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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Dont believe a plea for a return of Empire was any part of what was written was it? FFS i only wake up about every five years and when i do i find Sas no longer supports the Tory Party and Pickman is now a history don! Back to sleep until my next venture (or is it forward to slumber prof?).
Dont believe a plea for a return of Empire was any part of what was written was it? FFS i only wake up about every five years and when i do i find Sas no longer supports the Toy Party and Pickman is now a history don! Back to sleep until my next venture (or is it forward to slumber prof?).
sasaferrato very much supports the toy party, he spends much of his day playing with his loving great-great-nieces and nephews. and i'm doing a history phd. so what did you mean when you said back to the 30s? did you mean a britain which was actually nothing like it was in the 1930s, a britain shorn of its overseas territories?
The. Money.
It’s not that ffs! So many people thinking it’s that, I find it quite amazing. He will earn loads more once he’s out of the job. He moaned a while ago he couldn’t afford to do the job it was so poorly paid compared to what he’s used to. And it’s endearingly naive imo to think he’s so ‘toxic’ now that he won’t swan into a mil a year easy.
i dont think its likely at all - if they represent two separate visions of how the torys carry on then both candidates will want to take it to the membership. Howard and May did not have a membership vote - but they were very much mutually agreed "safe pair of hands" candidates with the backing of the majority of the mps. And Ledsom was pretty much forced to drop her challenge - she ended up in the final two pretty much by default after johnson pulled out after being stabbed by gove - and she had very little support from mps. other contests saw ken clarke vs duncan smith, cameron vs david davies, johnson vs hunt.

Since the membership was first given a possible role in electing a leader back in 1998, there's only been 5 leaders, 3 of which were elected whilst the party was in opposition, and time wasn't a problem.

Only May & Johnson have been elected whilst they've been in government, whilst May didn't end-up facing the membership, Johnson did, in a long drawn out campaign that was seen as damaging to both the party and government, it's a system unloved by the membership & MPs alike, with plenty of talk of reforming it, but they haven't got around to doing that, I guess no one was expecting another leadership campaign coming around so quickly.

I am not convinced the party will want to repeat that, of course it will depend on who the last two standing are, but I am sure the party will try to avoid another long drawn out and damaging campaign period, in view of the current situation both in the country & party.
It’s not that ffs! So many people thinking it’s that, I find it quite amazing. He will earn loads more once he’s out of the job. He moaned a while ago he couldn’t afford to do the job it was so poorly paid compared to what he’s used to. And it’s endearingly naive imo to think he’s so ‘toxic’ now that he won’t swan into a mil a year easy.

Not in the sense of his wage. But he probably hadn’t put in place a plan B having not expected to serve less than a single term. He can now start to look at his post politics future and make plans whilst still enjoying all the grace and favour stuff rather than being out the door pronto.
I think he wants to stay because he feels he deserves to be the prime minister, and ride around in the special car and so on. It’s power not money, but question in my mind is does he really want to be just waiting for his replacement (lame duck do they call it?) or is it something else some Hail Mary like things might yet turn in his favour & this conditional & delayed exit is his attempt at buying time.
Toy Party was a mis-type of Tory Party since corrected Mr Pickman's.

i meant a Britain riven by class inequalities hunger and unemployment with another war around the corner of course. Shortly prior to the extensive and the welcome hauling down of the union jack in several parts of the world. It was simply a 'shorthand' (possibly lazy) metaphor. But hey ho - i aint on the road to my doctorate
(which i wish you every success with and am slightly envious of)
I think he wants to stay because he feels he deserves to be the prime minister, and ride around in the special car and so on. It’s power not money, but question in my mind is does he really want to be just waiting for his replacement (lame duck do they call it?) or is it something else some Hail Mary like things might yet turn in his favour & this conditional & delayed exit is his attempt at buying time.

Yeah, it's mostly just ego I think. And a bit of this sort of thing: Boris Johnson plans July wedding party with Carrie at Chequers

The actual payment for hanging on a few months is probably less than he could make elsewhere tbh.
Not in the sense of his wage. But he probably hadn’t put in place a plan B having not expected to serve less than a single term. He can now start to look at his post politics future and make plans whilst still enjoying all the grace and favour stuff rather than being out the door pronto.
Bet you he has the book deal in place and can’t wait, probably started the book already. That was always step 2, and the speech circuit where he gets to amusingly slag off all his former colleagues.
I think he wants to stay because he feels he deserves to be the prime minister, and ride around in the special car and so on. It’s power not money, but question in my mind is does he really want to be just waiting for his replacement (lame duck do they call it?) or is it something else some Hail Mary like things might yet turn in his favour & this conditional & delayed exit is his attempt at buying time.

It’s partly that but you can’t state that he can’t afford to be PM whilst simultaneously saying he can afford to not be PM. This is all very sudden. He’s buying time.
why though why does he even want to stay until Autumn what for?
There’s a belated wedding party planned at Chequers shortly I hear.

I do think the money could be part of the issue. Yes he can earn far more out of office but that stuff takes time and I don’t actually think they have that much cash.
They don’t really have expenses when they’re at no 10. It gives a couple of months to make plans and find his next job to fuck up.
It’s not that ffs! So many people thinking it’s that, I find it quite amazing. He will earn loads more once he’s out of the job. He moaned a while ago he couldn’t afford to do the job it was so poorly paid compared to what he’s used to. And it’s endearingly naive imo to think he’s so ‘toxic’ now that he won’t swan into a mil a year easy.
He needs the uplift the PM gets for as long as possible. He is on record for saying an PMs salary isn't enough but he still needs the money. Yes, he'll likely get more money later but it doesn't exist until it's in his bank account and he needs money now, not in the autumn.

Sure he likes the power but he's not doing the job for free.
He was on 800k before he took the job wasn’t he? Column once a week or so.
Anyway I think ‘it’s for the cash’ isn’t the answer for why he wants to cling on in this ridiculous situation.
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