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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Find this whole emailing your MP thing really weird to be honest. What's the point and what do you think it'll achieve? :confused: (And why are people surprised when they get some bollocks answer?)
Really depends on the MP. Chuka Umunna would get stuck in and go beyond the minimum standard letter response
On previous experience ...adding an MP to email recipient list causes whatever roadblock uou are dealing with change tack whilst SW1 does what SW1 does
Some MPs will just get an intern/junior to send a bland letter to whoever is being complained about and forward the non committal response with a leaflet or link to a website. Umunna followed up personally and got Lambeth Council (in my case) to listen, something I couldn't get them to do.
my local MP (i'm not sure i can face referring to him as 'my MP' is john redwood

i've never seen the point of writing to the twat - and would expect that he checks someone's rateable value before deciding whether they are worth replying to...

some MPs will take things up with government departments / councils though
you think his bad my mp is the health sec and is hated around this part by some but would probably still get in at the next election
So the uber liar is gone.

And he is now writing in the Mail which means I don't have to follow his output at all because I don't read the Mail!

Good riddance
Pretty sure Winston Churchill did some war correspondence for the Daily Mail...come on Boris there's a fox h9le in the Crimea with your name on it
However tempting the image of a mortar impaled through his crown, knowing Johnson ( well fortunately in my case knowing of Johnson) he would more than likely be ensconced in the local oligarchs villa while writing breathless boys own reports from the "front".
I suspect he was still an MP when he signed up. He might still be an MP now, at least until the by election. Even if suspended, which he might be, he is still an MP.

No, once he put in his official resignation letter he took the 'Chiltern Hundreds', which disqualifies him sitting as a MP, he's an ex-MP, and his constituency is unrepresented in the Commons until after the by-election.

As a constitutional convention, Members of Parliament (MPs) sitting in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom are not formally permitted to resign their seats.[1] To circumvent this prohibition, MPs who wish to step down are instead appointed to an "office of profit under the Crown"; by law, such an appointment disqualifies them from sitting in Parliament. For this purpose, a legal fiction has been maintained where two unpaid sinecures are considered to be offices of profit: Steward and Bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds, and Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead. Wiki

There is no real sanction for breaking the ministerial code for ex-MPs, apart from being 'told off', it's a waste of time and public money to investigate him over this, it simply doesn't matter, particularly as taking up positions with newspapers, radio & TV are always approved anyway, even for sitting MPs, but not ministers.

Hence the likes of David Lammy doing a show on LBC, Deluded Dorries' show on TalkTV, Rees-Mogg, Philip Davies and Esther Mcvey all doing shows on GB News. And, who can forget George Osborne breaking the ministerial code by becoming the editor of the Evening Standard, without seeking approval, and whilst still sitting as an MP, starting the job about a month before the GE, when he ceased to be an MP. Checking google, it doesn't appear he was even investigated for that, probably because it was pointless, as by the time it reported he would have been an ex-MP, and no sanction would be available.

He tried some diet pills but they didn't work. DM says this is "required reading around the world". :hmm: That £1 million a year is really paying off for them :D

The beauty of the archive site is that you can see what the clown is up to without even visiting the Mail's site.

BORIS JOHNSON: The wonder drug I hoped would stop my 11.30pm fridge raids for cheddar and chorizo didn’t work for me. But I still believe it could change the lives of millions

first thought that something was up when I saw that a certain member of the Cabinet had miraculously changed his appearance. He had acquired a new jawline. His neck emerged without effort from his collar. When he rose from his chair at the Cabinet table, that chair no longer tried to cling longingly about his hips.
I got it! He had lost weight, stones and stones of belly and dewlap; and I immediately thought of Julius Caesar, and his preference for well-fed colleagues.

Indeed it's "required reading around the world". :D

Find this whole emailing your MP thing really weird to be honest. What's the point and what do you think it'll achieve? :confused: (And why are people surprised when they get some bollocks answer?)
It's a bit bullocks and I would not bother at an individual level.

But have done it in my position on union committee, have managed to get MPs to sometimes as questions of bosses, and did manage to get a Labour candidate to visit our picket line. But yeah the results for the amount of effort are usual worthless.
There are a few exceptions like Corbyn, Burgeon, etc - while I don't like their politics their politics, some photos of them on the picket can gee up members a bit and does not hurt.
The reviews are in. :D

Count Binface - It’s satisfying to know that when Boris promised the Daily Mail a witty column in return for a six-figure sum, he was lying to them too.

HENRY MORRIS (retired Tory MP) - In which he admits to spending too much time in fridges.

James O'Brien (LBC) - One day after being found in contempt of Parliament, he demonstrates his contempt for his latest employer. This single slice of twaddle cost Dacre & co well in excess of twenty grand. And the Mail is on a redundancy drive.

Ben Kentish (LBC) - The emotional rollercoaster of the Daily Mail comment editor as they waited for Boris Johnson’s first column to drop into their inbox, and then got this

James Felton - Like to think if I was offered six figures as a columnist I could come up with a better pitch than “I like cheese”
Off the back of (another) seismic week in British politics, did he really think what would capture the reader's interest is his waistline :D
Well written article. I've never read anything by him before.

True, but considering all the hype about it being "required reading around the world", I doubt it's what Mail readers were expecting.

What's surprising to me, is that it doesn't seem to include a single lie, my conclusion is he probably had someone else write it for him, and the lie is he wrote it himself. :D
It's a bit bullocks and I would not bother at an individual level.

But have done it in my position on union committee, have managed to get MPs to sometimes as questions of bosses, and did manage to get a Labour candidate to visit our picket line. But yeah the results for the amount of effort are usual worthless.
There are a few exceptions like Corbyn, Burgeon, etc - while I don't like their politics their politics, some photos of them on the picket can gee up members a bit and does not hurt.
That makes a bit more sense. Writing to say you think Boris Johnson is shit or whatever though... 🤷‍♀️
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