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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Can imagine the drafting of his resignation speech with his courtiers:

'Are you sure you want to say herd prime minister'
- yes, I jolly well do. The absolute fucking shower of backstabbing...
'Fine, fine, sigh, herd it is. Anyway, any thoughts about your leaving do?'
Pretty sure a large portion of his speech wasn't what was written down in front of him.

Including that bit.
So is this any different to what would have happened if/when the 1922 committee altered the rules on Monday and a Vote of (no) Confidence happened? Or would a VONC have kicked him out and had Raab take over until someone new was elected?
You are overlooking the real problem, one left unaddressed by both Labour and Conservative governments, which is forcing companies like Apple, Google, Amazon etc to pay their proper amount of tax. A few extra billion would go a long way.

There also needs to be a very strict limit of whom, and how much, donations to political parties are made.

You mention spending, our wonderful government here in Scotland has cut £100m from the health budget, at the same time as seeking to bring down the absolutely horrific waiting lists in a matter of months.
The state of the NHS in my part of Scotland is diabolical. Two recent examples: my elderly neighbour tripped over our small dog whilst looking after it whilst i was away in Dundee for the day(i know):(. She dragged herself to the phone and called an ambulance at 8:00pm, but one did not arrive for over three hours! She was then taken to an Infirmary 50 miles away with a suspected serious hip injury, and spent several more hours in severe pain before being treated..
my own situation is as bad if not as urgent. i have been placed on a long waiting list for an orthotic boot because no surgical option is available (to aleviate pain) caused by a walking disability resulting from an ancient injury.
Both these examples could be easily remedied by a good injection of tax funded cash to recruit and retain more staff. The wealthy need to start stumping up, and pretty damned quickly.
I don't see the need for a protracted leadership contest. MPs will know now who they would support.
From the wider Tory perspective - ie getting things together to win the next election - I'm not sure a slow transition is a bad thing. Provides distance between the new regime and Johnson. The country can bob along without a government for a couple of months.
The state of the NHS in my part of Scotland is diabolical. Two recent examples: my elderly neighbour tripped over our small dog whilst looking after it whilst i was away in Dundee for the day(i know):(. She dragged herself to the phone and called an ambulance at 8:00pm, but one did not arrive for over three hours! She was then taken to an Infirmary 50 miles away with a suspected serious hip injury, and spent several more hours in severe pain before being treated..

my own situation is as bad if not as urgent. i have been placed on a long waiting list for an orthotic boot because no surgical option is available (to aleviate pain) caused by a walking disability resulting from an ancient injury.

Both these examples could be easily remedied by a good injection of tax funded cash to recruit and retain more staff. The wealthy need to start stumping up, and pretty damned quickly.
There is always money for Brigadoon Bullshit projects though, Gaelic road signs for the zero people in Scotland who speak only Gaelic, Gaelic education, duplicating existing schools with new buildings. Someone said to Mrs Sas that it was a disgrace that police cars have police on them in Polish, and was stunned to learn it was in fact Gaelic. Scottish 'embassies' abroad at huge cost, for what exactly? Twenty million for a neverendum that isn't going to happen, and so on.
There is always money for Brigadoon Bullshit projects though, Gaelic road signs for the zero people in Scotland who speak only Gaelic, Gaelic education, duplicating existing schools with new buildings. Someone said to Mrs Sas that it was a disgrace that police cars have police on them in Polish, and was stunned to learn it was in fact Gaelic. Scottish 'embassies' abroad at huge cost, for what exactly? Twenty million for a neverendum that isn't going to happen, and so on.
so why don't you design one such project?
Been too busy with work this morning. But he's staying on, until new leader elected I gather.

Which will take a few months. So only time for a couple of dozen more scandals, fuckups and examples of mendacity to come out then.

You would think that people in the parliamentary Tory party can see the impending disasters; surely there must be people working hard against this eventuality? Let's hope they fail.

Also everyday he stays as PM, those around him are effectively supporting a proven habitual liar, unrepentant narcissist and sexual predator enabler. It wouldn't hurt if those in positions to do so, pointed this out every time he opens his mouth and any time someone tries to defend/rehabilitate him.

I think the Johnson calamities have a way to go yet.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
unlikely. there is no unity candidate (like may ) for them to unite behind. Brexit headbangers will have their candidate up against sunak/hunt/wallace whoever.

Once the MPs short list two, and one has say 70% support amongst MPs and polling of Tory members, pressure will be put on the other to stand aside, this is a likely outcome.

New leader in place before recess, and Johnson gone, would be considered a very good outcome.
There is always money for Brigadoon Bullshit projects though, Gaelic road signs for the zero people in Scotland who speak only Gaelic, Gaelic education, duplicating existing schools with new buildings. Someone said to Mrs Sas that it was a disgrace that police cars have police on them in Polish, and was stunned to learn it was in fact Gaelic. Scottish 'embassies' abroad at huge cost, for what exactly? Twenty million for a neverendum that isn't going to happen, and so on.
The issue is one of funding Sas'. The other stuff that concerns you is trivial froth (however irritating). The wealthy across the UK are fleecing the public and have been for generations. A proper caring and civilised society is being actively withheld by a relatively small cabal of gangster billion and millionaires who pick and choose their tax preferences whilst people in increasing numbers suffer pain hunger and poverty. The time to confront this issue is long overdue.
I don't see the need for a protracted leadership contest. MPs will know now who they would support.
Quite a few will have their favourites and those who they think will give them a job, but my entirely superficial reading of where tory mps are at currently is that a lot genuinely don't know who they will end up backing. The whole thing will be as venal as ever, but quite a lot will only decide when there are hustings and the like. The process of whittling them down to the last 2 also tends to have unintended outcomes as the 'herd' follow the likely leaders. And as mentioned, this then goes to the members.
From the wider Tory perspective - ie getting things together to win the next election - I'm not sure a slow transition is a bad thing. Provides distance between the new regime and Johnson. The country can bob along without a government for a couple of months.
It seems to have been bobbing along without competent government for a while.
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