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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

This new footage is lovely, except it isn't due to the circumstances, however the arrogance ( or political nous..?) to film it is bewildering.

( apols if ive already posted something like this, im a bit drunk and it might have been on twitter and i cant keep up.)
A cover is a good way of judging a book.

View attachment 379724Some

Cunt looks a total cunt.
Some pissed-up hooray Henry braying outside a pub in Fulham, blocking the pavement when an older person is trying to pass "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there"

"And then I chundered everywhare. I'm a total legend..."

Fucking wearing braces, too.

(Sorry, triggered)
Some pissed-up hooray Henry braying outside a pub in Fulham, blocking the pavement when an older person is trying to pass "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there"

"And then I chundered everywhare. I'm a total legend..."

Fucking wearing braces, too.

(Sorry, triggered)

I've just re-listened to the bbc phone in with the mother who's daughter had committed suicide but didn't find out until days later because of Social Distancing laws.

These people don't need to be arrested, they need fucking slapping.
The smell I'm getting is that the loons will vote against - two/three dozen? - and that a sizable (150+?) number will abstain, and pretty much everyone else with vote for.

I would be surprised if any, and certainly not more than about half a dozen vote against it, now that he's told them not to, plus he only got around 20 to vote against the new deal with the EU over the NI issues, he's a spent force now.
I am feeling very flat today. . Father’s Day and shit. Last time I saw him alive was though a window at his care home me. And these Johnson turds partied on. I know it’s not a direct link but I am still sickened by this whole Johnson pantomime and that he is still out there and profiting from his moment in the sunshine.
The released video of a party really pissed me off like others here I missed seeing a family member for their last ever Christmas and spent it on my own apart from phoning near suicidal friends and family
I knew they did it but seeing just a few seconds of 1 leaked video shows everything
I need to remind me of why I despise these people so much :mad:

Christmas jumper twat not a care about being videoed partying or anything else he feels privileged to do looks like he was trying to get his office party challenge in a crocodile death roll rather than dancing another reason I hate Artless tories seems none of them can dance either or perhaps Im just getting old
I hope he gets memed forever at least there is that now

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I've just re-listened to the bbc phone in with the mother who's daughter had committed suicide but didn't find out until days later because of Social Distancing laws.

These people don't need to be arrested, they need fucking slapping.
Only language they understand. That's why they have private security ex-SAS/Special Branch guys from 'the circuit'. Goons who's training we paid for BTW.
I think we can all take some solace from the fact that the shit stain is very likley chewing his own arm off in rage and ranting at anyone who will listen about how hard done by he is. Meanwhile his attempt to get tory mps to vote agasint the report has fallen flat on its face. His dummy spitting outrage has only further reduced his standing.
What is bizzare is the mail colounm - why did he not use that platform to further highlight the great injustice done to him? did the mail not let him do it - so he offered up that empty drivel in a further fit of pique?
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I thought it wasn’t a given that there is a vote tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be it can be nodded through. Sparing the Tories the embarrassment. according to something I read earlier.
This 'the matter is closed' bollocks. They've done what they've done. Against the law that they've set. If we accept this we are accepting a two-tier system and society.

Personally, I think they used these rules to make a killing. There were all sorts of £billions up for grabs while the self-appointed elite took the piss out of us. And Boris lost his phone, right?

These hobnobs are entrusted with our national security too. It's a class war 'gaffe' among those who aren't even bothered if they are found out, there's no accountability for the elite.

Johnson is gone, a truth-twister. They were basically laughing at us. They want us to forgive them as they 'aren't such bad guys' and 'the matter is closed'. I would say, at best, they threw the workers into the furnace. Those working to ameliorate public harm in the pressure cooker of a developing pandemic. More likely these cunts saw it as potential and, I think, realised 'profit'.
More so. He was living next door at the time of the parties Mr Johnson told Parliament didn't happen

IIRC Sunak rarely stayed in the No. 10 flat, Johnson used the the bigger No. 11 flat, because he had a home for his family fairly near by.
The released video of a party really pissed me off like others here I missed seeing a family member for their last ever Christmas and spent it on my own apart from phoning near suicidal friends and family
I knew they did it but seeing just a few seconds of 1 leaked video shows everything
I need to remind me of why I despise these people so much :mad:

Christmas jumper twat not a care about being videoed partying or anything else he feels privileged to do looks like he was trying to get his office party challenge in a crocodile death roll rather than dancing another reason I hate Artless tories seems none of them can dance either or perhaps Im just getting old
I hope he gets memed forever at least there is that now

Fucking Miles Jupp Cunt
The Daily Mail's first return on the 'six figure salary' they are reportedly paying Boris:


Archived version

Hmmm, what could this 'wonder drug' be ?? Suggestions on a postcard....
It's ozampic (semaglutide).

And his reaction to it is typical of the person he is: it's not a "wonder drug" that just stops you eating - it works by exaggerating your feelings of fullness, but if you're not actually listening to those feelings, it's not really going to work. You have to work with it. Johnston, of course, is incapable of "working with" anything - he's used to having it all done for him. Perhaps he should switch to cocaine :hmm:

the charlotte owen peerage thing is bizzare.

Presumably johnson owes her some sort of big favour for ... reasons. but why would she want a peerage? Shes not some sort of big buisness type/party donor for whom it adds prestige and useful connections, she not some campainger who could use the postion to further their cause, shes not someone who is semi-retireed but once to be involved in some way ... all it does it make her the focus of a whole stinking heap of unpleasant speculation and probably prevents her from doing whatever it is she wants to do with her life. Surely some sort of promotion or similar career/bank balance enhancment is the usual return what what ever service she did him.
It's ozampic (semaglutide).

And his reaction to it is typical of the person he is: it's not a "wonder drug" that just stops you eating - it works by exaggerating your feelings of fullness, but if you're not actually listening to those feelings, it's not really going to work. You have to work with it. Johnston, of course, is incapable of "working with" anything - he's used to having it all done for him. Perhaps he should switch to cocaine :hmm:

I did post this upthread!
Penny Mordaunt opening the debate, was asked if she would vote in support of the report, she confirmed she would. :thumbs:

Not many Tories are on the benches so far, as expected, a lot more on the opposition benches, but far from being packed, which does surprise me somewhat.
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