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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Quite a few will have their favourites and those who they think will give them a job, but my entirely superficial reading of where tory mps are at currently is that a lot genuinely don't know who they will end up backing. The whole thing will be as venal as ever, but quite a lot will only decide when there are hustings and the like. The process of whittling them down to the last 2 also tends to have unintended outcomes as the 'herd' follow the likely leaders. And as mentioned, this then goes to the members.

Not if after whittling them down to the last 2, one stands a side, then it's job done, this is a very real possibility under these circumstances.
So Boris Johnson becomes Martin Bell.
As an independent Prime Minister he can make anybody he can get be a minister, including his closest cronies, and also members of the Lords. Like Lebvedev as Foreign Minister, or create Lords and make Mick Lynch Minister for Transport.
Libdems are such tarts they’ll salivate for anything, the DUP nutters obviously, Sammy Wilson Minister for Defence? Could get a Labour bod or two for the season with a proper loan deal, and any loose independents like Corbyn for Home Secretary.
There you go, a cabinet of all the talents bringing the country together.
With one bound he was free.
It's a couple of months before the temperatures start to drop and the cost of living crisis really starts to bite. It's a couple of months where we're facing a new wave of covid, with the possibility of urgent decisions needing to be made on that. Then war in Ukraine, yadda yadda yadda. I guess we can just bob along though.
It's a couple of months before the temperatures start to drop and the cost of living crisis really starts to bite. It's a couple of months where we're facing a new wave of covid, with the possibility of urgent decisions needing to be made on that. Then war in Ukraine, yadda yadda yadda. I guess we can just bob along though.
tbh wr2 ukraine we're better off without a leader who so despised ukrainians that he did his best to bar their way into the country
So Boris Johnson becomes Martin Bell.
As an independent Prime Minister he can make anybody he can get be a minister, including his closest cronies, and also members of the Lords. Like Lebvedev as Foreign Minister, or create Lords and make Mick Lynch Minister for Transport.
Libdems are such tarts they’ll salivate for anything, the DUP nutters obviously, Sammy Wilson Minister for Defence? Could get a Labour bod or two for the season with a proper loan deal, and any loose independents like Corbyn for Home Secretary.
There you go, a cabinet of all the talents bringing the country together.
With one bound he was free.

Put the crack pipe down. :D
It's a couple of months before the temperatures start to drop and the cost of living crisis really starts to bite. It's a couple of months where we're facing a new wave of covid, with the possibility of urgent decisions needing to be made on that. Then war in Ukraine, yadda yadda yadda. I guess we can just bob along though.
You misunderstood. From a tory pov, we can. We have been.
Well, it's all extraordinary drama. It will make a terrible film one day.

It’s been weird how many films have been made literally while events are going on or fallout still happening the last couple of years. That Brexit film, couple of covid films, dust hasn’t settled and full accounts of what happened not been sorted out and suddenly a bbc drama shows up
It’s been weird how many films have been made literally while events are going on or fallout still happening the last couple of years. That Brexit film, couple of covid films, dust hasn’t settled and full accounts of what happened not been sorted out and suddenly a bbc drama shows up
That's exactly what came to mind :)
Economic collapse will very likely be driving politics in the coming period. The scummy elite will continue to insist that working people pay for the profit systems failures wont it? so confrontations are inevitable. all this parliamentary lunacy (which Tory is selected to fuck us over) is a distracting sideshow. Starmer and co offer nowt, the bulk of the rest are a joke. What really counts is the extent of the resistance to the ongoing and forthcoming economic bullying. Its happened previously aint it. We got shut of the poll tax and Thatcher. The NUM got rid of PM Heath in the 1970s because they were able to stand up and organise their self defence when their wages were being pushed down. gotta be hopeful that similar mass movements for social change develop before the fear drives us back to the 1930s.
You misunderstood. From a tory pov, we can. We have been.
cute idea, but it's not really true. There's been a number of interventions on cost of living over the last couple of months, for example (not big enough, but they've happened). There genuinely needs to be some hard work put in over the summer to avert some really bad things happening in the winter: while it's doubtful Johnson's government would have done enough, I'm confident there'd have been some attempt - if we're just bobbing along until october, whoever comes next is out of time.
Economic collapse will very likely be driving politics in the coming period. The scummy elite will continue to insist that working people pay for the profit systems failures wont it? so confrontations are inevitable. all this parliamentary lunacy (which Tory is selected to fuck us over) is a distracting sideshow. Starmer and co offer nowt, the bulk of the rest are a joke. What really counts is the extent of the resistance to the ongoing and forthcoming economic bullying. Its happened previously aint it. We got shut of the poll tax and Thatcher. The NUM got rid of PM Heath in the 1970s because they were able to stand up and organise their self defence when their wages were being pushed down. gotta be hopeful that similar mass movements for social change develop before the fear drives us back to the 1930s.
i wish we could stop posting vapid wank about going back to the 1950s or 1930s or 1800s, it's all fucking bollocks
Once the MPs short list two, and one has say 70% support amongst MPs and polling of Tory members, pressure will be put on the other to stand aside, this is a likely outcome.

New leader in place before recess, and Johnson gone, would be considered a very good outcome.
i dont think its likely at all - if they represent two separate visions of how the torys carry on then both candidates will want to take it to the membership. Howard and May did not have a membership vote - but they were very much mutually agreed "safe pair of hands" candidates with the backing of the majority of the mps. And Ledsom was pretty much forced to drop her challenge - she ended up in the final two pretty much by default after johnson pulled out after being stabbed by gove - and she had very little support from mps. other contests saw ken clarke vs duncan smith, cameron vs david davies, johnson vs hunt.
BBC live updates page has:

Boris Johnson has told his new cabinet that it is "not for me to do a major change of direction" in his remaining time in office.

The prime minister told senior ministers, new and remaining: "I don't expect you will be browbeaten by No 10 to do radical or strange new policies."

But he added there was "no excuse to take your foot off the pedal".

16:00 entry of https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-62072419
i wish we could stop posting vapid wank about going back to the 1950s or 1930s or 1800s, it's all fucking bollocks
Which period of historical significance would meet your preference Pickman's? The stone age? Perhaps you feel history is a one direction only phenomenon? A permanently improving society maybe?
Which period of historical significance would meet your preference Pickman's? The stone age? Perhaps you feel history is a one direction only phenomenon? A permanently improving society maybe?
things can get worse and they can get better but we're not going back to the days of empire no matter what you think. time goes forwards, not back. if you'd followed my posts on this you'd knok that i despise the whig historians, so no, i don't agree with the notion of a permanently improving society - foolish after eg the holocaust
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