normality bias, but anyway.
I don't care why he said it. My point is about why he was able to say it. In peace time, this language isn't used. It's diplomatic handshakes and fancy words. When a war is on, all bets are off and the rules go out the window. So he can (metaphorically) call Johnson a cunt for whatever reason.

Well a war is always on. A class war. And my point, which seems a century ago now (in more ways than one), is that the Left, for our reasons, might get on better if it employed more viscerally hateful language.

Johnson was massive news today. My school is not a hotbed of radicalism, but 5 of us (that's 20% of the school) watched his resignation speech. Sort of resignation speech. One teacher commented she'd have had more respect for him if he'd had some sense and resigned yesterday. I asked her why? Why would you have respect for someone who is a massive liar, adulterer, hypocrite blah blah blah blah cunt etc? The works.

Cue the most political discussion amongst a group of people in that school I've ever come across.

Visceral hatred can be cool. The works work.

Is my point.
Think there'd be an interesting thread in this as I both agree and then wonder how you combine it with tolerance and compassion which I want at the bedrock of my politics too. I think there isn't necessarily a contradiction despite appearances. Maybe try thrashing it out some day, bit late here to start now.
Edit for fucked up quoting
Ooh. Do you think he'll go a bit Trump?

I think he'll certainly talk about resets, functioning government as a marker for party support, never lost a VONC, popular mandate etc... as a way of carrying on, but yeah, I think he'll try to hold on by his (physical) fingernails - maybe try to get some brexity mouthbreathers to turn up in downing st or to storm parliament...

So no, I don't think this is over until he's in the ground.
War like/aggressive language also scares a lot of people though, especially women. I'm not saying that's right, I'm saying it can have that effect. Putin doesn't have to worry about scaring off prospective punters, there's no way he's losing an election any time soon. I don't think the problem with the left is the fact they don't swear enough about the politicians they hate :D
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gonna wonder if he just going to spend the time poking Putin look for a reaction

"oh Special measure i cannot leave in a crises"

or maybe another covid lockdown

Heard some cretin on radio saying this. Wrong time to go because war in Europe, the economy etc. There hasn't been a point over the last 20 years where the same argument could not also have been made. 911, war in Afghanistan, Iraq, tube bombings, credit crunch - austerity, brexit...
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Not being funny but if someone put a leaflet through my door talking about a war with anyone I'd think they were a bit of a crank tbh
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