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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

There'll be a "all those in favour" call at the end.

Yep, so it could be passed by that, but it seems a lot want a proper vote, so those that are against it are placed on record.

ETA - However the house is fast emptying, if members don't pile in at the end, it could just be the speaker left on her own in the house. :D
it’ll be nadine dorries and two or three other twats voting against, all the other tories abstaining then Johnson earning squillions for his doggerel & as an after dinner speaker regardless.
it’ll be nadine dorries and two or three other twats voting against, all the other tories abstaining then Johnson earning squillions for his doggerel & as an after dinner speaker regardless.

Deluded Dorries, the love sick puppy, hasn't even made an appearance yet.

Only three Tories have spoken in support of Johnson so far, a lot more have spoken in support of the report.
And the actual solid negative consequences for BJ will be (drum roll)....nothing.

He doesn't do shame, guilt or remorse remember. People with narcissistic and/or anti-social personality disorders tend not to.
I really don’t think it helps to medicalise this shit, at all. He’s fine, imo, he’s just an arsehole. ‘We’ voted him into office that’s the pathology.
Anyway, it must be getting near to the end now, before the house retires around 10.30 for the night, they still have some other business -

General debate on the UK tech industry - Rishi Sunak
Adjournment - Maintenance of Service Family Accommodation - Helen Morgan

I disagree, it further damages him amongst the general voting public, Tory voters, and even Tory members.
I really don’t think it helps to medicalise this shit, at all. He’s fine, imo, he’s just an arsehole. ‘We’ voted him into office that’s the pathology.
I think it does. I want people in positions of power screened for anti-social behavioural traits.
Also a lot of his voting block don't care about this type of behaviour. They actually find it endearing. Trump's lot are the same.
I want people in positions of power screened for anti-social behavioural traits.
Agree that it’s what some people find attractive in him & trump, the being a selfish arse and getting away with it, they admire it, and like that these men will never tell you to eat your greens.
Yep, so it could be passed by that, but it seems a lot want a proper vote, so those that are against it are placed on record.

ETA - However the house is fast emptying, if members don't pile in at the end, it could just be the speaker left on her own in the house. :D
The number of people in the chamber doesn't necessarily indicate the number of people who are going to vote.

My understanding/very vague recollection of parliamentary procedure is that there's a division bell, and then they have to go through the lobbies to show their voting preference, so the vote takes places outside the chamber. They go into the Ayes or Nays lobbies, the whips act as tellers and tally the vote, then the speaker announces the result in the chamber. And when the division bell goes, that basically tells announces to anyone on the parliamentary estate that the vote's happening. So if MPs are in offices or bars or whatever, they can go and vote. They don't need to have attended the debate in order to vote, I don't think.
The number of people in the chamber doesn't necessarily indicate the number of people who are going to vote.

My understanding/very vague recollection of parliamentary procedure is that there's a division bell, and then they have to go through the lobbies to show their voting preference, so the vote takes places outside the chamber. They go into the Ayes or Nays lobbies, the whips act as tellers and tally the vote, then the speaker announces the result in the chamber. And when the division bell goes, that basically tells announces to anyone on the parliamentary estate that the vote's happening. So if MPs are in offices or bars or whatever, they can go and vote. They don't need to have attended the debate in order to vote, I don't think.

Yes, you are correct, and I know that, but I am still surprised so few are in the house, particularly on the opposition benches.
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