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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Archived version of his weekly contribution to the parish newsletter.

What is the Titanic? What is the meaning of this disaster of April 15, 1912 that still so obsesses human beings that they are willing to risk their lives to go and see the wreck? The Titanic is one of the modern world’s most potent metaphors.

It is the stand-out symbol of human ambition and pride, and how it can be destroyed by the elements. It is a fable of how an allegedly unsinkable piece of gleaming and luxurious new technology — made of 50,000 tons of steel — could be ruptured by nothing more complicated than a chunk of frozen water.

Some say that this undersea world is full of riches; like those rare metals we so urgently need for electric vehicle batteries, abundant nodules that could be harvested without damaging the marine environment. Others are not so sure. But how can we know if we don’t look? And why should the chance to look at this world be reserved to an infinitesimal few?

That is why this mission was so important, and should be valued by Left-wingers as well as everyone else. Yes, there were risks, and warnings. But every great advance must inevitably involve experiment, and equipment that can seem, in retrospect, dangerously inadequate.

Look at the slide rules and graph paper with which the first astronauts calculated their position in space. Look at those first flying machines — weird contraptions of leather and canvas and wood. They were lethal — and yet no one tried to regulate them. The whole idea was new.

Hamish Harding and his fellows were trying to take a new step for humanity, to popularise undersea travel, to democratise the ocean floor. They knew the dangers. In the immortal words of Captain Scott, just before he died from the Antarctic cold: ‘We took risks, we knew we took them; things have come out against us, and therefore we have no cause for complaint...’

Harding and his friends died in a cause — pushing out the frontiers of human knowledge and experience — that is typically British, and that fills me with pride.

So it's a 'potent metaphor' is it.

Is that a metaphor for imploding political careers ? for imploding political projects ?
If I'd have been a stupid enough billionaire to get into the fucking the death-trap, I'd like to think that at the point of being externally bolted in I might have had second thoughts.
They had a man and his son on US TV. The son said he persuaded his dad not to get the tickets. Wise young man. So I looked his dad up. Las Vegas billionaire. And i'm now conflicted about the son (dad was a missed opportunity...the lads should have stayed on the surface and let the billionaires meet their fates in the deep and cold dark in a fast squishy incident).

Let me transport you to a 2016 house party at the Umbrian estate of Evgeny Lebedev, now Lord Lebedev of Hampton and Siberia. Glamour model Katie Price has just twice enlivened dinner by showing the table her latest breasts. According to one report, she is subsequently escorted to the kitchen by Evgeny’s former SAS bodyguards and not seen again for the weekend.

According to fellow guest Joan Collins, Pricey only repeated the tit trick because Joanie requested she show it to fellow guest Boris Johnson, who was at the time foreign secretary in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s government. This was not Johnson’s only trip to the estate. On a stay two years later, he met Lebedev’s father, the former KGB agent Alexander, without officials present. And according to a 2021 report by uninvited guests the Italian security services, who, it was this week revealed, were monitoring the property at the time, and had been for several years – it could not be ruled out that Lebedev Sr still worked for Russian intelligence and still enjoyed the favour of Putin...”
A bit of an anticlimax at the end but a good primer if you don't know about Boris and the Lebidevs.

"Get Rwanda Done". The quality of focus group sloganeering has really gone downhill without the full party machine whirring away behind him, hasn't it?

Too many syllables. They're sticking with 'stop the boats' which 95% of three year olds and 80% of retired suburban tories are able to parse.
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