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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Bumped because of this odd tale:

Carlson said he then reached out to Johnson’s team and “finally one of his advisers gets back to me and says, ‘He will talk to you but it’s gonna cost you a million dollars. He wants a million dollars.'”

“What!?” shouted Beck in awe.

“He wants a million dollars in U.S. dollars, gold, or Bitcoin,” claimed Carlson. “This just happened yesterday or two days ago, and I’m like, ‘He wants a million dollars?’ ‘Yeah, and then he will talk to you about Ukraine. He will explain his position on Ukraine.'”

Carlson went on:

So he attacks me, without explaining how I’m wrong, of course, or how he’s right. This is, by the way, the guy who singlehandedly, at the request of the U.S. government, stopped the peace deal in Ukraine a year and a half ago and is, I think, for that reason responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He won’t explain any of that to me in an interview until I pay him a million dollars. And I said to the guy, you know, I just interviewed Vladimir Putin. I’m not defending Putin, but Putin didn’t ask for a million dollars. So you’re telling me that Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier, a lot lower than Vladimir Putin? Which is true. So this whole thing is a freaking shakedown.

He concluded, “If you’re making money off a war, you know, you can deal with God on that because that’s really immoral. Like that’s actually really, really wrong, and a lot of people are, including Boris Johnson.”

Somewhat suspiciously, a lot of the reporting in the British press (like this, this and this) mention what Carlson said but omit the bit about bitcoin, gold or $ (instead putting in a claim that he was going to give it to charity).
The Telegraph, behind the paywall, has covered "The Henley Plot", suggesting that Boris is being lined up to return at a safe seat prior to the the election being called. (His old seat has already got a new candidate though Carshalton has just come free.)
The Telegraph, behind the paywall, has covered "The Henley Plot", suggesting that Boris is being lined up to return at a safe seat prior to the the election being called. (His old seat has already got a new candidate though Carshalton has just come free.)
Carshalton & Wallington? Really? Has Colburn announced he's not standing?
Isn't he currently suspended from Parliament? I think he stood down before the punishment for lying to the House came into effect, and hence will carry that if he's re-elected.
A 90 suspension would have been imposed had he not resigned. Would that still stand, would it stop him from running
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