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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

what would need to happen for them to just install Raab now ? Is his role as stand-in only activated if the PM has an unfortunate accident or something?

He stays until there's a new Tory leader. The 1922 committee could arrange for a new one to be appointed next week with e.g. a fixed 3 month term until the proper leadership election is completed.
Alan Boulton on Sky thinks there's a good chance the party will whittle it down to two, the least popular will drop out, and a new leader will take over before the summer recess, meaning bye, bye Boris.

This, of course, is the logical thing to do now.

No chance IMO. They tried that with May and it masked her election campaigning deficiencies, so they won't be in a hurry to do it again
Of course he has. But right now his brand is toxic. He'll benefit in the long run, for sure. But I suspect that right now he's too skint to voluntarily take the £80k pay cut and move out.

He's been trying to get Tory grandees and party donors to pay for everything such as decorating, a nanny to look after his child and a tree house for said child.

He currently doesn't have the means to keep himself in the style to which he and 'Carrie Antoinette' have become accustomed.

At best, the most he can hope for at this precise moment in time, is to sign a book deal and get a big advance.

His phone isn't ringing off the hook right now with companies offering him consultancies and seats on the board.

He'll probably get lucrative gigs in future, but not right now. If he was being offered big bucks elsewhere, he would've walked by now, because his track record, personally and professionally has demonstrated that at his core he's always about self-interest.

The fact that he hasn't walked sooner, that he's being pushed by record numbers of ministers/PPSes resigning and lobbying for him to leave is highly suggestive that he doesn't have a better offer on the table.

I just don't buy this. He hasn't left sooner because he's spent his life believing beyond doubt that he deserves to be wherever he is and wherever he wants to be. And because he's a populist and is gambling on the fact that many of the people who voted for the party under his leadership will still prefer him to the ministers who've deserted him, most of whom the average person won't have even heard of. And even if he doesn't have ready access to vast amounts of cash, he's born and bred at the heart of the establishment and supremely well connected: the idea that he has to stay put or he won't have anywhere to live is ludicrous.
BBC newsfolk seem to be uncritically reporting how obviously disappointed BJ is about not being able to continue with his noble, ambitious and massive programme of nation-benefiting achievements.

Can anyone name a single concrete thing the lazy cunt has achieved in office, or a time when he showed any signs of having any plan whatsoever for one?

Exposing how deeply embedded rape culture is in Westminster?
BBC newsfolk seem to be uncritically reporting how obviously disappointed BJ is about not being able to continue with his noble, ambitious and massive programme of nation-benefiting achievements.

Can anyone name a single concrete thing the lazy cunt has achieved in office, or a time when he showed any signs of having any plan whatsoever for one?
showing how wrong people have been for decades in seeing neville chamberlain as the worst prime minister of the last hundred years
He means a herd….of snakes?
In normal circumstances, it's astonishing that a PM could refer to a cabinet member as a snake and then to the parliamentary party as a herd. Tory MPs will be irked by the latter, but it's no more than passing midge bite in the mire johnson has created. I mean, fucking hell, gove is a snake and we've seen tory mps behaving exactly like a herd in the last 48 hours. But still.
it's astonishing that a PM could refer to a cabinet member as a snake and then to the parliamentary party as a herd. Tory MPs will be irked by the latter,
It seems odd he'd do this, considering he wants them to let him stay til september.
"Even if things seem dark now, our future together is golden.." His parting shot. Even Rasputin died eventually, this fucker plans to be around indefinitely
My fear here is that, seen from the pov of the Conservative Party, Johnson represents another successful chapter, an unbroken link in power from 2010.

First they had to 'share' power with the libdems, but it wasn't sharing at all and it destroyed the libdems to be part of it. Then they solved the internal eurosceptic problem with the Brexit vote, neutralising UKIP at the same time, then they solved the remainer problem with Johnson. Each time they have been able to jettison the incumbent mid-term with time to regroup and win the next election. If they do that again, then from a CP point of view, Johnson will have been a success.
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