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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Perhaps he can join Liz Truss at GB news where a lot of ex tory's seem to be heading? There goes a desperate man.
Free peerage for every reader called Nadine, inside :D
I'm confused.

So Parliament have a standards committee.
It has a conservative majority (4 conservative,2 labour, 1 SNP) it's part of Parliament.

They were asked by Parliament to investigate whether Boris lied to Parliament.

So Parliament tells parliament that yes Boris lied to Parliament and now parliament is voting to decide whether they believe parliament's report about the lies.

There a big political turmoil over whether to believe it or not because if they do they'll have to suspend from Parliament someone who has already left Parliament and so can't be suspended. Unless it carries over to the next season like red and yellow cards?

Is that about right?
I'm confused.

So Parliament have a standards committee.
It has a conservative majority (4 conservative,2 labour, 1 SNP) it's part of Parliament.

They were asked by Parliament to investigate whether Boris lied to Parliament.

So Parliament tells parliament that yes Boris lied to Parliament and now parliament is voting to decide whether they believe parliament's report about the lies.

There a big political turmoil over whether to believe it or not because if they do they'll have to suspend from Parliament someone who has already left Parliament and so can't be suspended. Unless it carries over to the next season like red and yellow cards?

Is that about right?

That's about right, but as he's resigned, the vote in support of the report will instead now stop him from being given a pass allowing him access to parliament as an ex-MP, a traditional privilege, basically banning him from the parliamentary estate.
That's about right, but as he's resigned, the vote in support of the report will instead now stop him from being given a pass allowing him access to parliament as an ex-MP, a traditional privilege, basically banning him from the parliamentary estate.
Ah that makes sense.

That bit was seemingly added out of spite.

Not because he lied to parliament.
Not because he lied to the committee about lying to parliament.
Because he called them a kangaroo court on a witch-hunt and other libelous things and they've taken it personally.

Might have made this less of an issue if they'd left that bit out.
But hope it gets through.
It might not seem much but that pass enables access to information that he can profit from.
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I see he's shat his pants again in terms of urging his supporters to oppose the report, realising it would only have been just half a dozen weirdos. Pretty much like how he led them up to the top of the hill then down again over standing again when he was ousted.
11: 47 on here:
He doesn't need to, he's an ex-MP.

The ministerial code states that once they leave office, ministers are not allowed to lobby government for two years. They must also seek advice from ACOBA about any employment they wish to take up within two years of leaving office.
He’ll be preaching to the converted at the Mail, so let him have his ego massaged there- his influence outside of the Mail’s readership will be non-existent. Just another batshit Tory yelling at clouds.

The ministerial code states that once they leave office, ministers are not allowed to lobby government for two years. They must also seek advice from ACOBA about any employment they wish to take up within two years of leaving office.

But, the punishment for breaking the ministerial code for a sitting minister is possible dismissal and return to the backbenches, for a ex-minister sitting as an MP it can result in the whip being removed.

It's toothless for an ex-MP.

Besides working for media outlets are always approved anyway.
A campaign by people with more energy than me targeting the Mail's advertisers. Worked on LBC to get rid of that ket-head racist, we won't buy your crap whilst Johnson is writing for a rag that you advertise on.
I ain't writing to funeral plan suppliers, walk in bath companies and gollywog manufacturers thank you very much.
I wonder what a Roman senator would do in a situation where he'd been found to have lied to the Senate, broken Roman law, displayed contempt for the Roman people, and brought lasting shame and dishonour upon his family name?

If only there were a modern politician with a profound knowledge of the Classics who could advise.

IIRC, Roman Senators and other distinguished types got off pretty easy compared to ordinary citizens or worst of all, non citizens/"strangers" (basically everyone else), who were liable to attract visceral/bloodthirsty punishments for the slightest thing - Rome had no concept of prison as punishment, it was merely where you were held until punishment was decided and meeted-out.

From that POV, our politicians picked a good system to model themselves-on! :(
Having read Robert Harris' series on Cicero I am now something of an expert on Rome*. He would probably have been exiled which meant, IIRC, losing all your assets and houses, slaves etc. and sent off somewhere outside the empire with whatever you could salvage in the hours that you had to escape. I imagine the exact details varied depending on which era of the empire/repubilc you were in.

*I am not in anyway an expert but petee is.
Having read Robert Harris' series on Cicero I am now something of an expert on Rome*. He would probably have been exiled which meant, IIRC, losing all your assets and houses, slaves etc. and sent off somewhere outside the empire with whatever you could salvage in the hours that you had to escape. I imagine the exact details varied depending on which era of the empire/repubilc you were in.

*I am not in anyway an expert but petee is.

quite right (about cicero anyway :D). in the early days when rome was a city-state exile meant 100 miles (or whatever) away, up to etruria or over to the other side of the alban mountains. by year zero you're talking about going to distant lands where the people don't speak your language and live in wattle and daub. this is part of a lager topic, that the forms of government designed for a city state were tweaked as time passed, not overhauled to meet new realities.
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I'm confused.

So Parliament have a standards committee.
It has a conservative majority (4 conservative,2 labour, 1 SNP) it's part of Parliament.

They were asked by Parliament to investigate whether Boris lied to Parliament.

So Parliament tells parliament that yes Boris lied to Parliament and now parliament is voting to decide whether they believe parliament's report about the lies.

There a big political turmoil over whether to believe it or not because if they do they'll have to suspend from Parliament someone who has already left Parliament and so can't be suspended. Unless it carries over to the next season like red and yellow cards?

Is that about right?
Not confusing to anyone who watched TV back in the 1980s

He’s a Bullingdon cock who was raised thinking the rules don’t apply to him. And he hasn’t ever really fallen on his arse, has he?
But it’s pointless engaging in glee about fallen Tories as there’s always another Cunt in the waiting. But perhaps not with the majority he got that Sunak inherited after torpedoing him.
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