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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I don't think that denigrating voters is terribly productive. They voted for Johnson because they regarded the Labour offering as worse.
Is this a tory supporter talking about denigrating voters? ffs. Your lot started as an organisation who hated any form of wc democracy, or indeed any form of democracy at all. What a fucking hypocrite.
How is expressing frustration at working-class people imagining the Tories give a fuck about them denigrating anyone?

(I don't disagree that Labour bears as much if not more responsibility for creating a situation in which wc Don Valley residents could even consider voting Tory, though)
You've just answered your own question.

It would be absolutely hilarious if Durham police issue Starmer with a FPN today, which would result in the simultaneous resignations of the PM and the leader of the opposition.
Is this a tory supporter talking about denigrating voters? ffs. Your lot started as an organisation who hated any form of wc democracy, or indeed any form of democracy at all. What a fucking hypocrite.
Nope, I'm not a Conservative supporter, enough is enough. Johnson should have resigned when the FPN was issued. You are a dickhead.
Just heard a Don Valley resident (with a proper working class accent) bemoaning the loss of Bojo and expressing concern about who's "gunna rule" us next! Struggling to articulate how listening to this made me feel (as a former Yorkshire type). There is a lot wrong with the world imho. Pass the bottle.
Its the media, they don’t ever state facts, it’s never been spelled out clearly that those local labour council budget cuts come from the Tories/central government. So folks blame the local government. My local area is a case in point, 10 years ago my middle-sized town had a library, a sizeable sports centre and a swimming pool. All now demolished, in their place some waste land and a Lidl. We’re a commercial canal town and the canal is deep and in many places impossible to escape from so I find this criminal, kids needs to know how to swim. We’ve been left out of the levelling up fund. The town has recently gone lib dem after being labour for ever. Because the man who stood for lib dems is a local hero, since he started his litterbusters scheme the place is spotless and he’s still out there filling up bin bags. I doubt it’ll ever go Tory, the younger generations were made to swear to never vote Tory by their parents and grandparents, because we were once a mining town. I compare us with Lammys Labour constituency, Tottenham where I used to live, London gets the money, the north gets crumbs, several millions spent refurbing the library (which is amazing) and the swimming pool I think is being refurbed now.
Nope, I'm not a Conservative supporter, enough is enough. Johnson should have resigned when the FPN was issued. You are a dickhead.
i don't come to these boards often enough to keep abreast of your political development sas' - but you have certainly (and shamefully) long been a Tory apologist. However, i am happy to withdraw my petty insult now that rationality has seeped into your thinking :)
My fear here is that, seen from the pov of the Conservative Party, Johnson represents another successful chapter, an unbroken link in power from 2010.

First they had to 'share' power with the libdems, but it wasn't sharing at all and it destroyed the libdems to be part of it. Then they solved the internal eurosceptic problem with the Brexit vote, neutralising UKIP at the same time, then they solved the remainer problem with Johnson. Each time they have been able to jettison the incumbent mid-term with time to regroup and win the next election. If they do that again, then from a CP point of view, Johnson will have been a success.

You forgot the part where they gave the DUP a billion quid. Johnson didn’t need that. He is their success story. Fortunately/Unfortunately he’s also a liability.
Don't forget the worst economic growth rate in Europe - 0.0%.

I mean, I think growth rates are an unsustainable and bullshit way to measure progress anyway. But even for someone who doesn't give a shit about all the appalling social decay and destruction you've referred to, zero growth demonstrates that this shower haven't even succeeded at the one fucking thing Tories are supposed to be good at* and think matters.

* although they're in good company, given that sooner or later every Tory government tanks the economy in complete contradiction to their supposed ability to manage it well.

What’s important is the right people get and stay rich which is something the Conservatives are very good at.

The total media and institutional control by the right and Tories has only got worse since the 80s and as capitalism has got ever deeper embedded in the system. Even channel 4 only manages a tiny bit of protest and complaints to the narrative
Looking at it from a distance (well over 7,500 Km away) am I crazy to think someone like Ben Wallace will be seen as a safe pair of hands
Just heard a Don Valley resident (with a proper working class accent) bemoaning the loss of Bojo and expressing concern about who's "gunna rule" us next! Struggling to articulate how listening to this made me feel (as a former Yorkshire type). There is a lot wrong with the world imho. Pass the bottle.
Woman on yesterday from a now Tory seat.
' he hasn't had a chance to be a great leader cos of COVID and ukraine' .
Not sure how my telly survives sometimes.
You don't see the foodbank users here laughing, or the people who can't even afford to cook what they get from the foodbank. Hilarious.
The poverty I witness here makes the UK look like the land of milk and honey, I bet given the chance millions of people from here would be on the first boat
Has Johnson released a written statement yet, and does it explicitly say "I resign"?

Are we sure we want a written statement? Have we had this one yet?
Can imagine the drafting of his resignation speech with his courtiers:

'Are you sure you want to say herd prime minister'
- yes, I jolly well do. The absolute fucking shower of backstabbing...
'Fine, fine, sigh, herd it is. Anyway, any thoughts about your leaving do?'
Its the media, they don’t ever state facts, it’s never been spelled out clearly that those local labour council budget cuts come from the Tories/central government. So folks blame the local government. My local area is a case in point, 10 years ago my middle-sized town had a library, a sizeable sports centre and a swimming pool. All now demolished, in their place some waste land and a Lidl. We’re a commercial canal town and the canal is deep and in many places impossible to escape from so I find this criminal, kids needs to know how to swim. We’ve been left out of the levelling up fund. The town has recently gone lib dem after being labour for ever. Because the man who stood for lib dems is a local hero, since he started his litterbusters scheme the place is spotless and he’s still out there filling up bin bags. I doubt it’ll ever go Tory, the younger generations were made to swear to never vote Tory by their parents and grandparents, because we were once a mining town. I compare us with Lammys Labour constituency, Tottenham where I used to live, London gets the money, the north gets crumbs, several millions spent refurbing the library (which is amazing) and the swimming pool I think is being refurbed now.
You are overlooking the real problem, one left unaddressed by both Labour and Conservative governments, which is forcing companies like Apple, Google, Amazon etc to pay their proper amount of tax. A few extra billion would go a long way.

There also needs to be a very strict limit of whom, and how much, donations to political parties are made.

You mention spending, our wonderful government here in Scotland has cut £100m from the health budget, at the same time as seeking to bring down the absolutely horrific waiting lists in a matter of months.
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